
Playwright module for Codeception

0.1.1 2024-09-18 19:54 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-19 23:10:53 UTC


🚀 This is the first and the only module that allows Playwright testing in PHP. Playwright allows testing in Chrome, Firefox, Webkit (safari). It is faster and more reliable alternative to Selenium WebDriver. Finally it is available in PHP!

This module does not implement Playwright API in PHP, rather proxies requests to Playwright helper of CodeceptJS. This is possible because Codeception and CodeceptJS share the same architecture principles, and the interface for web testing is quite the same.


This module can be used as a replacement for WebDriver module. Comparing to WebDriver module, Playwright module can speed up your tests x3 times, run in headless mode, record videos, and stack traces out of the box


  • PHP 8.1+
  • NodeJS 20+



This module is experimental. It is in early development stage. Please report any issues you find.

Install NodeJS part of this module, it will install Playwright and CodeceptJS

npm install codeception-module-playwright

Install Playwright browsers

npx playwright install --with-deps

Install PHP part of this module

composer require codeception/module-playwright --dev


Enable module in codeception.yml:

        - Playwright:
            url: 'http://localhost'
            browser: 'chromium'
            show: true

Most common config values are:

  • url - base url to open pages from
  • browser - either chromium, firefox, webkit
  • show - (default: true) to show browser or set to false to run tests in headless mode
  • timeout - (default: 5000) timeout (in ms) for all Playwright operations
  • pw_start - (default: true) start Playwright Server (Proxy to CodeceptJS) automatically. Set to false and run server manually in case server doesn't start.
  • pw_server - (default: 'http://localhost:8191') url of Playwright Server
  • pw_debug - (default: false) print Playwright Server debug information
  • video - save video on fail
  • trace - save traces on fail

More configuration options are is listed on CodeceptJS Playwright page


This module is designed as drop-in WebDriver module replacement, you can change WebDriver to Playwright in your tests and try how it works!


Playwright module requires NodeJS server to be running. Playwright module will start it and stop automatically. Default port is 8191.

If you want to disable automatic server start, set start option to false:

        - Playwright:
            url: 'http://localhost'
            browser: 'chromium'
            show: true
            pw_start: false

In this case you can start the server manually:

npx codeception-playwright-module

Please check that server can be started with no issues.

If you start server on different host or port, you can configure it:

        - Playwright:
            url: 'http://localhost'
            browser: 'chromium'
            show: true
            pw_start: false
            pw_server: http://otherhost:8191


This module provides the same API as WebDriver module. You can try to use it in your tests without any changes.

For the full command list see WebDriver module reference.

Playwright-specific commands are also available in CodeceptJS Playwright Helper


$I->click('#first .clickable');
$I->see('Hello, world!');

License MIT