cloudframework-io / appengine-php-core-7.4
Framework to develop APIs and web applications optimized for Google Appengine PHP 7.4
Installs: 1 369
Dependents: 0
Suggesters: 0
Security: 0
Stars: 0
Watchers: 4
Forks: 1
Open Issues: 1
- google/apiclient: ^2.12
- google/cloud-bigquery: ^1.23
- google/cloud-datastore: ^1.13
- google/cloud-logging: ^1.22
- google/cloud-pubsub: ^1.34
- google/cloud-secret-manager: ^1.7
- google/cloud-storage: ^1.25
- google/cloud-tasks: ^1.9
- zbateson/mail-mime-parser: ^2.1
- dev-master
- v74.24161
- v74.24151
- v74.24111
- v74.24031
- v74.23211
- v74.23061
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- v74.22012
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- v74.21271
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- v74.21141
- v74.20053
- v74.20052
- v74.20051
- v74.18221
- v74.17311
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- v74.11161
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- v74.09151
- v74.07011
- v74.06301
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- v74.06242
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- v74.05201
- v74.05102
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- v74.04281
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- v74.03301
- v74.03171
- v74.03081
- v74.03021
- v74.02251
- v74.01261
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- v74.01131
- v74.01091
- v74.01071
- v74.00231
- v74.00211
- v74.00161
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- v74.00091
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- v74.00071
- v73.24062
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- v73.23241
- v73.23181
- v73.23161
- v73.23082
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- v73.23051
- v73.22251
- v73.22141
- v73.22071
- v73.22061
- v73.21211
- v73.20251
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- v73.19191
- v73.19061
- v73.18111
- v73.18102
- v73.18101
- v73.18092
- v73.18091
- v73.17112
- v73.17111
- v73.17061
- v73.17021
- v73.16291
- v73.16121
- v73.16041
- v73.15251
- v73.15051
- v73.14251
- v73.14161
- v73.14051
- v73.13131
- v73.13071
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- v73.13031
- v73.12311
- v73.12071
- v73.12052
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- v73.11061
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- v73.09301
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- v73.08041
- v73.07221
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- v73.07181
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- v73.07021
- v73.06231
- v73.06152
- v73.06151
- v73.06101
- v73.05291
- v73.05201
- v73.05171
- v73.05131
- v73.05121
- v73.05041
- v73.05021
- v73.04291
- v73.04281
- v73.04082
- v73.04071
- v73.04062
- v73.04061
- v73.03291
- v73.03272
- v73.03271
- v73.03111
- v73.03101
- v73.03084
- v73.03083
- v73.03082
- v73.03081
- v73.03071
- v73.02261
- v73.02151
- v73.02111
- v73.02064
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2024-10-16 07:50:13 UTC
composer require cloudframework-io/appengine-php-core-7.4
Google Cloud
Memorystore. Install REDIS to manage Memory Cache
In php7 we have lost MemoryCache :(. To solve it Google provide a solution call Memorystore:
It is a REDIS server that can also be installed in localhost. You can read more about it in:
Configure in Google Cloud a VPC to connect your redis server
Install REDIS in localhost
brew install redis
Manual launch (stand alone)
redis-server /usr/local/etc/redis.conf
In Background
brew services start redis
Install the php library
sudo pecl install redis-5.2.0
Setup Env Vars for localhost
export REDIS_HOST=
export REDIS_PORT=6379
Setup app.yaml vars for Google Cloud
REDIS_HOST: "10.*****"
REDIS_PORT: "6379"
Using it in CloudFramework