
A PEG grammar parser, for parsing most context free grammar such as programming languages, database queries and mathematical expressions.

0.0.7 2022-04-01 09:54 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-29 01:03:04 UTC


A parsing library which will let you easily parse almost anything from sentences to programming languages to a custom configuration language.

With this library you can easily make a function like these:

  • calc("1+2^3*4");
  • interpret("if visitorCount > 10 return true; else return false;");

In fact, to make a parser for the expression above, you simply have to create the following class:

class MyExpressionParser extends Charm\Parser {
    const GRAMMAR = <<<'GRAMMAR

        = Expr "^" Expr                 %assoc=right
                                            return $_0 ^ $_2;
        | Expr ("*" | "/") Expr         <?
                                            if ($_1 == "*")
                                                return $_0 * $_2;
                                                return $_0 / $_2;
        | Expr ("+" | "-") Expr         <?
                                            if ($_1 == "+")
                                                return $_0 + $_2;
                                                return $_0 - $_2;
        | Number

        = /[1-9][0-9]*|0/               <? return intval($_0); ?>


To use this expression parser:

$parser = new MyExpressionParser();
echo $parser->parse("1+2"); // output: 3

Quick Start

The easiest way to begin parsing is using the Charm\cpeg_parse() method.


cpeg_parse(string $expression, string $subject, array $initialState=[]): ?array;

Example for parsing a JSON:

use function Charm\cpeg_parse;

$expression = '
    Value   =   Number | String | "true" | "false" | "null" | Object | Array
    Array   =   "[" (Value ("," Value)*)? "]"
    Object  =   "{" (String ":" Value ("," String ":" Value)*)? "}"
    Number  =   /(0|[1-9][0-9]*)(\.[0-9]+)?/
    String  =   /"(\\[\\"]|[^"])*"/

$result = cpeg_parse($expression, '[1,2,"A string",{"key":[3,4]}');

Example for parsing an expression:

use function Charm\cpeg_parse;

$expression = '
    Expr    =   Expr "^" Expr                   %assoc=right
            |   Expr ("*" | "/") Expr
            |   Expr ("+" | "-") Expr
            |   Number
    Number  =   /(0|[1-9][0-9]*)(\.[0-9]+)?/

$result = cpeg_parse($expression, '1*2+3*4');

Building a parse tree

Generally, the parser will generate a structured array which you can traverse however you like directly from the terminal symbols you use in the grammar.

If you would like to generate a parse tree or in other ways process the data while parsing is underway, you can embed snippets in the grammar by enclosing PHP code inside <? and ?> tokens.

use function Charm\cpeg_parse;

$expression = '
    Expr    =   Expr "^" Expr                   %assoc=right
                    return $_0 ^ $_2;
            |   Expr ("*" | "/") Expr
                    if ($_1 === "*") return $_0 * $_2; ?>
                    else return $_0 / $_2;
            |   Expr ("+" | "-") Expr
                    if ($_1 === "+") return $_0 + $_2; ?>
                    else return $_0 - $_2;
            |   Number
                    return floatval($_0);

    Number  =   /(0|[1-9][0-9]*)(\.[0-9]+)?/

$result = cpeg_parse($expression, '1*2+3*4');

Introduction to parsing

There are tons of examples online for writing grammars. It is very similar to parsing regular expressions, but with a simpler and more verbose syntax.

The syntax is called the language grammar for whatever you're parsing.


A lot of terminology exists within the parsing academia. It is difficult to get a full and complete understanding of all of this. Here is an example "grammar" which we will use to explain the most important terms when talking about grammars and parsing:

    =   Expression

    =   Expression "+" Expression
    |   Expression "-" Expression
    |   Number

    =   /[0-9]+/

The above grammar is written in BNF form.

Grammar : A grammar contains a set ot rules for parsing a string. For a programmer, this is

an analog to a full program. `Statement`, `Expression` and `Number` are the names
of the rules in the above grammar.

BNF : Short for "Backus-Naur form" and is a generic term for grammars in this style.

Rule : Rules are the main constituents of a grammar. For a programmer, this is like

functions. Rules consists of a `Clause` which is similar to an expression in
a programming language. A clause can be very simple, like in `Statement` where
the clause is simply `Expression`. Clauses can be more advanced, like in
`Expression` where you see the or-*operator* `|` as well as `"+"` and `"-"`.

Goal : The first rule in the grammar is the goal that we're parsing for. In the above

grammar you can see that `Statement` is the goal.

Clause : If a rule is a function, then a clause is a function call. There are two types

of clauses; built-in clauses which actually match the source code, and clauses
which invoke a rule. The built-in clauses are called *terminal clauses*, and
clauses which invoke other rules are called *non-terminal clauses*.

Non-Terminal clause : A clause which simply refers to another rule.

Terminal clause : A clause which will actually match the source string and bring the parsing

process forward or cause it to fail. See below for a summary of all the
terminal clauses supported in this parser.

Operator : If you want to accept either "+" or "-", you can use the | operator like

this: `"+" | "-"`. The `|` operator is the only binary operator we need
for parsing. Also there are unary suffix operators: `?`, `+` and `*` which 
you may recognize from regular expressions, as well as `&` and `!` unary
prefix operators.

Built in terminal clauses

"str" : Expect the characters str in the source. You can use both single and double

quotes to write this clause. Use `\"` or `\'` to escape the quote symbol.

/regex/ : Expect the regular expression to match with the source at the current offset.

[a-z] : Match characters in the range a to z.

[abc] : Match one of the characters a, b or c.

^ : Matches only at the start of the source file.

$ : Matches only at the end of the source file.

. : Matches any single UTF-8 character. This clause will only fail at the end

of the file.

( and ) : Parentheses can be used to group several clauses together.

"Snippets" - inline PHP Code

To build a better parse tree, or to implement functionality you can use embedded PHP code.

Code is embedded via short open and close tags:

    = MulExpression "+" SumExpression
        /* inline PHP code */

The PHP code has access to the value of the clauses that was previously matched via the variables $_0, $_1 and so on.

Clauses which don't capture data, such as ^ and $ are not included.

You can use a special variable named $globals to record global state which will remain availbale between different snippets.

The return value from a snippet will become the return value for the entire rule.

Return values true and false have special meaning:

  • Returning true will cause parsing to resume, but nothing will be added to the result.
  • Returning false will cause parsing of thae clause to fail and the parser will attempt the next choice.
  • Any other return value will be added to the parse tree.

A snippet can trigger a parse error by calling the error() function.