
Making queries much easier in your laravel application

0.0.2 2023-03-02 15:59 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-30 00:46:02 UTC



Smart-Query is a Laravel package that utilizes spatie-query-builder to enable smart queries with minimal configuration. With this package, you can create powerful, dynamic queries by simply adding the HasSmartQuery trait to your models.


To install Smart-Query, you need to have a Laravel application set up. Then, you can install the package via composer by running the command:

composer require claver/smart-query

After installing the package, you need to register the SmartQueryServiceProvider in your config > app.php

'providers' => [    
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\\QueryBuilder\\QueryBuilderServicProvider" --tag="config"

This will publish the query-builder.php file to your config directory.


To use Smart-Query, add the HasSmartQuery trait to any model you want to enable smart queries on.

use Claver\SmartQuery\HasSmartQuery;

class User extends Model{    
	use HasSmartQuery;

This trait provides a resolve method, which you can use to apply smart queries to your model.

class UserController extends Controller{    
	public function index(Request $request){        
		$users = (new User())->resolve();        
		return response()->json($users);  

The smartQuery method will apply any filters, sorts, includes, and fields specified in the query string to the model.

To learn more about how to make simple and advanced queries, visit Spatie-Query-Builder

You do not have to create your own query builder every single time you need it. Just override these methods.

Method Description
getAllowedFilters Returns an array that includes all the fields that could be filtered
getAllowedIncludes Returns an array that includes all the relationships that could be included
getAllowedSorts Returns an array that includes all the fields that could be sorted. you don't need to include this method because it's dynamically generated


Smart-Query is a powerful package that simplifies creating dynamic queries in Laravel. By using the HasSmartQuery trait, you can take advantage of the spatie-query-builder package and create smart queries with minimal configuration.