codeboxr / coupondiscount
Coupon Discount
- php: ^7.4|^8.0|^8.1
- illuminate/database: ^6.0|^7.0|^8.0|^9.0|^10.0
- illuminate/pagination: ^6.0|^7.0|^8.0|^9.0|^10.0
This is a PHP/Laravel package for Coupon Discount. This package can be used in laravel or without laravel/php projects. You can use this package for headless/rest implementation as well as blade or regular mode development. We created this package while working for a project and thought to made it release for all so that it helps. This package is available as regular php composer package.
- PHP >=7.4
composer require codeboxr/coupondiscount
If you are using laravel this package in laravel you have to publish migration first and migrate by the following command.
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Codeboxr\CouponDiscount\CouponDiscountServiceProvider"
php artisan migrate
coupons and coupon_histories two db table are created.
If you are using raw PHP or other PHP framework you can have to import copuondiscount/database/sql
SQL file manually in your database.
1. Create new coupon
*** For Using Laravel Application
use Codeboxr\CouponDiscount\Facades\Coupon;
'coupon_code' => "", // (required) Coupon code
'discount_type' => "", // (required) coupon discount type. two type are accepted (1. percentage and 2. fixed)
'discount_amount' => "", // (required) discount amount or percentage value
'start_date' => "", // (required) coupon start date
'end_date' => "", // (required) coupon end date
'status' => "", // (required) two status are accepted. (for active 1 and for inactive 0)
'minimum_spend' => "", // (optional) for apply this coupon minimum spend amount. if set empty then it's take unlimited
'maximum_spend' => "", // (optional) for apply this coupon maximum spend amount. if set empty then it's take unlimited
'use_limit' => "", // (optional) how many times are use this coupon. if set empty then it's take unlimited
'use_same_ip_limit' => "", // (optional) how many times are use this coupon in same ip address. if set empty then it's take unlimited
'user_limit' => "", // (optional) how many times are use this coupon a user. if set empty then it's take unlimited
'use_device' => "", // (optional) This coupon can be used on any device
'multiple_use' => "", // (optional) you can check manually by this multiple coupon code use or not
'vendor_id' => "" // (optional) if coupon code use specific shop or vendor
*** For Using Raw php or other php framwork
use Codeboxr\CouponDiscount\Services\CouponService;
$copuon = new CouponService([
"driver" => "", // (optional) database driver. By default it takes `mysql`
"host" => "", // (optional) database host. By default it takes `localhost`
"username => "", // (required) database user name.
"password" => "" // (required) database password,
'coupon_code' => "", // (required) Coupon code
'discount_type' => "", // (required) coupon discount type. two type are accepted (1. percentage and 2. fixed)
'discount_amount' => "", // (required) discount amount or percentage value
'start_date' => "", // (required) coupon start date
'end_date' => "", // (required) coupon end date
'status' => "", // (required) two status are accepted. (for active 1 and for inactive 0)
'minimum_spend' => "", // (optional) for apply this coupon minimum spend amount. if set empty then it's take unlimited
'maximum_spend' => "", // (optional) for apply this coupon maximum spend amount. if set empty then it's take unlimited
'use_limit' => "", // (optional) how many times are use this coupon. if set empty then it's take unlimited
'use_same_ip_limit' => "", // (optional) how many times are use this coupon in same ip address. if set empty then it's take unlimited
'user_limit' => "", // (optional) how many times are use this coupon a user. if set empty then it's take unlimited
'use_device' => "", // (optional) This coupon can be used on any device
'multiple_use' => "", // (optional) you can check manually by this multiple coupon code use or not
'vendor_id' => "" // (optional) if coupon code use specific shop or vendor
2. Update coupon
*** For Using Laravel Application
use Codeboxr\CouponDiscount\Facades\Coupon;
'coupon_code' => "", // (required) Coupon code
'discount_type' => "", // (required) coupon discount type. two type are accepted (1. percentage and 2. fixed)
'discount_amount' => "", // (required) discount amount or percentage value
'start_date' => "", // (required) coupon start date
'end_date' => "", // (required) coupon end date
'status' => "", // (required) two status are accepted. (for active 1 and for inactive 0)
'minimum_spend' => "", // (optional) for apply this coupon minimum spend amount. if set empty then it's take unlimited
'maximum_spend' => "", // (optional) for apply this coupon maximum spend amount. if set empty then it's take unlimited
'use_limit' => "", // (optional) how many times are use this coupon. if set empty then it's take unlimited
'use_same_ip_limit' => "", // (optional) how many times are use this coupon in same ip address. if set empty then it's take unlimited
'user_limit' => "", // (optional) how many times are use this coupon a user. if set empty then it's take unlimited
'use_device' => "", // (optional) This coupon can be used on any device
'multiple_use' => "", // (optional) you can check manually by this multiple coupon code use or not
'vendor_id' => "" // (optional) if coupon code use specific shop or vendor
], $couponId);
*** For Using Raw php or other php framwork
'coupon_code' => "", // (required) Coupon code
'discount_type' => "", // (required) coupon discount type. two type are accepted (1. percentage and 2. fixed)
'discount_amount' => "", // (required) discount amount or percentage value
'start_date' => "", // (required) coupon start date
'end_date' => "", // (required) coupon end date
'status' => "", // (required) two status are accepted. (for active 1 and for inactive 0)
'minimum_spend' => "", // (optional) for apply this coupon minimum spend amount. if set empty then it's take unlimited
'maximum_spend' => "", // (optional) for apply this coupon maximum spend amount. if set empty then it's take unlimited
'use_limit' => "", // (optional) how many times are use this coupon. if set empty then it's take unlimited
'use_same_ip_limit' => "", // (optional) how many times are use this coupon in same ip address. if set empty then it's take unlimited
'user_limit' => "", // (optional) how many times are use this coupon a user. if set empty then it's take unlimited
'use_device' => "", // (optional) This coupon can be used on any device
'multiple_use' => "", // (optional) you can check manually by this multiple coupon code use or not
'vendor_id' => "" // (optional) if coupon code use specific shop or vendor
], $couponId);
3. Remove coupon
*** For Using Laravel Application
use Codeboxr\CouponDiscount\Facades\Coupon;
*** For Using Raw php or other php framwork
4. Coupon List
*** For Using Laravel Application
use Codeboxr\CouponDiscount\Facades\Coupon;
*** For Using Raw php or other php framwork
5. Coupon validity check
use Codeboxr\CouponDiscount\Facades\Coupon;
*** For Using Raw php or other php framwork
note: validity() method first 3 method parameter are required others optional
6. Coupon apply
use Codeboxr\CouponDiscount\Facades\Coupon;
"code" => "", // coupon code. (required)
"amount" => "", // total amount to apply coupon. must be a numberic number (required)
"user_id" => "", // user id (required)
"order_id" => "", // order id (required)
"device_name" => "", // device name (optional)
"ip_address" => "", // ip address (optional)
"vendor_id" => "", // vendor id (optional)
*** For Using Raw php or other php framwork
"code" => "", // coupon code. (required)
"amount" => "", // total amount to apply coupon. must be a numberic number (required)
"user_id" => "", // user id (required)
"order_id" => "", // order id (required)
"device_name" => "", // device name (optional)
"ip_address" => "", // ip address (optional)
"vendor_id" => "", // vendor id (optional)
7. Coupon history list
*** For Using Laravel Application
use Codeboxr\CouponDiscount\Facades\Coupon;
*** For Using Raw php or other php framwork
8. Delete coupon history
*** For Using Laravel Application
use Codeboxr\CouponDiscount\Facades\Coupon;
*** For Using Raw php or other php framwork
Contributions to the Coupon Discount package are welcome. Please note the following guidelines before submitting your pull request.
- Follow PSR-4 coding standards.
Coupon Discount package is licensed under the MIT License.
Copyright 2023 Codeboxr