
Adds option to suggest to the user to visit your website in another language. This bundle uses the main language of the browser in order to redirect to the correct site.

v1.0.0 2017-01-02 13:54 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-15 11:57:58 UTC



With this bundle, you can suggest to the user to visit your website in another language. This bundle uses the main language of the browser in order to redirect to the correct site.



  • Symfony v2.6 or later
  • eZ Publish 5.4 / eZ Platform 1.x or later


This package is available via Composer, so the instructions below are similar to how you install any other open source Symfony Bundle.

Run the following command in a terminal, from your Symfony installation root (pick most recent release):

composer require clash82/ezplatform-website-switcher

Enable the bundle in app/AppKernel.php file:

$bundles = array(
    // existing bundles
    new Clash82\EzPlatformWebsiteSwitcherBundle\Clash82EzPlatformWebsiteSwitcherBundle()

Add external assets to your bundle:

  • CSS:
  • JS:

If you are installing bundle via composer require you must also copy assets to your project web directory. You can do this by calling Symfony built-in command from the project root directory:

php app/console assets:install --symlink


This is an example of required settings (config.yml):

    # name to be used to store banner status
    cookie_name: websiteSwitcherStatus

    # how many days banner should be hidden when user disables the banner?
    days: 365

Supported languages are detected from your eZ Publish / eZ Platform installation.


Insert the following {{ show_website_switcher_banner() }} helper somewhere in your header template close after body opening tag.

The following optional parameters can be set as an argument in an array format (overrides default settings and parameters from config.yml file):

Example of usage in standard eZ Publish / eZ Platform application:

{{ show_website_switcher_banner() }}


{{ show_website_switcher_banner({
   cookieName: 'myCookie',
   days: 7
}) }}