
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Code Inc.'s command line interface library

1.2.0 2018-03-15 08:56 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-01-24 20:42:33 UTC


This PHP 7 library is providing various tools to interract with the user through a console.


Console class

The Console class allows you to interact with the user through the console.

use CodeInc\Console\Console;

// the parameter specifies if the class should throw exceptions
$console = new Console(true);

 * Asks a Yes / No question and returns a boolean
// returns true or false
$console->askBool("Do you like chocolate?"); 

 * Asks a questions expecting a string as an answer
// returns the response or null if no response is provided
echo $console->askString("What is your city?"); 

// returns the response or throws an exception if no response is provided
echo $console->askString("What is your city?", false); 

 * Asks a questions with a closed list of anwsers
$colors = ["green", "red", "blue", "purple", "orange", "yellow"];

// returns chosen color or throws an exception if no response is provided
echo $console->askOptions("What is your favorite color?", $colors); 

// returns chosen color or null if no response is provided
echo $console->askOptions("What is your favorite color?", $colors, true); 

CommandLine class

The CommandLine class provides simple utility static methods

use CodeInc\Console\CommandLine;

// returns true if the script is running in CLI mode

// returns true if the current user is 'root'

// returns true if the current user is 'username'

// returns the current user name or null is the user is unknow.

// thow an exception if not in CLI mode

// thow an exception if the current user is not 'root'

// thow an exception if the current user is not 'username'

Arguments class

The Arguments class is intended to help accessing the script arguments and parameters.

use CodeInc\Console\Arguments;

// for the request 'myScript.php --param1=val1 --param2 -aDG'
$arguments = new Arguments();
$arguments->hasParameter("a"); // returns true
$arguments->hasParameter("D"); // returns true
$arguments->hasParameter("G"); // returns true
$arguments->hasParameter("z"); // returns false
$arguments->getArgumentValue("param1"); // returns 'val1'
$arguments->getArgumentValue("param2"); // returns null
$arguments->getArgumentValue("param3"); // returns false
$arguments->hasArgument("param2"); // returns true


This library is available through Packagist and can be installed using Composer:

composer require codeinc/console


The library is published under the MIT license (see LICENSE file).