
Read barcode with ZXing Decoder Online

This package's canonical repository appears to be gone and the package has been frozen as a result.

1.0.0 2017-08-26 22:59 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2021-01-27 12:29:50 UTC


Read Barcode with ZXing Decoder Online.

Installation & Usage

install with composer : composer require codeawn/zxingdecoder

$decoder = new Codeawn\ZxingDecoder;
$result = $decoder->fromFile("barcoder-example.png"); // decode from file
$result = $decoder->fromUrl(""); // decode from url

example result :

    [status] => Decode Succeeded
    [Rawtext] => 123ABC
    [Rawbytes] => (Not applicable)
    [Barcodeformat] => CODE_39
    [ParsedResultType] => TEXT
    [ParsedResult] => 123ABC