
v0.0.3-alpha 2018-09-12 14:54 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-13 05:31:01 UTC


Partial PHP SDK for Zoho Subscriptions


To instantiate a client, use the static build method with your organisation ID and Auth token from Zoho.

use ZohoSubscription\Client as ZohoClient;

$client = new ZohoClient::build($id, $token);


If you're creating a customer, most of the customer data is not technically required (except the email address), so we have setter methods to add it when it is provided:

$customer = new \ZohoSubscription\Resources\Customers\Customer($email);
$customer->setName($firstName, $lastName, $salutation);
$customer->setVatRegistration($countryCode, $vatNumber);

You can add custom fields to customers like so:

$customer->addCustomField('label', 'value', 'data type');
$customer->addCustomField('label 2', 'value', 'data type');

Then when you're ready to save the customer, you send it to the method in the client, which returns the customer ID:

$id = $client->send($client)->getId();

Customer Addresses

adding an address to a customer requires you to create Address objects:

$address = new  new \ZohoSubscription\Resources\Customers\Address();
$address->setRegion($country, $state, $zip);
$address->setLocale($street, $city, $attention);

then you can add it to the billing address or the shipping address on the customer before sending the request:



Hosted Page: Subscriptions

Creating a subscription is, at it's simplest, a case of creating a Subscription entity and sending it to the client:

$subscription = new  new \ZohoSubscription\Resources\HostedPages\Subscription($customerId, $planId);

$url = $client->send($subscription)->getId();

This creates a hosted page, and returns the URL which your user needs to be redirected to in order to complete their subscription.

You can optionally add a redirect url to the subscription before you send the request to let Zoho know where to send the user after the order has been completed:



Zoho Subscriptions are available in different regions, which have different URL's to access the API.

To change to the EU region, you can use the setApiRegionEU() method on the Client class, and change it back with the setApiRegionCOM()

$client = ZohoSubscription\Client::build();


$request = new ZohoSubscription\Resources\Customers\Customer('');


Creating new API methods

I have currently only created API classes for the functionality that is needed for the current project I am working on. If you need anything else, you can easily do so by implementing the ZohoSubscription\Contracts\Requestable interface and optionally using the ZohoSubscription\Partials\HasRequestables trait, for example this is a very basic Payment API implementation:

namespace MyCo\Zoho\Resources\Payments;

use ZohoSubscription\Contracts\Requestable;
use ZohoSubscription\Partials\HasRequestables;

class Payment implements Requestable
    use HasRequestables;
    public function __construct(string $customerId, int $amount, string $paymentMode)
        $this->attributes['customer_id'] = $customerId;
        $this->attributes['amount'] = $amount;
        $this->attributes['payment_mode'] = $paymentMode;

     * @return string
     * @throws \Exception
    public function getUri(): string
        return 'payments';

     * @return string
     * @throws \Exception
    public function getId(): string
        if (is_null($this->response)) {
            throw new \Exception('Trying to get ID when request not sent yet');
        return json_decode($this->response->getBody())->payment->payment_id;

which you could build up and pass to the client's send method.

$payment = new MyCo\Zoho\Resources\Payments($customerId, $amount, 'cash');

$paymentId = $client->send($payment)->getId();