
There is no license information available for the latest version (v7.0.2) of this package.

Customizable form renderer


Formoj for Laravel

Formoj for Laravel is a form generator package.

Example of a Formoj form (with de default style).

You can picture it like a small Google Form but with full control on it. Formoj takes care of the form storage and display, allows an administrator to manage forms (notifications, export answers in XLS format) and, of course, stores answers.

The project is separated in 3 modules:

  • the Vue-based front package, which is a distinct NPM package (see installation instructions below)
  • the backend code: models and migrations, controllers, jobs, notifications, ...
  • and finally an optional Sharp-based administration tool, to manage forms, sections, fields and export answers.


Vue plugin

npm install formoj


import Vue from 'vue';
import Formoj from 'formoj';


Advanced Configuration

Vue.use(Formoj, {
    apiBaseUrl: '/custom/api',
    scrollOffset: 160,
    locale: 'en',
    i18n: {
      en: {
        '': 'Next section',
config description
apiBaseUrl Base URL of the formoj API (define it as base_url in laravel in config/formoj.php)
scrollOffset Add offset to the automatic scroll top behavior, useful when there is a fixed header in the site.
locale Locale used in all forms messages, buttons, etc... If not set, the <html lang="en"> attribute is used.
i18n Localized messages to customize default formoj i18n messages, see lang files

Laravel module

Formoj requires Laravel 7+, Carbon 2.0+, and maatwebsite/excel 3.1+.

Install the package via composer:

composer require code16/formoj

Then run this to create the needed tables in the database:

php artisan migrate

You may publish the config file:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Code16\Formoj\FormojServiceProvider" --tag="config"

And the lang file, if you need to update or add a translation (consider a PR in this case):

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Code16\Formoj\FormojServiceProvider" --tag="lang"

Update Formoj

Warning: when updating Formoj with composer update code16/formoj, be sure to also execute npm install formoj to keep back and front code in line.

Create a form

With Sharp

If your project is already using Sharp 6 for Laravel, great. If not, and if you want to use it with Formoj, first install the package.

Then we need to configure Formoj in config/sharp.php:

return [
    // config/sharp.php


    "entities" => [
        "formoj_form" => [
            "label" => "Form",
            "list" => \Code16\Formoj\Sharp\FormojFormSharpEntityList::class,
            "show" => \Code16\Formoj\Sharp\FormojFormSharpShow::class,
            "form" => \Code16\Formoj\Sharp\FormojFormSharpForm::class,
            "validator" => \Code16\Formoj\Sharp\FormojFormSharpValidator::class,
        "formoj_section" => [
            "label" => "Section",
            "list" => \Code16\Formoj\Sharp\FormojSectionSharpEntityList::class,
            "form" => \Code16\Formoj\Sharp\FormojSectionSharpForm::class,
            "show" => \Code16\Formoj\Sharp\FormojSectionSharpShow::class,
            "validator" => \Code16\Formoj\Sharp\FormojSectionSharpValidator::class,
        "formoj_field" => [
            "label" => "Field",
            "list" => \Code16\Formoj\Sharp\FormojFieldSharpEntityList::class,
            "form" => \Code16\Formoj\Sharp\FormojFieldSharpForm::class,
            "validator" => \Code16\Formoj\Sharp\FormojFieldSharpValidator::class,
        "formoj_answer" => [
            "label" => "Answer",
            "list" => \Code16\Formoj\Sharp\FormojAnswerSharpEntityList::class,
            "show" => \Code16\Formoj\Sharp\FormojAnswerSharpShow::class,
            "policy" => \Code16\Formoj\Sharp\Policies\FormojAnswerSharpPolicy::class,
        "formoj_reply" => [
            "list" => \Code16\Formoj\Sharp\FormojReplySharpEntityList::class,
            "policy" => \Code16\Formoj\Sharp\Policies\FormojReplySharpPolicy::class,

    "menu" => [
            "label" => "Formoj",
            "entities" => [
                    "entity" => "formoj_form",
                    "label" => "Forms",
                    "icon" => "fa-list-alt"


You can of course adapt this, depending on your needs: use our own subclasses, tweak the menu...

This will add a full Formoj administration in Sharp:

Without Sharp

Formoj does not provide any other admin tool for now, so in this case, well, you're free to do as you want.

There are a couple methods to help you handle section and field creation, for instance:

$section = $form->createSection("My section");

$text = $section->newTextField("text")
$select = $section->newSelectField("select", ["option A", "option B"])

Manage a form

Once again, with Sharp you'll find all the appropriate tooling. This section describes

Form availability

A form can optionally defined a published_at and/or a unpublished_at dates: outside this period, the form is displayed with an adapted message.

Form notifications

The form administrator can choose (for each form) to be notified by mail at formoj_form.administrator_email in two ways:

  • formoj_form.notifications_strategy = "every": after every answer
  • formoj_form.notifications_strategy = "grouped": a summary of answers of one given day is sent daily.

To configure the "grouped" strategy, you'll have to schedule the Code16\Formoj\Console\SendFormojNotificationsForYesterday Command, which will send all answers of yesterday.

Form sections

A Form is made of sections, which contains fields. If the form contains more than one section, it will be displayed one section at a time, with "Next" button.

Field types

Formoj can display these types of fields:

  • text, which is a single line text, with an optional max_length constraint
  • textarea, with a and rows_count and an optional max_length
  • select, which can either be multiple (checklist, with an optional max_options attribute) or not (single select).
  • upload, with a max_size expressed in MB and an optional allowed extension list named accept (upload and storage directory and disk are configurable in config/formoj.php)
  • and finally heading, which is not a field, but a text separator.

Embed a form

A given form can then be embedded anywhere with this DOM:

<formoj form-id="1"></formoj>

Work with answers

In addition to the notification system, the form administrator can export answers at any time on a xlsx format, via the Code16\Formoj\Job\ExportAnswersToXls job, which can be called this way:

ExportAnswersToXls::dispatch($form, $fileName, $answers);


  • $form is a Code16\Formoj\Models\Form instance
  • $fileName is the export file name (export directory and disk are configurable in config/formoj.php)
  • and $answers is a Collection of Code16\Formoj\Models\Answers; this argument is nullable, all answers of $form are exported by default.

Is Sharp is configured, it will provide a dedicated Command to handle this export (as well as one to display an answer).

Styling the form

Formoj uses SASS/SCSS language for styles. You can import the style with sass import:

@import 'formoj/scss/themes/default';

The default theme is very basic and is meant to be customized by your own code. Some variable are available and can be overridden, see formoj/scss/_variables.scss

Bootstrap integration

@import 'formoj/scss/themes/bootstrap';

$formoj-form-appearance: 'card';
$formoj-loading-appearance: 'spinner';

The bootstrap theme bind all bootstrap's form classes to formoj elements. By default the form has a card appearance, you may want to reset that behavior.

$formoj-form-appearance: 'none';

In addition, the select and checkboxes can have the bootstrap's custom-control style

$formoj-select-appearance: 'custom';


Setup prototipoj

    cd ./prototipoj
    composer install

Build front-end

    cd ./prototipoj
    npm install

    # Watch and auto re-build formoj package files
    npm run watch

    # Build all dist files
    npm run prod