
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Repository Layer design pattern for Laravel

2.0.1 2021-03-20 11:18 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-11-20 15:06:35 UTC


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Laravel Repository is a package for Laravel 5 / 6 / 7. It's used to abstract business logic into a repository layer with the aim of keeping your codebase clean and maintainable.

    'App\Repositories\Contracts\UserRepositoryInterface', // <-- injected into controller constructor
    'App\Repositories\Eloquent\UserRepository' // <-- Repo class


You can install this package via composer:

composer require chr15k/laravel-repository

If you are not running Laravel 5.5 (or higher), then add the service provider in config/app.php:


Publish the configuration to customise the model and repo file paths.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Chr15k\Repository\RepositoryServiceProvider"

Update config file to set the path to your models - default is app/Models


Step 1 Run the following command (set the name to match the name of the relating model):

php artisan make:repository User

This will create the following files inside app/Repositories

├── Repositories
│   ├── Contracts
│   │   └── UserRepositoryInterface.php
│   └── Eloquent
│       └── UserRepository.php

Step 2 Add the following to the register() method of your app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php file:


Step 3 Simply inject the interface into your controller's constructor method, and Laravel will manage class dependencies:


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Repositories\Contracts\UserRepositoryInterface;

class UserController extends Controller
    protected $userRepo;

    public function __construct(UserRepositoryInterface $userRepo)
        $this->userRepo = $userRepo;

    public function index()
        $users = $this->userRepo->all();

        return view('users.index', compact('users'));

    public function show($id)
        $user = $this->userRepo->find($id);

        return view('', compact('user'));

Just add any custom methods to UserRepository.php and UserRepositoryInterface.php and you're good to go! If any other controller needs to use the same complex query, it's now in a centralised location. New implementations can just be swapped out in AppServiceProvider.php and nothing else needs to change.

$users = $this->userRepo->someComplexQuery();


The following methods are available to your repo by default. If you need to access a method not included here, then you can just call the model() method to fetch the model instance from the repo.

All of the fetch methods accept a related array for eager loading relationships.

You can also fetch the latest error for the last operation by calling errors()

    $this->repo->all($related = []);
    $this->repo->chunk($size, $callback);
    $this->repo->create($attributes = [], $related = []);
    $this->repo->find($id, $related = []);
    $this->repo->findOrFail($id, $related = []);
    $this->repo->findOrNew($id, $related = []);
    $this->repo->getNew($attributes = []);
    $this->repo->paginate($perPage, $related = []);
    $this->repo->update($id, $attributes = [], $related = []);


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.