
PHP Bindings for Mattermost

Fund package maintenance!

v1.4.33 2024-12-12 12:01 UTC


Built for building apps and integrations for Mattermost.


composer require cedricziel/mattermost-php


API Client

The API client is a simple wrapper around the Mattermost API. It provides a fluent interface to interact with the API.


use CedricZiel\MattermostPhp\Client;
use CedricZiel\MattermostPhp\Client\Model\CreatePostRequest;

// create a client instance
$client = new Client(getenv('MATTERMOST_SITE_URL'));
// provide a token and authenticate
$yourUser = $client->authenticate();

// OR authenticate with username and password
$client->authenticate($loginId, $password);

// get the team and a specific channel
$team = $client->teams()->getTeamByName(getenv('MATTERMOST_TEAM_NAME'));
$client->channels()->getAllChannels(per_page: 100);
$channel = $client->channels()->getChannelByName($team->id, 'town-square');

// create a post in the channel
$post = $client->posts()->createPost(new CreatePostRequest($channel->id, 'Hello World!'));

Slash commands

Slash commands are one of the most common ways to integrate with Mattermost. They are invoked by typing a slash followed by the command name and any arguments into the message box in Mattermost (e.g. /weather New York).

To implement a slash command that would respond with the weather in a given city, you would do something like this:

Note: This library does recommend using a PSR-15 compatible middleware stack to handle the request and response. This library provides an AbstractSlashCommand class that can be extended to implement a slash command that does everything once it needs to handle a request.


// your PSR-15 ServerRequestInterface implementation
$serverRequest = '...';

$slashCommand = new class('weather') extends \CedricZiel\Mattermost\SlashCommands\AbstractSlashCommand {
    public function execute(SlashCommandInput $input): SlashCommandOutput
        $city = $input->getParameters();
         * Your business logic here
        $weather = $this->getWeatherForCity($city);

        return SlashCommandOutput::create()
            ->setText(sprintf('The weather in %s is %s', $city, $weather));

// handle the request. this will invoke the slash command and return a PSR-7 compatible response

Please look at the tests for more examples.
