
A small easy-to-use php component for working with a database by PDO. It provides some public methods to manipulate data. Each SQL query is prepared and safe.

v0.3.6 2023-03-21 12:02 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-22 11:36:02 UTC


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This is a small easy-to-use PHP component for working with a database by PDO. It provides some public methods to compose SQL queries and manipulate data. Each SQL query is prepared and safe. PDO (see Connection class) fetches data to arrays by default. At present time the component supports MySQL and SQLite (file or memory).

PAY ATTENTION! v0.2 and v0.3+ are incompatible.


Bug reports and/or pull requests are welcome


The package is available as open source under the terms of the MIT license


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

composer require co0lc0der/simple-query-builder

or add

"co0lc0der/simple-query-builder": "*"

to the require section of your composer.json file.

How to use

Main public methods

  • getSql() returns SQL query string which will be executed
  • getParams() returns an array of parameters for a query
  • getResult() returns query's results
  • getCount() returns results' rows count
  • hasError() returns true if an error is had
  • getErrorMessage() returns an error message if an error is had
  • setError($message) sets $error to true and $errorMessage
  • getFirst() returns the first item of results
  • getLast() returns the last item of results
  • reset() resets state to default values (except PDO property)
  • all() executes SQL query and return all rows of result (fetchAll())
  • one() executes SQL query and return the first row of result (fetch())
  • column($col) executes SQL query and returns the needed column of result by its name, col is 'id' by default
  • pluck($key, $col) executes SQL query and returns an array (the key (usually ID) and the needed column of result) by their names, key is id and col is '' by default
  • go() this method is for non SELECT queries. it executes SQL query and return nothing (but returns the last inserted row ID for INSERT method)
  • count() prepares a query with SQL COUNT(*) function and executes it
  • exists() returns true if SQL query result has a row and false if it hasn't
  • query($sql, $params[], $fetch_type) executes prepared $sql with $params. it can be used for custom queries
  • 'SQL' methods are presented in Usage section

Edit config.php and set the parameters up. Choose DB driver, DB name etc

$config = require_once __DIR__ . '/config.php';

Use composer autoloader

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use co0lc0der\QueryBuilder\Connection;
use co0lc0der\QueryBuilder\QueryBuilder;

Init QueryBuilder with Connection::make()

$query = new QueryBuilder(Connection::make($config['database'])); // $printErrors = false

// for printing errors (since 0.3.6)
$query = new QueryBuilder(Connection::make($config['database']), true)

Usage examples

  • Select all rows from a table
$results = $query->select('users')->all();
SELECT * FROM `users`;
  • Select a row with a condition
$results = $query->select('users')->where([['id', '=', 10]])->one();
// or since 0.3.4
$results = $query->select('users')->where([['id', 10]])->one();
SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = 10;
  • Select rows with two conditions
$results = $query->select('users')->where([
  ['id', '>', 1],
  ['group_id', '=', 2],
// or since 0.3.4
$results = $query->select('users')->where([
  ['id', '>', 1],
  ['group_id', 2],
SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE (`id` > 1) AND (`group_id` = 2);
  • Select a row with a LIKE and NOT LIKE condition
$results = $query->select('users')->like(['name', '%John%'])->all();
// or
$results = $query->select('users')->where([['name', 'LIKE', '%John%']])->all();
// or since 0.3.6
$results = $query->select('users')->like('name', '%John%')->all();
SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE (`name` LIKE '%John%');
$results = $query->select('users')->notLike(['name', '%John%'])->all();
// or
$results = $query->select('users')->where([['name', 'NOT LIKE', '%John%']])->all();
// or since 0.3.6
$results = $query->select('users')->notLike('name', '%John%')->all();
SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE (`name` NOT LIKE '%John%');
  • Select a row with a IS NULL and IS NOT NULL condition (since 0.3.5)
$results = $query->select('users')->isNull('phone')->all();
# or
$results = $query->select('users')->where([['phone', 'is null']])->all();
SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE (`phone` IS NULL);
$results = $query->select('customers')->isNotNull('address')->all();
# or
$results = $query->select('customers')->notNull('address')->all();
# or
$results = $query->select('customers')->where([['address', 'is not null']])->all();
SELECT * FROM `customers` WHERE (`address` IS NOT NULL);
  • Select rows with OFFSET and LIMIT
$results = $query->select('posts')
      ->where([['user_id', '=', 3]])
// or since 0.3.4
$results = $query->select('posts')
      ->where([['user_id', 3]])
SELECT * FROM `posts` WHERE (`user_id` = 3) OFFSET 14 LIMIT 7;
  • Select custom fields with additional SQL
  1. COUNT()
$results = $query->select('users', ['counter' => 'COUNT(*)'])->one();
// or
$results = $query->count('users')->one();
SELECT COUNT(*) AS `counter` FROM `users`;
$results = $query->select(['b' => 'branches'], ['', ''])
        ->where([['', '>', 1], 'and', ['b.parent_id', '=', 1]])
        ->orderBy('', 'desc')
// or since 0.3.4
$results = $query->select(['b' => 'branches'], ['', ''])
        ->where([['', '>', 1], 'and', ['b.parent_id', 1]])
        ->orderBy(' desc')
SELECT `b`.`id`, `b`.`name` FROM `branches` AS `b`
WHERE (`b`.`id` > 1) AND (`b`.`parent_id` = 1)
ORDER BY `b`.`id` DESC;
$results = $query->select('posts', ['id', 'category', 'title'])
        ->where([['views', '>=', 1000]])
SELECT `id`, `category`, `title` FROM `posts`
WHERE (`views` >= 1000) GROUP BY `category`;
$groups = $query->select('orders', ['month_num' => 'MONTH(`created_at`)', 'total' => 'SUM(`total`)'])
        ->where([['YEAR(`created_at`)', '=', 2020]])
        ->having([['total', '=', 20000]])
// or since 0.3.4
$groups = $query->select('orders', ['month_num' => 'MONTH(`created_at`)', 'total' => 'SUM(`total`)'])
        ->where([['YEAR(`created_at`)', 2020]])
        ->having([['total', 20000]])
SELECT MONTH(`created_at`) AS `month_num`, SUM(`total`) AS `total`
FROM `orders` WHERE (YEAR(`created_at`) = 2020)
GROUP BY `month_num` HAVING (`total` = 20000);
  1. JOIN. Supports INNER, LEFT OUTER, RIGHT OUTER, FULL OUTER and CROSS joins (INNER is by default)
$results = $query->select(['u' => 'users'], [
        'perms' => 'groups.permissions'
    ->join('groups', ['u.group_id', ''])
SELECT `u`.`id`, `u`.`email`, `u`.`username`, `groups`.`permissions` AS `perms`
FROM `users` AS `u`
INNER JOIN `groups` ON `u`.`group_id` = `groups`.`id`
$results = $query->select(['cp' => 'cabs_printers'], [
      'cab_name' => '',
      'printer_name' => '',
      'cartridge_type' => '',
    ->join(['cb' => 'cabs'], ['cp.cab_id', ''])
    ->join(['p' => 'printer_models'], ['cp.printer_id', ''])
    ->join(['c' => 'cartridge_types'], '')
    ->where([['cp.cab_id', 'in', [11, 12, 13]], 'or', ['cp.cab_id', '=', 5], 'and', ['', '>', '']])
SELECT `cp`.`id`, `cp`.`cab_id`, `cb`.`name` AS `cab_name`, `cp`.`printer_id`,
       `p`.`name` AS `printer_name`, `c`.`name` AS `cartridge_type`, `cp`.`comment`
FROM `cabs_printers` AS `cp`
INNER JOIN `cabs` AS `cb` ON `cp`.`cab_id` = `cb`.`id`
INNER JOIN `printer_models` AS `p` ON `cp`.`printer_id` = `p`.`id`
INNER JOIN `cartridge_types` AS `c` ON
WHERE (`cp`.`cab_id` IN (11,12,13)) OR (`cp`.`cab_id` = 5) AND (`p`.`id` > `c`.`id`)
// or since 0.3.4
$results = $query->select(['cp' => 'cabs_printers'], [
        'cab_name' => '',
        'cartridge_id' => '',
        'printer_name' => '',
        'cartridge_type' => '',
    ->join(['cb' => 'cabs'], ['cp.cab_id', ''])
    ->join(['p' => 'printer_models'], ['cp.printer_id', ''])
    ->join(['c' => 'cartridge_types'], ['p.cartridge_id', ''])
    ->groupBy(['cp.printer_id', 'cartridge_id'])
    ->orderBy(['cp.cab_id', 'cp.printer_id desc'])
SELECT `cp`.`id`, `cp`.`cab_id`, `cb`.`name` AS `cab_name`, `cp`.`printer_id`, `c`.`id` AS `cartridge_id`,
    `p`.`name` AS `printer_name`, `c`.`name` AS `cartridge_type`, `cp`.`comment`
FROM `cabs_printers` AS `cp`
INNER JOIN `cabs` AS `cb` ON `cp`.`cab_id` = `cb`.`id`
INNER JOIN `printer_models` AS `p` ON `cp`.`printer_id` = `p`.`id`
INNER JOIN `cartridge_types` AS `c` ON `p`.`cartridge_id` = `c`.`id`
GROUP BY `cp`.`printer_id`, `cartridge_id`
ORDER BY `cp`.`cab_id` ASC, `cp`.`printer_id` DESC;
  • Insert a row
$new_id = $query->insert('groups', [
    'name' => 'Moderator',
    'permissions' => 'moderator'
INSERT INTO `groups` (`name`, `permissions`) VALUES ('Moderator', 'moderator');
  • Insert many rows
$query->insert('groups', [
	['name', 'role'],
	['Moderator', 'moderator'],
	['Moderator2', 'moderator'],
	['User', 'user'],
	['User2', 'user'],
INSERT INTO `groups` (`name`, `role`)
VALUES ('Moderator', 'moderator'),
       ('Moderator2', 'moderator'),
       ('User', 'user'),
       ('User2', 'user');
  • Update a row
$query->update('users', [
            'username' => 'John Doe',
            'status' => 'new status'
        ->where([['id', '=', 7]])
// or since 0.3.4
$query->update('users', [
            'username' => 'John Doe',
            'status' => 'new status'
        ->where([['id', 7]])
UPDATE `users` SET `username` = 'John Doe', `status` = 'new status'
WHERE `id` = 7 LIMIT 1;
  • Update rows
$query->update('posts', ['status' => 'published'])
        ->where([['YEAR(`updated_at`)', '>', 2020]])
UPDATE `posts` SET `status` = 'published'
WHERE (YEAR(`updated_at`) > 2020);
  • Delete a row
  ->where([['name', '=', 'John']])
// or since 0.3.4
  ->where([['name', 'John']])
DELETE FROM `users` WHERE `name` = 'John' LIMIT 1;
  • Delete rows
  ->where([['user_id', '=', 10]])
// or since 0.3.4
  ->where([['user_id', 10]])
DELETE FROM `comments` WHERE `user_id` = 10;
  • Truncate a table

This method will be moved to another class

  • Drop a table

This method will be moved to another class

$query->drop('temporary')->go(); // $add_exists = true
$query->drop('temp', false)->go(); // $add_exists = false
DROP TABLE `temp`;