
CSRF token package of the CodeCollab project

2.0.0 2016-07-16 13:20 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-06 10:22:39 UTC


CSRF token package of the CodeCollab project

Build Status MIT License Latest Stable Version Total Downloads Latest Unstable Version




Include the library in your project using composer:

    "require-dev": {
        "codecollab/csrf-token": "^2"


This library securely generates and validates CSRF tokens. To use this libray simply create a new \CodeCollab\CsrfToken\Token instance. A functioning concrete implementation is added as \CodeCollab\CsrfToken\Token\Handler:


$csrfToken = new \CodeCollab\CsrfToken\Token\Handler($storage, $generator);

$theToken  = $csrfToken->get(); // this will generate a new token if it doesn't exist yet

var_dump($csrfToken->isValid($theToken)); // true
var_dump($csrfToken->isValid('invalid token')); // false

To generate a new token (and invalidate the old token) simply call $csrfToken->generate().


$csrfToken = new \CodeCollab\CsrfToken\Token\Handler($storage, $generator);

$theToken  = $csrfToken->get(); // this will generate a new token if it doesn't exist yet

var_dump($csrfToken->isValid($theToken)); // true
var_dump($csrfToken->isValid('invalid token')); // false


var_dump($csrfToken->isValid($theToken)); // false


This library only provides an interface for storage objects so you can use any storage you prefer. The storage must have a way to persist the token between requests (i.e. session). An example native session storage implementation may look like:

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

use CodeCollab\CsrfToken\Storage\Storage;

class Session implements Storage
    public function exists(string $key): bool
        return array_key_exists($key, $_SESSION);

    public function get(string $key): string
        return $_SESSION[$key];

    public function set(string $key, string $token)
        $_SESSION[$key] = $token;

All storage implementations must implement CodeCollab\CsrfToken\Storage\Storage.


Generators are repsonsible for generating secure tokens. By default the CodeCollab\CsrfToken\Generator\RandomBytes32 generator is included which as the name suggest generates a 32 bytes long random token.

This generator uses PHP's native random_bytes() function to generate the tokens. When a token could not be generated a CodeCollab\CsrfToken\Generator\InsufficientStrengthException will be thrown. The generator interface only has a single method generate() will generates the tokens.

The supplied generator will be fine for most cases, but if you need additional security you can implement your own generator based on the CodeCollab\CsrfToken\Storage\Storage interface.


How to contribute



Security issues

If you found a security issue please contact directly by mail instead of using the issue tracker at