
File Manager plugin for CMSGears provide default component to accept files uploaded by users. The File Uploader widget can be used to upload files.

1.0.0-alpha9 2021-11-04 03:06 UTC


Project - CMSGears (

Plugin - File Manager

License - GPLv3 (

Description - File Manager plugin for CMSGears provide default component to accept files uploaded by users. The File Uploader widget can be used to upload files.

Highlighted Features

  1. The default Component i.e. FileManager can be used to accept files uploaded by both admin and frontend users. The implementation of this component can be further changed based on project needs.
  2. It also provide File Uploader Widgets to upload files. These widgets need File Uploader JQuery Plugin from CMGTools JS library and CMGTools UI library for styles.

Notes: The detailed description for each feature can be found at