
Weather serivce using DarkSky API

v1.0.1 2018-12-10 19:46 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-11 15:50:53 UTC


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Weather Service provides weather forecast based on IP-address. It uses Darksky API to get the forecast and IPStack to get co-ordinates from IP-address.

You can use this module, together with an Anax installation.

The service comes with views that are build with a structure that corresponds with Bulma CSS framework.

Table of content

You can also read this documentation online.

Install as Anax module

This is how you install the module into an existing Anax installation.

Install using composer.

composer require chau/weather-service

Copy the needed configuration files. Including API-keys, route-config and config to import into DI.

rsync -av vendor/chau/weather-service/config ./

Copy the view files nedded using:

rsync -av vendor/chau/weather-service/view ./

Install and setup Anax

You need a Anax installation, before you can use this module. You can create a sample Anax installation, using the scaffolding utility anax-cli.

Scaffold a sample Anax installation anax-site-develop into the directory rem.

$ anax create rem anax-site-develop
$ cd rem

Point your webserver to rem/htdocs and Anax should display a Home-page.


This is a Anax module and primarly intended to be used together with the Anax framework.


This software carries a MIT license. See LICENSE.txt for details.

..:  Copyright (c) 2018 - 2019 Christopher Augustsson (