
Get item information from aliexpress website

v1.3.1 2018-03-10 18:21 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-10 00:35:40 UTC



Get the item crawler by calling

$crawler = new \Chougron\AliexpressCrawler\Crawler();
$item = $crawler->crawlItem($itemUrl);

Available methods for the item crawler

getId() : string

Returns the ID of the item

getUrl() : string

Returns the canonical URL of the item

getGalleryImages() : string[]

Returns an array containing the gallery images of the item

getName() : string

Returns the name of the item

getShopName() : string

Returns the name of the shop selling the item

getShopUrl() : string

Returns the URL of the shop selling the item

getDescription() : string

Returns the description of the item

getCost() : string

Returns the cost of the item

getMaxCost() : string

Returns the maximum cost of the item

getType() : string

Returns the type of the item. simple if there is no variation or configurable if there are some.

getSkus() : Sku[]

Returns an array containing the different Skus of the item. If the item is a simple item, the array will have only one element.

getSkuImage(Sku $sku) : string

Returns the image identifying the given Sku.

The Sku Object

The Sku Object correspond to the different variations of the item sold on the same page. It can have a different price, a different quantity of inventory, and a different image.

Available variables for the Sku object

id : string

The ID of the item Sku

price : string

The price of the Sku

quantity : string

The quantity remaining for the Sku


To launch the tests, you need to install the vendors with composer, and then you can use the following command :

./vendor/bin/phpunit --bootstrap vendor/autoload.php tests/