cn-consult / filecloud-php
The FileCloud API in an easy to use, swagger based PHP API.
Installs: 20 060
Dependents: 0
Suggesters: 0
Security: 0
Stars: 0
Watchers: 9
Forks: 0
Open Issues: 0
- php: >=5.4
- ext-curl: *
- ext-json: *
- ext-mbstring: *
Requires (Dev)
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer: ~1.12
- phpunit/phpunit: ~4.8
- satooshi/php-coveralls: ~1.0
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer: ~2.6
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-23 23:10:22 UTC
The FileCloud APIs provide developers with the tools necessary to build a variety of apps and clients. This allows extensibility and integration of FileCloud with your existing enterprise systems and frameworks. FileCloud developer API is simple to use and integrate.
This PHP package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version:
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.PhpClientCodegen
PHP 5.5 and later
Installation & Usage
To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json
"repositories": [
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"require": {
"/": "*@dev"
Then run composer install
Manual Installation
Download the files and include autoload.php
To run the unit tests:
composer install
Getting Started
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
<?php require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); $apiInstance = new Swagger\Client\Api\ActivityApi( // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`. // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default. new GuzzleHttp\Client() ); $parent = "parent_example"; // string | Specify the path for which you want to get the activity list try { $result = $apiInstance->getActivityStream($parent); print_r($result); } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Exception when calling ActivityApi->getActivityStream: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; } ?>
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to https://localhost
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
ActivityApi | getActivityStream | GET /core/getactivitystream | |
ActivityApi | getAuditGeoIpData | POST /core/getauditgeoipdata | |
ActivityApi | showHideActivity | POST /core/showhideactivity | |
CommentApi | addCommentForItem | POST /core/addcommentforitem | |
CommentApi | getCommentsForItem | GET /core/getcommentsforitem | |
CommentApi | removeCommentForItem | POST /core/removecommentforitem | |
FavoriteApi | addFavoriteList | POST /core/addfavoritelist | |
FavoriteApi | clearFavoritesInNamedList | POST /core/clearfavoritesinnamedlist | |
FavoriteApi | getAllFavoriteLists | GET /core/getallfavoritelists | |
FavoriteApi | getFavoriteListForItem | GET /core/getfavoritelistforitem | |
FavoriteApi | getFavoritesInList | GET /core/getfavoritesinlist | |
FavoriteApi | getFavoritesInNamedList | GET /core/getfavoritesinnamedlist | |
FavoriteApi | removeFavoriteList | POST /core/removefavoritelist | |
FavoriteApi | replaceFavoriteList | POST /core/replacefavoritelist | |
FavoriteApi | setFavorite | POST /core/setfavorite | |
FavoriteApi | unsetFavorite | POST /core/unsetfavorite | |
FavoriteApi | updateFavoriteList | POST /core/updatefavoritelist | |
FileApi | cancelSearch | POST /core/cancelsearch | |
FileApi | clearSavedSearchTerms | POST /core/clearsavedsearchterms | |
FileApi | copyFile | POST /core/copyfile | |
FileApi | createFolder | POST /app/explorer/createfolder | |
FileApi | deleteFile | POST /core/deletefile | |
FileApi | deletePartialUploads | POST /core/deletepartialuploads | |
FileApi | doSearch | POST /core/dosearch | |
FileApi | docEdit | POST /core/docedit | |
FileApi | downloadFile | GET /core/downloadfile | |
FileApi | downloadFileMulti | GET /core/downloadfilemulti | |
FileApi | emptyRecycleBin | POST /core/emptyrecyclebin | |
FileApi | fileExists | POST /core/fileexists | |
FileApi | fileInfo | POST /core/fileinfo | |
FileApi | getAccessDetailsForPath | GET /core/getaccessdetailsforpath | |
FileApi | getFileList | GET /core/getfilelist | |
FileApi | getFolderProperties | GET /core/getfolderproperties | |
FileApi | getWOpIEditUrl | GET /core/getwopiediturl | |
FileApi | renameFile | POST /core/renamefile | |
FileApi | renameOrMove | POST /core/renameormove | |
FileApi | search | POST /core/search | |
FileApi | searchExt | POST /app/searchext/ | |
FileApi | searchTermSearch | POST /core/searchtermsearch | |
FileApi | upload | POST /core/upload | |
ImageApi | getFsSlideImage | GET /core/getfsslideimage | |
ImageApi | rotateFsImage | GET /core/rotatefsimage | |
LockApi | getAllLocks | GET /core/getalllocks | |
LockApi | getFileLockInfo | GET /core/getfilelockinfo | |
LockApi | lock | POST /core/lock | |
LockApi | unlock | POST /core/unlock | |
LoginApi | 2FaLogin | POST /core/2falogin | |
LoginApi | get2FaGaSecret | GET /core/get2fagasecret | |
LoginApi | get2FaGaSecretQrCode | GET /core/get2fagasecretqrcode | |
LoginApi | lockSession | POST /core/locksession | |
LoginApi | resend2FaCode | POST /core/resend2facode | |
LoginApi | resetPassword | POST /core/resetpassword | |
LoginApi | verifyEmail | POST /core/verifyemail | |
MetadataApi | addSetToFileObject | POST /core/addsettofileobject | |
MetadataApi | getAvailableMetaDataSets | POST /core/getavailablemetadatasets | |
MetadataApi | getMetaDataSetsForSearch | POST /core/getmetadatasetsforsearch | |
MetadataApi | removeSetFromFileObject | POST /core/removesetfromfileobject | |
MetadataApi | saveAttributeValues | POST /core/saveattributevalues | |
NotificationApi | ackToasts | GET /core/acktoasts | |
NotificationApi | addNotificationFilter | POST /core/addnotificationfilter | |
NotificationApi | deleteToasts | GET /core/deletetoasts | |
NotificationApi | getNotificationStream | POST /core/getnotificationstream | |
NotificationApi | getToasts | GET /core/gettoasts | |
NotificationApi | isNotificationFilterSet | POST /core/isnotificationfilterset | |
NotificationApi | removeNotificationFilter | POST /core/removenotificationfilter | |
PrivacyApi | getAnonymousUserConsent | GET /core/getanonymoususerconsent | |
PrivacyApi | getUserConsent | GET /core/getuserconsent | |
PrivacyApi | privacyConsentAccept | GET /core/privacyconsentaccept | |
ProfileApi | beginProfileCreation | POST /core/beginprofilecreation | |
ProfileApi | changeLanguage | GET /core/changelanguage | |
ProfileApi | checkId | GET /core/checkid | |
ProfileApi | createProfile | GET /core/createprofile | |
ProfileApi | getProfileImage | GET /core/getprofileimage | |
ProfileApi | getProfileSettings | GET /core/getprofilesettings | |
ProfileApi | setDisplayName | GET /core/setdisplayname | |
ProfileApi | subscribe | POST /core/subscribe | |
ProfileApi | unsubscribe | POST /core/unsubscribe | |
ProfileApi | updatePassword | POST /core/updatepassword | |
RMCApi | ackrmcCommands | POST /core/ackrmccommands | |
RMCApi | approveDeviceAccess | POST /core/approvedeviceaccess | |
RMCApi | deleteDevice | POST /core/deletedevice | |
RMCApi | getRmcClients | GET /core/getrmcclients | |
RMCApi | getRmcCommands | GET /core/getrmccommands | |
RMCApi | loginGuest | POST /core/loginguest | |
RMCApi | requestDeviceAccess | POST /core/requestdeviceaccess | |
SecurityPermissionApi | addAclEntry | POST /core/addaclentry | |
SecurityPermissionApi | deleteAcl | POST /core/deleteacl | |
SecurityPermissionApi | deleteAclEntry | POST /core/deleteaclentry | |
SecurityPermissionApi | getAcl | GET /core/getacl | |
SecurityPermissionApi | getEffectiveAcl | GET /core/geteffectiveacl | |
SecurityPermissionApi | setAclInheritance | POST /core/setaclinheritance | |
ShareApi | addGroupToShare | POST /core/addgrouptoshare | |
ShareApi | addUserToShare | POST /core/addusertoshare | |
ShareApi | createProfileOnInvite | POST /core/createprofileoninvite | |
ShareApi | deleteGroupFromShare | POST /core/deletegroupfromshare | |
ShareApi | deleteShare | POST /core/deleteshare | |
ShareApi | deleteUserFromShare | POST /core/deleteuserfromshare | |
ShareApi | getEmailSubject | GET /core/getemailsubject | |
ShareApi | getEmailTemplate | GET /core/getemailtemplate | |
ShareApi | getGroupAccessForShare | GET /core/getgroupaccessforshare | |
ShareApi | getMostActiveShares | GET /core/getmostactiveshares | |
ShareApi | getPrivateUrlForEmail | GET /core/getprivateurlforemail | |
ShareApi | getPublicShareAuthInfo | GET /core/getpublicshareauthinfo | |
ShareApi | getRandomPassword | GET /core/getrandompassword | |
ShareApi | getRecentShareActivityForUser | GET /core/getrecentshareactivityforuser | |
ShareApi | getShareActivityForShare | POST /core/getshareactivityforshare | |
ShareApi | getShareForId | GET /core/getshareforid | |
ShareApi | getShareForPath | GET /core/getshareforpath | |
ShareApi | getSharePassword | GET /core/getsharepassword | |
ShareApi | getShares | GET /core/getshares | |
ShareApi | getSharesFilter | GET /core/getsharesfilter | |
ShareApi | getUploadForm | GET /core/getuploadform | |
ShareApi | getUrlForEmail | GET /core/geturlforemail | |
ShareApi | getUserAccessForShare | GET /core/getuseraccessforshare | |
ShareApi | getUsersForShare | GET /core/getusersforshare | |
ShareApi | leaveShare | GET /core/leaveshare | |
ShareApi | loginProtectedShare | POST /core/loginprotectedshare | |
ShareApi | quickShare | POST /core/quickshare | |
ShareApi | searchGroups | GET /core/searchgroups | |
ShareApi | searchProfile | GET /core/searchprofile | |
ShareApi | sendEmail | POST /core/sendemail | |
ShareApi | sendShareToEmail | POST /core/sendsharetoemail | |
ShareApi | setAllowPublicAccess | GET /core/setallowpublicaccess | |
ShareApi | setGroupAccessForShare | GET /core/setgroupaccessforshare | |
ShareApi | setUserAccessForShare | GET /core/setuseraccessforshare | |
ShareApi | share | POST /core/share | |
ShareApi | updateShare | POST /core/updateshare | |
ShareApi | updateShareLink | GET /core/updatesharelink | |
ShortcutsApi | addShortcut | GET /core/addshortcut | |
ShortcutsApi | deleteShortcut | GET /core/deleteshortcut | |
ShortcutsApi | getShortcuts | GET /core/getshortcuts | |
SystemApi | getAuthenticationInfo | GET /core/getauthenticationinfo | |
SystemApi | getDiskUsageDetails | GET /core/getdiskusagedetails | |
SystemApi | getLanguageList | GET /core/getlanguagelist | |
SystemApi | getSystemStatus | GET /core/getsystemstatus | |
VersioningApi | deleteAllVersions | POST /core/deleteallversions | |
VersioningApi | deleteVersion | POST /core/deleteversion | |
VersioningApi | downloadVersionedFile | POST /core/downloadversionedfile | |
VersioningApi | getVersions | GET /core/getversions | |
WebEditApi | getOOUrl | GET /core/getoourl | |
WebEditApi | verifyOOUrl | GET /core/verifyoourl |
Documentation For Models
- AckrmccommandsResponse
- AcktoastsResponse
- AddaclentryResponse
- AddcommentforitemResponse
- AddfavoritelistResponse
- AddgrouptoshareResponse
- AddnotificationfilterResponse
- AddsettofileobjectResponse
- AddshortcutResponse
- AddusertoshareResponse
- ApprovedeviceaccessResponse
- BeginprofilecreationResponse
- CancelsearchResponse
- ChangelanguageResponse
- CheckidResponse
- ClearfavoritesinnamedlistResponse
- ClearsavedsearchtermsResponse
- CopyfileResponse
- CreatefolderResponse
- CreateprofileResponse
- CreateprofileoninviteResponse
- DeleteaclResponse
- DeleteaclentryResponse
- DeleteallversionsResponse
- DeletedeviceResponse
- DeletefileResponse
- DeletegroupfromshareResponse
- DeletepartialuploadsResponse
- DeleteshareResponse
- DeleteshortcutResponse
- DeletetoastsResponse
- DeleteuserfromshareResponse
- DeleteversionResponse
- DosearchResponse
- EmptyrecyclebinResponse
- FileexistsResponse
- FileinfoResponse
- Get2fagasecretResponse
- GetAuthenticationInfoResponse
- GetDiskUsageDetailsResponse
- GetSystemStatusResponse
- GetaccessdetailsforpathResponse
- GetaclResponse
- GetactivitystreamResponse
- GetallfavoritelistsResponse
- GetalllocksResponse
- GetanonymoususerconsentResponse
- GetauditgeoipdataResponse
- GetavailablemetadatasetsResponse
- GetcommentsforitemResponse
- GeteffectiveaclResponse
- GetemailsubjectResponse
- GetfavoritelistforitemResponse
- GetfavoritesinlistResponse
- GetfavoritesinnamedlistResponse
- GetfilelistResponse
- GetfilelockinfoResponse
- GetfolderpropertiesResponse
- GetgroupaccessforshareResponse
- GetlanguagelistResponse
- GetmetadatasetsforsearchResponse
- GetmostactivesharesResponse
- GetnotificationstreamResponse
- GetoourlResponse
- GetprofilesettingsResponse
- GetpublicshareauthinfoResponse
- GetrandompasswordResponse
- GetrecentshareactivityforuserResponse
- GetrmcclientsResponse
- GetrmccommandsResponse
- GetshareactivityforshareResponse
- GetshareforidResponse
- GetshareforpathResponse
- GetsharepasswordResponse
- GetsharesResponse
- GetsharesfilterResponse
- GetshortcutsResponse
- GettoastsResponse
- GetuseraccessforshareResponse
- GetuserconsentResponse
- GetusersforshareResponse
- GetversionsResponse
- IsnotificationfiltersetResponse
- LeaveshareResponse
- LockResponse
- LocksessionResponse
- LoginguestResponse
- LoginprotectedshareResponse
- Model2faloginResponse
- PrivacyconsentacceptResponse
- QuickshareResponse
- RemovecommentforitemResponse
- RemovefavoritelistResponse
- RemovenotificationfilterResponse
- RemovesetfromfileobjectResponse
- RenamefileResponse
- RenameormoveResponse
- ReplacefavoritelistResponse
- RequestdeviceaccessResponse
- Resend2facodeResponse
- ResetpasswordResponse
- RotatefsimageResponse
- SaveattributevaluesResponse
- SearchResponse
- SearchcontentResponse
- SearchgroupsResponse
- SearchprofileResponse
- SearchtermsearchResponse
- SendemailResponse
- SetaclinheritanceResponse
- SetallowpublicaccessResponse
- SetdisplaynameResponse
- SetfavoriteResponse
- SetgroupaccessforshareResponse
- SetuseraccessforshareResponse
- ShowhideactivityResponse
- UnlockResponse
- UnsetfavoriteResponse
- UpdatefavoritelistResponse
- UpdatepasswordResponse
- UpdateshareResponse
- UpdatesharelinkResponse
- VerifyemailResponse
- VerifyoourlResponse
Documentation For Authorization
All endpoints do not require authorization.