
Simple Shopify API package for PHP、Laravel。

1.11.0 2022-03-23 03:06 UTC


Simple Shopify API package for PHP、Laravel。



  • PHP 7.0+
  • Laravel ^5|^6|^7|^8
composer require cian/shopify


php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Cian\Shopify\ShopifyServiceProvider"

If your laravel version <= 5.4, don't forget to add a service provider and aliases.

// <Root>/config/app.php
    "providers" => [
        // other providers ...

    "aliases" => [
        // other aliases ...
        'Shopify' => \Cian\Shopify\ShopifyFacade::class,
        'ShopifyMacro' => \Cian\Shopify\ShopifyMacroFacade::class


You need to check Shopify API document to get more knowledge of each API options.

Here is an example demonstrate how to use this package in laravel.


namespace App\Services;

use Cian\Shopify\Shopify;

class GetShopifyOrdersService
    protected $shopify;

    public function __construct(Shopify $shopify)
        $this->shopify = $shopify;

    public function exec()
        $response = $this->shopify
                'limit' => 100,
                // more options of get orders api ...

        // always get response body using this way.
        $orders = $response->getBody();

        return $orders;


You will get \Cian\Shopidy\Response instance of each api call.

This object provide you simple interface to access Shopfiy Paginate Header.

namespace App;

// use laravel facade.
use Shopify;

$response = Shopify::setWebsite('mystore')->getOrders([/** options */]);

$response->hasNextPage(); // boolean
$response->getNextLink(); // null or next page api url string.

$response->hasPreviousPage(); // boolean
$response->getPreviousLink(); // null or previous page api url string.

$response->isLastPage(); // boolean

 * This method get content from guzzle response.
 * and run json_decode before return.
 * you can pass json_decode options via this method,
 * here just show you the default values, all options are optional!
$response->getBody(true, 512, 0);

 * If you prefer handle response by your self.
 * you can get original response like below.
$guzzleResponse = $response->getOriginalResponse();

Laravel Middleware

Add \Cian\Shopify\Http\Middleware\VerifyWebHookMiddleware.php to middleware list, just like others.
Please make sure your .env file contains SHOPIFY_MYSTORE_SECRET field.
If you have many store, just make sure each website has secret in your config/shopify.php.



We can provide some general stuff for specific api here.

For Example:
Your app only care the id, line_items, billing_address of order.
Then you can make a preset like below:

// config/shopify.php

return [
    // othere properties...
    'api_presets' => [
        // the key(my_order_common) can be any string, just don't duplicate.
        'my_order_common' => [
            'fields' => [

In your code


namespace App;

use Cian\Cian\Shopify;

$shopify = new Shopify($guzzleClient, $config);

$keep = false;  // keep using this preset for each call or not, default is false.

$response = $shopify
    ->setApiPreset('my_order_common', $keep)
    ->getOrders([/** more options */]);

When your app call setApiPreset and provide options to api at same time,
They will be merged, your context options will be respect.

You may not know Shopify API has a known issue which is it may give us cached(expired) data.
Shopify CS told us we can use fields parameter to force get fresh data.
This feature is also useful for this issue. 🤘


That say you want get data easily and you don't care performance.
For example, you want get all result of getOrders API, You don't want handle pagination.
Then you can use this class. 🍻🍻🍻

Note: You may get memory issue when getting too large data.


We are using dependency injection of demonstration below, but facade is also available.

namespace App\Services;

use Cian\Shopify\ShopifyMacro;

class MyService
    protected $shopifyMacro;

    public function __construct(ShopifyMacro $shopifyMacro)
        $this->shopifyMacro = $shopifyMacro;

    public function exec()
        $options = [
            'limit' => 250, // get 250 records per request.
            'created_at_min' => '2020-04-08T12:00:00+00:00' // set min date
            // other getOrders options ..

        // You will get response body instead of \Cian\Shopify\Response instance.
        $orders = $this->shopifyMacro
             * setFormatter is optional!
             * it can let getters return specific format.
             * this may decline some memory usage.
            ->setFormatter(function ($order) {
                return [
                    'id' => $order['id']

        // do something with orders ...