
The faster IoC Container ever seen.

v2.0.0 2016-12-11 03:57 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-04 18:28:51 UTC


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The faster IoC container package for you build blazing fast applications for the web.

Thanks to Tom Butler for motivate me with this announce of dice, a fast dependency injection container.


Add codeburner/container to your composer.json file, and update or install composer dependencies.

    "require": {
        "codeburner/container": "^2.0"

or via CLI:

$ composer require codeburner/container --save



Welcome to the Codeburner blazing fast container docs! Before starting the usage is recommended understand the main goal and mission of all parts of this package.


Codeburner project create packages with performance in focus, and the benchmarks are comming!


The container is responsable to automatilly instantiate new objects, resolving all class dependencies and storing these objects over aliases. This enable a greater flexibility removing hard-coded class dependencies, and instead, making the dependencies be dinacally injected at run-time.


After you have the classes ready to be instantiate, you only need to register the bindings and call then.

use Codeburner\Container\Container;

$container = new Container;

// Regiser a "stdClass" class to a "std" key.
$container->set('std', 'stdClass');

// Accessing new "stdClass" objects.


Usage examples are comming soon.


Bindings are the objects stored in the container. The container implements the PSR-11 providing the get($id) and has($id) methods to access the bindings, and define the set($id, $concrete) to store objects.

class ClassA {
	public function __construct(stdClass $dependency) {


$container->set('my-a', 'ClassA');

if ($container->has('my-a')) {

Binding Types

Resolvable Bindings

Resolvable bindings will return a new instance in every access.

$container->set('app.model.posts', App\Model\Post::class);

$obj1 = $container->get('app.model.posts'); // App\Model\Post#1
$obj2 = $container->get('app.model.posts'); // App\Model\Post#2

Resolved Bindings

Resolved bindings are no more than singletons, every access will return the same instance.

// you can define by passing a third parameter to set
$container->set('database', App\Database::class, true);
// or using the `singleton` method
$container->singleton('database', App\Database::class);

$obj1 = $container->get('database'); // App\Database#1
$obj2 = $container->get('database'); // App\Database#1

Binding Ways


The simplest way to define a binding, you only need to give a class name as string.

class ClassNameTest {


$container->set('someobj', ClassNameTest::class);


Some times you need to set some attributes or make some initial logic on objects, you can do it with a closure binding.

$container->set('someobj', function ($container) {
	$obj = new stdClass;
	$obj->attribute = 1;

	return $obj;


If you need to attach an existent instance, you should use the set or instance method.

$obj = new stdClass;

// you can set instances directly by the set method
$container->set('std', $obj);
// or use the `instance` method
$container->instance('std', $obj);

Resolving Bindings

The great goal of the container is to automatically inject all class dependencies, if you only need to create an instance of a class without binding then into container use the make method.

class Post {
	public function __construct(Category $category) {
		$this->category = $category;

class Category {
	public function __construct() {
		$this->id = rand();

$post = $container->make(Post::class);

echo $post->category->id;

Setting Dependencies Manually

Sometimes you want to define that some class will receive a specific object of another class on instantiation.

class Post {
	public function __construct(Category $category) {
		$this->category = $category;

class Category {
	public function __construct() {
		$this->id = rand();

$category = new Category;
$category->id = 1;

$container->setTo(Post::class, Category::class, $category);
$post = $container->make(Post::class);

echo $post->category->id; // 1

make($abstract, $parameters = [], $force = false) accepts a second parameter to defined resolved dependencies, and a third to ensure that a new object will be created.

$post = $container->make(Post::class, [Category::class => new Category], true);

Executing Closures

If you have a closure with dependencies you can use the call($closure, $parameters = []) method to resolve then.

$container->call(function (User $user, Posts $posts) {
    // ...

And as well as make, you can pass an array of resolved dependencies.

$container->call(function (User $user, Posts $posts) {}, [User::class => new User]);

Extending Bindings

Some times you need to modify a binding, to do that use the extend method. They receive the old binding object and a container reference.

$container->set('', App\Services\MailService::class);

$container->extend('', function ($instance, $container) {


	return $instance;


The Codeburner Container implements PSR-11 providing two types of exceptions, the Psr\Container\Exception\NotFoundException and Psr\Container\Exception\ContainerException.


  • Container
    • call(closure $closure, array $parameters = []) : mixed Execute a closure resolving its dependencies
    • make(string $abstract, array $parameters = [], bool $force = false) : mixed Resolve something in the container
    • flush() : Container Renew the container
    • get(string $abstract) : mixed Get something stored in the container
    • has(string $abstract) : bool Verify if something is stored in the container
    • set(string $abstract, $concrete, bool $shared = false) : Container Store something in the container
    • setIf(string $abstract, $concrete, bool $shared = false) : Container Store something in the container if it does not already exists
    • setTo(string $abstract, string $dependencyName, $dependency) : Container Define a resolved dependency to something in the container
    • singleton(string $abstract, $concrete) : Container Store a new singleton object
    • instance(string $abstract, $concrete) : Container Store a new instantiated class
    • isSingleton(string $abstract) : bool Verify if something in the container is a singleton
    • isInstance(string $abstract) : bool Verify if something in the container is a instance
    • extend(string $abstract, closure $extender) : Container Wrap something instantiation
    • share(string $abstract) : Container Convert something to a singleton