
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Around hook support for behat v3

dev-master 2014-06-07 16:45 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-01-20 03:42:29 UTC


Around hook support for Behat 3

This project aims to mimic the Cucumber around feature in Behat 3.x


Given you want to run the same Scenario with multiple screen resolutions it could look like this:

   * @AroundScenario
  public function runWithMultipleWindowSizes(AroundScenarioScope $scope)
    $this->width = 1920;
    $scope->callBlock(" [1920]");
    $this->width = 800;
    $scope->callBlock(" [800]");
   * @BeforeScenario
  public function resizeWindow()
    $this->getSession()->resizeWindow($this->width, $this->height);

Where in the optional parameter of callBlock() you can define a suffix to the scenario title

Example output of Behat could be:

  Scenario: Simpler Test [1920]
    Given I am on "http://somehomepage"
    When I do something
    Then i should see "Hello World"

  Scenario: Simpler Test [800]
    Given I am on "http://somehomepage"
    When I do something
    Then i should see "Hello World"



In your composer.json add

    "require": {
        "chartinger/around-hook-extension": "*@dev"

and update your dependencies


To activate this extension add this to your behat.yml

    chartinger\Behat\AroundHookExtension\AroundHookExtension: ~

You can now use the @AroundScenario annotation in your Behat Context

  use chartinger\Behat\AroundHookExtension\AroundScenarioScope;
   * @AroundScenario
  public function aroundScenario(AroundScenarioScope $scope)