
Endpoints builder and manager for CoderPress

1.0.0 2024-12-16 11:24 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-14 08:57:46 UTC


This package intends to provide a more straightforward way to add custom endpoints to Wordpress Rest API (added to mu-plugins with no hooks, as a suggestion), also using a Facade pattern which allows:

  • To attach PSR-16 compliant cache drivers of any nature
  • To attach as many middlewares as you want to modify the request or provide a particular response
  • Interfere in the way cached responses are stored and retrieved (JSON, serialize(), igbinary_serialize())
  • Provide a port to add multiple custom endpoints without repeating code and sharing cache, middleware and variables within, including a dynamic endpoint generation
  • Offer common middlewares to handle common scenarios in REST API development


Easily install the package using composer:

composer require coderpress/wp-coderpress-endpoints

Basic Example

The following example creates a very simple example endpoint to the rest API that comes with two middlewares attached (as \Closure objects). The first one modifies any passed parameter to "id = 123", which triggers the second middleware and returns a WP_REST_Response - this also prevents the cache to be done.

If the second middleware is removed, the endpoint is no longer short-circuited, so the results are now serialized and cached in a file within wp-content/cache/. In the example, the cache is managed by FileCache, but this package also includes usable drivers for Redis (using redis-php extension) and MySQL cache, using a custom DB table.

use CoderPress\Rest\{RestEndpointFacade, AbstractRestEndpoint};
use CoderPress\Cache\{RedisCache, MySqlCache, FileCache};

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$cacheInstance = new FileCache(WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/cache/');

$custom = RestEndpointFacade::createEndpoint(
    /** The five first arguments stand as they are for register_rest_route()
     * but with callbacks now accepting \Closure functions instead.
     * The middlewares arguments accepts an array of closures which will be
     * sequentially executed and MUST have a $request parameter.
     * The cache mechanism is automatically applied to the endpoint and accepts
     * any PSR-16 compliant object. Optionally, the expire time and the type
     * of serialization can be changed. Expires accepts any value in seconds as
     * integer or a Datetime object (and then the time in seconds between that and
     * the current time will be automatically extracted)
    namespace: 'testing/v1', 
    route: 'custom/',
    args: [
      'id' => [
        'validate_callback' => function($param, $request, $key) {
          return is_numeric($param);
    callback: function (\WP_REST_Request $request) {
        $postId = $request->get_param('id');
        $postCategoryIds = wp_get_object_terms($postId, ['category'], ['fields' => 'ids']);

        return get_posts([
          'post_status' => 'publish',
          'category__in' => $postCategoryIds,
          'order' => 'relevance'
    permissionCallback: function () {
        return is_user_logged_in();
     * Accepts any number of /Closure middleware functions - to each one of them,
     * the $request object must be passed. For changes made to the WP_REST_Request object,
     * the closure must return void(). However, the middleware can also return a response
     * to the request easily by return a new WP_REST_Response object instead. 
    middlewares: [
        function (\WP_REST_Request $request) {
            $request->set_param('id', 123);
        function (\WP_REST_Request $request) {
            if ($request->get_param('id') == 123) {
                return new \WP_REST_Response(['message' => 'Invalid value'], 201);
     * Accepts any instance PSR-16 compliant (CacheInterface contract),
     * this package comes with 3 usable examples (file, Redis and custom MySQL
     * table caching drivers). 
    cache: $cacheInstance,
     * Accepts 3 different serialize/unserialize methods - defaults to serialize(),
     * but can be using JSON - AbstractRestEndpoint::SERIALIZE_JSON - or igbinary PHP 
     * extension which offers a more efficient serializing version
     *  - AbstractRestEndpoint::SERIALIZE_IGBINARY. 
    cacheSerializingMethod: AbstractRestEndpoint::SERIALIZE_PHP,
     * Accepts seconds as integer value, but also DateTime objects - for the latter,
     * the system will get the interval between NOW and the passed DateTime object time,
     * so the cache will work as scheduled.
    cacheExpires: (new \DateTime())->modify('+1 day')


The package includes several built-in middlewares to handle common scenarios in REST API development:

CORS Middleware

The CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) middleware allows you to configure cross-origin requests to your API endpoints. Here's how to use it:

use CoderPress\Rest\RestEndpointFacade;
use CoderPress\Rest\Middleware\MiddlewareFactory;

// Create an endpoint with CORS support
    namespace: 'api/v1',
    route: 'posts',
    callback: function($request) {
        return ['data' => 'Your API response'];
    permissionCallback: function() {
        return true;
    args: [],
    methods: ['GET', 'POST', 'OPTIONS'],
    middlewares: [
            allowedOrigins: [''],
            allowedMethods: ['GET', 'POST'],
            allowedHeaders: ['Content-Type', 'X-Custom-Header'],
            maxAge: 7200

The CORS middleware provides:

  • Origin validation against a whitelist
  • Configurable HTTP methods
  • Customizable allowed headers
  • Preflight request handling
  • Configurable cache duration for preflight responses
  • Credentials support

All parameters are optional and come with sensible defaults for typical API usage.

Sanitization Middleware

The Sanitization middleware provides comprehensive input sanitization and validation for your API endpoints. It helps prevent XSS attacks, SQL injection, and ensures data consistency:

use CoderPress\Rest\RestEndpointFacade;
use CoderPress\Rest\Middleware\MiddlewareFactory;

    namespace: 'api/v1',
    route: 'posts',
    callback: function($request) {
        return ['data' => $request->get_params()];
    permissionCallback: function() {
        return true;
    args: [
        'title' => [
            'required' => true,
            'type' => 'string'
        'content' => [
            'required' => true,
            'type' => 'string'
    methods: ['POST'],
    middlewares: [
            rules: [
                // Custom sanitization rules for specific fields
                'title' => fn($value) => sanitize_title($value),
                'content' => fn($value) => wp_kses_post($value)
            stripTags: true,
            encodeSpecialChars: true,
            allowedHtmlTags: [
                'p' => [],
                'a' => ['href' => [], 'title' => []],
                'b' => [],
                'i' => []

The middleware provides:

  • Field-specific sanitization rules using callbacks
  • HTML tag stripping with configurable allowed tags
  • Special character encoding
  • UTF-8 validation
  • Recursive array sanitization
  • WordPress-specific sanitization functions integration
  • XSS and SQL injection protection

All parameters are optional and come with secure defaults. Use the rules parameter to define custom sanitization logic for specific fields.