
CLI tool to view/update Composer dependencies

2.0.3 2023-12-11 11:53 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-11 12:39:30 UTC


NOTE: This package require PHP 8.0 at least to run!

composer-check-update is a simple tool to see if some of your composer dependencies are outdated.

A dependency listed in red is a major update.

A dependency listed in cyan is a minor update.

A dependency listed in green is a patch update.






Interactive mode

Run command with -i flag to enable interactive mode. This mode allows you to choose to update all, major, minor or only patch dependencies.

Composer.json path

If composer.json is not located in the same directory, use --composer /path/to/composer or -c /path/to/composer.

Ignore «require-dev» section

Add --no-dev flag

Usage example
$ ./ccu.phar 

Found 29 packages in «require» section.  Scanning…
 29/29 [============================] 100%
Found 13 packages in «require-dev» section.  Scanning…
 13/13 [============================] 100%

| Package                           | Current version | Last version |
| algolia/algoliasearch-client-php  | ^2.1            | ^2.5         |
| anhskohbo/no-captcha              | ^3.0            | ^3.1         |
| fideloper/proxy                   | ~4.0            | ~4.2         |
| hoa/option                        | ~1.0            | ~1.17        |
| laravel/framework                 | 5.7.*           | 6.7.*        |
| laravel/horizon                   | ^3.1            | ^3.4         |
| laravel/passport                  | ^7.4            | ^8.0         |
| laravelcollective/html            | ^5.7            | ^6.0         |
| myclabs/php-enum                  | ^1.5            | ^1.7         |
| php-http/guzzle6-adapter          | ^1.1            | ^2.0         |
| sentry/sentry-laravel             | 1.0.1           | 1.5.0        |
| skagarwal/google-places-api       | ^1.2            | ^1.5         |
| spatie/array-to-xml               | ^2.7            | ^2.9         |
| spatie/laravel-cors               | ^1.0            | ^1.6         |
| spatie/laravel-fractal            | ^5.3            | ^5.6         |
| spatie/laravel-menu               | ^3.0            | ^3.4         |
| spatie/laravel-translation-loader | ^2.1            | ^2.4         |
| spipu/html2pdf                    | ^5.1            | ^5.2         |
| sybio/image-workshop              | ^2.0            | ^2.1         |
| barryvdh/laravel-ide-helper       | ^2.5            | ^2.6         |
| beyondcode/laravel-dump-server    | ^1.2            | ^1.3         |
| filp/whoops                       | ~2.0            | ~2.5         |
| fzaninotto/faker                  | ~1.4            | ~1.9         |
| laravel/tinker                    | ^1.0            | ^2.0         |
| mockery/mockery                   | ^1.0            | ^1.3         |
There are 25 packages to update.
Tip: Re-run the command with «-u» to update your composer.json