
Parses LinkedIn PDF resumes from recruitment portal into a set of usable entities

2.1 2018-05-18 08:07 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-16 20:37:43 UTC


Please note: Linkedin updated the layout of downloadable pdfs. This parser will not work with the new layout (blue bar on the left)

This library parses LinkedIn PDF resumes from Recruiter portal into a set of PHP entities. The entities are based on the various sections found in each resume, making it easy to extract information such as current / previous roles, education history, certifications etc.

Basic Use

$resumeParser = new \LinkedInResumeParser\Parser();
$parsedResume = $resumeParser->parse('/path/to/resume.pdf');

echo $parsedResume->getFullName();
// Ross Kinsman

echo $parsedResume->getCurrentRole()->getOrganisation();
// The Drum

echo $parsedResume->getCurrentRole()->getStart()->format('F, Y');
// August, 2016

foreach ($parsedResume->getSkills() as $skill) {
    echo $skill;
    // PHP
    // Git
    // ...

foreach ($parsedResume->getEducationEntries() as $educationEntry) {
    echo $educationEntry->getInstitution();
    // University of Strathclyde