
This endpoint reference contains an overview of all endpoints comprising the Shopware Admin API. For a better overview, all CRUD-endpoints are hidden by default. If you want to show also CRUD-endpoints add the query parameter `type=jsonapi`.

1.0 2024-01-18 13:55 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-18 14:44:56 UTC


This endpoint reference contains an overview of all endpoints comprising the Shopware Admin API.

For a better overview, all CRUD-endpoints are hidden by default. If you want to show also CRUD-endpoints add the query parameter type=jsonapi.

Installation & Usage


PHP 7.2 and later.


To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json:

  "repositories": [
      "type": "vcs",
      "url": ""
  "require": {
    "cdma-numiscorner/shopware-admin-api-client": "*@dev"

Then run composer install

Manual Installation

Download the files and include autoload.php:


Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: oAuth
$config = OpenAPI\ShopwareAdminApiClient\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setAccessToken('YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: oAuth
$config = OpenAPI\ShopwareAdminApiClient\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setAccessToken('YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN');

$apiInstance = new OpenAPI\ShopwareAdminApiClient\Api\AclRoleApi(
    // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
    // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
    new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$_response = '_response_example'; // string | Data format for response. Empty if none is provided.
$inline_object = new \OpenAPI\ShopwareAdminApiClient\Model\InlineObject(); // \OpenAPI\ShopwareAdminApiClient\Model\InlineObject

try {
    $result = $apiInstance->createAclRole($_response, $inline_object);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling AclRoleApi->createAclRole: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;

API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to http://localhost:8000/api

Class Method HTTP request Description
AclRoleApi createAclRole POST /acl-role Create a new Acl Role resources.
AclRoleApi deleteAclRole DELETE /acl-role/{id} Delete a Acl Role resource.
AclRoleApi getAclRole GET /acl-role/{id} Detailed information about a Acl Role resource.
AclRoleApi getAclRoleList GET /acl-role List with basic information of Acl Role resources.
AclRoleApi updateAclRole PATCH /acl-role/{id} Partially update information about a Acl Role resource.
AppApi createApp POST /app Create a new App resources.
AppApi deleteApp DELETE /app/{id} Delete a App resource.
AppApi getApp GET /app/{id} Detailed information about a App resource.
AppApi getAppList GET /app List with basic information of App resources.
AppApi updateApp PATCH /app/{id} Partially update information about a App resource.
AppActionButtonApi createAppActionButton POST /app-action-button Create a new App Action Button resources.
AppActionButtonApi deleteAppActionButton DELETE /app-action-button/{id} Delete a App Action Button resource.
AppActionButtonApi getAppActionButton GET /app-action-button/{id} Detailed information about a App Action Button resource.
AppActionButtonApi getAppActionButtonList GET /app-action-button List with basic information of App Action Button resources.
AppActionButtonApi updateAppActionButton PATCH /app-action-button/{id} Partially update information about a App Action Button resource.
AppAdministrationSnippetApi createAppAdministrationSnippet POST /app-administration-snippet Create a new App Administration Snippet resources.
AppAdministrationSnippetApi deleteAppAdministrationSnippet DELETE /app-administration-snippet/{id} Delete a App Administration Snippet resource.
AppAdministrationSnippetApi getAppAdministrationSnippet GET /app-administration-snippet/{id} Detailed information about a App Administration Snippet resource.
AppAdministrationSnippetApi getAppAdministrationSnippetList GET /app-administration-snippet List with basic information of App Administration Snippet resources.
AppAdministrationSnippetApi updateAppAdministrationSnippet PATCH /app-administration-snippet/{id} Partially update information about a App Administration Snippet resource.
AppCmsBlockApi createAppCmsBlock POST /app-cms-block Create a new App Cms Block resources.
AppCmsBlockApi deleteAppCmsBlock DELETE /app-cms-block/{id} Delete a App Cms Block resource.
AppCmsBlockApi getAppCmsBlock GET /app-cms-block/{id} Detailed information about a App Cms Block resource.
AppCmsBlockApi getAppCmsBlockList GET /app-cms-block List with basic information of App Cms Block resources.
AppCmsBlockApi updateAppCmsBlock PATCH /app-cms-block/{id} Partially update information about a App Cms Block resource.
AppFlowActionApi createAppFlowAction POST /app-flow-action Create a new App Flow Action resources.
AppFlowActionApi deleteAppFlowAction DELETE /app-flow-action/{id} Delete a App Flow Action resource.
AppFlowActionApi getAppFlowAction GET /app-flow-action/{id} Detailed information about a App Flow Action resource.
AppFlowActionApi getAppFlowActionList GET /app-flow-action List with basic information of App Flow Action resources.
AppFlowActionApi updateAppFlowAction PATCH /app-flow-action/{id} Partially update information about a App Flow Action resource.
AppFlowEventApi createAppFlowEvent POST /app-flow-event Create a new App Flow Event resources.
AppFlowEventApi deleteAppFlowEvent DELETE /app-flow-event/{id} Delete a App Flow Event resource.
AppFlowEventApi getAppFlowEvent GET /app-flow-event/{id} Detailed information about a App Flow Event resource.
AppFlowEventApi getAppFlowEventList GET /app-flow-event List with basic information of App Flow Event resources.
AppFlowEventApi updateAppFlowEvent PATCH /app-flow-event/{id} Partially update information about a App Flow Event resource.
AppPaymentMethodApi createAppPaymentMethod POST /app-payment-method Create a new App Payment Method resources.
AppPaymentMethodApi deleteAppPaymentMethod DELETE /app-payment-method/{id} Delete a App Payment Method resource.
AppPaymentMethodApi getAppPaymentMethod GET /app-payment-method/{id} Detailed information about a App Payment Method resource.
AppPaymentMethodApi getAppPaymentMethodList GET /app-payment-method List with basic information of App Payment Method resources.
AppPaymentMethodApi updateAppPaymentMethod PATCH /app-payment-method/{id} Partially update information about a App Payment Method resource.
AppScriptConditionApi createAppScriptCondition POST /app-script-condition Create a new App Script Condition resources.
AppScriptConditionApi deleteAppScriptCondition DELETE /app-script-condition/{id} Delete a App Script Condition resource.
AppScriptConditionApi getAppScriptCondition GET /app-script-condition/{id} Detailed information about a App Script Condition resource.
AppScriptConditionApi getAppScriptConditionList GET /app-script-condition List with basic information of App Script Condition resources.
AppScriptConditionApi updateAppScriptCondition PATCH /app-script-condition/{id} Partially update information about a App Script Condition resource.
AppShippingMethodApi createAppShippingMethod POST /app-shipping-method Create a new App Shipping Method resources.
AppShippingMethodApi deleteAppShippingMethod DELETE /app-shipping-method/{id} Delete a App Shipping Method resource.
AppShippingMethodApi getAppShippingMethod GET /app-shipping-method/{id} Detailed information about a App Shipping Method resource.
AppShippingMethodApi getAppShippingMethodList GET /app-shipping-method List with basic information of App Shipping Method resources.
AppShippingMethodApi updateAppShippingMethod PATCH /app-shipping-method/{id} Partially update information about a App Shipping Method resource.
AppTemplateApi createAppTemplate POST /app-template Create a new App Template resources.
AppTemplateApi deleteAppTemplate DELETE /app-template/{id} Delete a App Template resource.
AppTemplateApi getAppTemplate GET /app-template/{id} Detailed information about a App Template resource.
AppTemplateApi getAppTemplateList GET /app-template List with basic information of App Template resources.
AppTemplateApi updateAppTemplate PATCH /app-template/{id} Partially update information about a App Template resource.
AssetManagementApi upload POST /_action/media/{mediaId}/upload Upload a file to a media entity
AuthorizationAuthenticationApi token POST /oauth/token Fetch an access token
BulkOperationsApi sync POST /_action/sync Bulk edit entities
CategoryApi createCategory POST /category Create a new Category resources.
CategoryApi deleteCategory DELETE /category/{id} Delete a Category resource.
CategoryApi getCategory GET /category/{id} Detailed information about a Category resource.
CategoryApi getCategoryList GET /category List with basic information of Category resources.
CategoryApi updateCategory PATCH /category/{id} Partially update information about a Category resource.
CmsBlockApi createCmsBlock POST /cms-block Create a new Cms Block resources.
CmsBlockApi deleteCmsBlock DELETE /cms-block/{id} Delete a Cms Block resource.
CmsBlockApi getCmsBlock GET /cms-block/{id} Detailed information about a Cms Block resource.
CmsBlockApi getCmsBlockList GET /cms-block List with basic information of Cms Block resources.
CmsBlockApi updateCmsBlock PATCH /cms-block/{id} Partially update information about a Cms Block resource.
CmsPageApi createCmsPage POST /cms-page Create a new Cms Page resources.
CmsPageApi deleteCmsPage DELETE /cms-page/{id} Delete a Cms Page resource.
CmsPageApi getCmsPage GET /cms-page/{id} Detailed information about a Cms Page resource.
CmsPageApi getCmsPageList GET /cms-page List with basic information of Cms Page resources.
CmsPageApi updateCmsPage PATCH /cms-page/{id} Partially update information about a Cms Page resource.
CmsSectionApi createCmsSection POST /cms-section Create a new Cms Section resources.
CmsSectionApi deleteCmsSection DELETE /cms-section/{id} Delete a Cms Section resource.
CmsSectionApi getCmsSection GET /cms-section/{id} Detailed information about a Cms Section resource.
CmsSectionApi getCmsSectionList GET /cms-section List with basic information of Cms Section resources.
CmsSectionApi updateCmsSection PATCH /cms-section/{id} Partially update information about a Cms Section resource.
CmsSlotApi createCmsSlot POST /cms-slot Create a new Cms Slot resources.
CmsSlotApi deleteCmsSlot DELETE /cms-slot/{id} Delete a Cms Slot resource.
CmsSlotApi getCmsSlot GET /cms-slot/{id} Detailed information about a Cms Slot resource.
CmsSlotApi getCmsSlotList GET /cms-slot List with basic information of Cms Slot resources.
CmsSlotApi updateCmsSlot PATCH /cms-slot/{id} Partially update information about a Cms Slot resource.
CountryApi createCountry POST /country Create a new Country resources.
CountryApi deleteCountry DELETE /country/{id} Delete a Country resource.
CountryApi getCountry GET /country/{id} Detailed information about a Country resource.
CountryApi getCountryList GET /country List with basic information of Country resources.
CountryApi updateCountry PATCH /country/{id} Partially update information about a Country resource.
CountryStateApi createCountryState POST /country-state Create a new Country State resources.
CountryStateApi deleteCountryState DELETE /country-state/{id} Delete a Country State resource.
CountryStateApi getCountryState GET /country-state/{id} Detailed information about a Country State resource.
CountryStateApi getCountryStateList GET /country-state List with basic information of Country State resources.
CountryStateApi updateCountryState PATCH /country-state/{id} Partially update information about a Country State resource.
CurrencyApi createCurrency POST /currency Create a new Currency resources.
CurrencyApi deleteCurrency DELETE /currency/{id} Delete a Currency resource.
CurrencyApi getCurrency GET /currency/{id} Detailed information about a Currency resource.
CurrencyApi getCurrencyList GET /currency List with basic information of Currency resources.
CurrencyApi updateCurrency PATCH /currency/{id} Partially update information about a Currency resource.
CurrencyCountryRoundingApi createCurrencyCountryRounding POST /currency-country-rounding Create a new Currency Country Rounding resources.
CurrencyCountryRoundingApi deleteCurrencyCountryRounding DELETE /currency-country-rounding/{id} Delete a Currency Country Rounding resource.
CurrencyCountryRoundingApi getCurrencyCountryRounding GET /currency-country-rounding/{id} Detailed information about a Currency Country Rounding resource.
CurrencyCountryRoundingApi getCurrencyCountryRoundingList GET /currency-country-rounding List with basic information of Currency Country Rounding resources.
CurrencyCountryRoundingApi updateCurrencyCountryRounding PATCH /currency-country-rounding/{id} Partially update information about a Currency Country Rounding resource.
CustomEntityApi createCustomEntity POST /custom-entity Create a new Custom Entity resources.
CustomEntityApi deleteCustomEntity DELETE /custom-entity/{id} Delete a Custom Entity resource.
CustomEntityApi getCustomEntity GET /custom-entity/{id} Detailed information about a Custom Entity resource.
CustomEntityApi getCustomEntityList GET /custom-entity List with basic information of Custom Entity resources.
CustomEntityApi updateCustomEntity PATCH /custom-entity/{id} Partially update information about a Custom Entity resource.
CustomFieldApi createCustomField POST /custom-field Create a new Custom Field resources.
CustomFieldApi deleteCustomField DELETE /custom-field/{id} Delete a Custom Field resource.
CustomFieldApi getCustomField GET /custom-field/{id} Detailed information about a Custom Field resource.
CustomFieldApi getCustomFieldList GET /custom-field List with basic information of Custom Field resources.
CustomFieldApi updateCustomField PATCH /custom-field/{id} Partially update information about a Custom Field resource.
CustomFieldSetApi createCustomFieldSet POST /custom-field-set Create a new Custom Field Set resources.
CustomFieldSetApi deleteCustomFieldSet DELETE /custom-field-set/{id} Delete a Custom Field Set resource.
CustomFieldSetApi getCustomFieldSet GET /custom-field-set/{id} Detailed information about a Custom Field Set resource.
CustomFieldSetApi getCustomFieldSetList GET /custom-field-set List with basic information of Custom Field Set resources.
CustomFieldSetApi updateCustomFieldSet PATCH /custom-field-set/{id} Partially update information about a Custom Field Set resource.
CustomFieldSetRelationApi createCustomFieldSetRelation POST /custom-field-set-relation Create a new Custom Field Set Relation resources.
CustomFieldSetRelationApi deleteCustomFieldSetRelation DELETE /custom-field-set-relation/{id} Delete a Custom Field Set Relation resource.
CustomFieldSetRelationApi getCustomFieldSetRelation GET /custom-field-set-relation/{id} Detailed information about a Custom Field Set Relation resource.
CustomFieldSetRelationApi getCustomFieldSetRelationList GET /custom-field-set-relation List with basic information of Custom Field Set Relation resources.
CustomFieldSetRelationApi updateCustomFieldSetRelation PATCH /custom-field-set-relation/{id} Partially update information about a Custom Field Set Relation resource.
CustomerApi createCustomer POST /customer Create a new Customer resources.
CustomerApi deleteCustomer DELETE /customer/{id} Delete a Customer resource.
CustomerApi getCustomer GET /customer/{id} Detailed information about a Customer resource.
CustomerApi getCustomerList GET /customer List with basic information of Customer resources.
CustomerApi updateCustomer PATCH /customer/{id} Partially update information about a Customer resource.
CustomerAddressApi createCustomerAddress POST /customer-address Create a new Customer Address resources.
CustomerAddressApi deleteCustomerAddress DELETE /customer-address/{id} Delete a Customer Address resource.
CustomerAddressApi getCustomerAddress GET /customer-address/{id} Detailed information about a Customer Address resource.
CustomerAddressApi getCustomerAddressList GET /customer-address List with basic information of Customer Address resources.
CustomerAddressApi updateCustomerAddress PATCH /customer-address/{id} Partially update information about a Customer Address resource.
CustomerGroupApi createCustomerGroup POST /customer-group Create a new Customer Group resources.
CustomerGroupApi deleteCustomerGroup DELETE /customer-group/{id} Delete a Customer Group resource.
CustomerGroupApi getCustomerGroup GET /customer-group/{id} Detailed information about a Customer Group resource.
CustomerGroupApi getCustomerGroupList GET /customer-group List with basic information of Customer Group resources.
CustomerGroupApi updateCustomerGroup PATCH /customer-group/{id} Partially update information about a Customer Group resource.
CustomerRecoveryApi createCustomerRecovery POST /customer-recovery Create a new Customer Recovery resources.
CustomerRecoveryApi deleteCustomerRecovery DELETE /customer-recovery/{id} Delete a Customer Recovery resource.
CustomerRecoveryApi getCustomerRecovery GET /customer-recovery/{id} Detailed information about a Customer Recovery resource.
CustomerRecoveryApi getCustomerRecoveryList GET /customer-recovery List with basic information of Customer Recovery resources.
CustomerRecoveryApi updateCustomerRecovery PATCH /customer-recovery/{id} Partially update information about a Customer Recovery resource.
CustomerWishlistApi createCustomerWishlist POST /customer-wishlist Create a new Customer Wishlist resources.
CustomerWishlistApi deleteCustomerWishlist DELETE /customer-wishlist/{id} Delete a Customer Wishlist resource.
CustomerWishlistApi getCustomerWishlist GET /customer-wishlist/{id} Detailed information about a Customer Wishlist resource.
CustomerWishlistApi getCustomerWishlistList GET /customer-wishlist List with basic information of Customer Wishlist resources.
CustomerWishlistApi updateCustomerWishlist PATCH /customer-wishlist/{id} Partially update information about a Customer Wishlist resource.
CustomerWishlistProductApi createCustomerWishlistProduct POST /customer-wishlist-product Create a new Customer Wishlist Product resources.
CustomerWishlistProductApi deleteCustomerWishlistProduct DELETE /customer-wishlist-product/{id} Delete a Customer Wishlist Product resource.
CustomerWishlistProductApi getCustomerWishlistProduct GET /customer-wishlist-product/{id} Detailed information about a Customer Wishlist Product resource.
CustomerWishlistProductApi getCustomerWishlistProductList GET /customer-wishlist-product List with basic information of Customer Wishlist Product resources.
CustomerWishlistProductApi updateCustomerWishlistProduct PATCH /customer-wishlist-product/{id} Partially update information about a Customer Wishlist Product resource.
DeliveryTimeApi createDeliveryTime POST /delivery-time Create a new Delivery Time resources.
DeliveryTimeApi deleteDeliveryTime DELETE /delivery-time/{id} Delete a Delivery Time resource.
DeliveryTimeApi getDeliveryTime GET /delivery-time/{id} Detailed information about a Delivery Time resource.
DeliveryTimeApi getDeliveryTimeList GET /delivery-time List with basic information of Delivery Time resources.
DeliveryTimeApi updateDeliveryTime PATCH /delivery-time/{id} Partially update information about a Delivery Time resource.
DocumentApi createDocument POST /document Create a new Document resources.
DocumentApi deleteDocument DELETE /document/{id} Delete a Document resource.
DocumentApi getDocument GET /document/{id} Detailed information about a Document resource.
DocumentApi getDocumentList GET /document List with basic information of Document resources.
DocumentApi updateDocument PATCH /document/{id} Partially update information about a Document resource.
DocumentBaseConfigApi createDocumentBaseConfig POST /document-base-config Create a new Document Base Config resources.
DocumentBaseConfigApi deleteDocumentBaseConfig DELETE /document-base-config/{id} Delete a Document Base Config resource.
DocumentBaseConfigApi getDocumentBaseConfig GET /document-base-config/{id} Detailed information about a Document Base Config resource.
DocumentBaseConfigApi getDocumentBaseConfigList GET /document-base-config List with basic information of Document Base Config resources.
DocumentBaseConfigApi updateDocumentBaseConfig PATCH /document-base-config/{id} Partially update information about a Document Base Config resource.
DocumentBaseConfigSalesChannelApi createDocumentBaseConfigSalesChannel POST /document-base-config-sales-channel Create a new Document Base Config Sales Channel resources.
DocumentBaseConfigSalesChannelApi deleteDocumentBaseConfigSalesChannel DELETE /document-base-config-sales-channel/{id} Delete a Document Base Config Sales Channel resource.
DocumentBaseConfigSalesChannelApi getDocumentBaseConfigSalesChannel GET /document-base-config-sales-channel/{id} Detailed information about a Document Base Config Sales Channel resource.
DocumentBaseConfigSalesChannelApi getDocumentBaseConfigSalesChannelList GET /document-base-config-sales-channel List with basic information of Document Base Config Sales Channel resources.
DocumentBaseConfigSalesChannelApi updateDocumentBaseConfigSalesChannel PATCH /document-base-config-sales-channel/{id} Partially update information about a Document Base Config Sales Channel resource.
DocumentManagementApi createDocuments POST /_action/order/document/{documentTypeName}/create Create documents for orders
DocumentManagementApi downloadDocument GET /_action/document/{documentId}/{deepLinkCode} Download a document
DocumentManagementApi downloadDocuments POST /_action/order/document/download Download a documents
DocumentManagementApi numberRangeReserve GET /_action/number-range/reserve/{type}/{saleschannel} Reserve or preview a document number
DocumentManagementApi uploadToDocument POST /_action/document/{documentId}/upload Upload a file for a document
DocumentTypeApi createDocumentType POST /document-type Create a new Document Type resources.
DocumentTypeApi deleteDocumentType DELETE /document-type/{id} Delete a Document Type resource.
DocumentTypeApi getDocumentType GET /document-type/{id} Detailed information about a Document Type resource.
DocumentTypeApi getDocumentTypeList GET /document-type List with basic information of Document Type resources.
DocumentTypeApi updateDocumentType PATCH /document-type/{id} Partially update information about a Document Type resource.
FlowApi createFlow POST /flow Create a new Flow resources.
FlowApi deleteFlow DELETE /flow/{id} Delete a Flow resource.
FlowApi getFlow GET /flow/{id} Detailed information about a Flow resource.
FlowApi getFlowList GET /flow List with basic information of Flow resources.
FlowApi updateFlow PATCH /flow/{id} Partially update information about a Flow resource.
FlowSequenceApi createFlowSequence POST /flow-sequence Create a new Flow Sequence resources.
FlowSequenceApi deleteFlowSequence DELETE /flow-sequence/{id} Delete a Flow Sequence resource.
FlowSequenceApi getFlowSequence GET /flow-sequence/{id} Detailed information about a Flow Sequence resource.
FlowSequenceApi getFlowSequenceList GET /flow-sequence List with basic information of Flow Sequence resources.
FlowSequenceApi updateFlowSequence PATCH /flow-sequence/{id} Partially update information about a Flow Sequence resource.
FlowTemplateApi createFlowTemplate POST /flow-template Create a new Flow Template resources.
FlowTemplateApi deleteFlowTemplate DELETE /flow-template/{id} Delete a Flow Template resource.
FlowTemplateApi getFlowTemplate GET /flow-template/{id} Detailed information about a Flow Template resource.
FlowTemplateApi getFlowTemplateList GET /flow-template List with basic information of Flow Template resources.
FlowTemplateApi updateFlowTemplate PATCH /flow-template/{id} Partially update information about a Flow Template resource.
ImportExportFileApi createImportExportFile POST /import-export-file Create a new Import Export File resources.
ImportExportFileApi deleteImportExportFile DELETE /import-export-file/{id} Delete a Import Export File resource.
ImportExportFileApi getImportExportFile GET /import-export-file/{id} Detailed information about a Import Export File resource.
ImportExportFileApi getImportExportFileList GET /import-export-file List with basic information of Import Export File resources.
ImportExportFileApi updateImportExportFile PATCH /import-export-file/{id} Partially update information about a Import Export File resource.
ImportExportLogApi createImportExportLog POST /import-export-log Create a new Import Export Log resources.
ImportExportLogApi deleteImportExportLog DELETE /import-export-log/{id} Delete a Import Export Log resource.
ImportExportLogApi getImportExportLog GET /import-export-log/{id} Detailed information about a Import Export Log resource.
ImportExportLogApi getImportExportLogList GET /import-export-log List with basic information of Import Export Log resources.
ImportExportLogApi updateImportExportLog PATCH /import-export-log/{id} Partially update information about a Import Export Log resource.
ImportExportProfileApi createImportExportProfile POST /import-export-profile Create a new Import Export Profile resources.
ImportExportProfileApi deleteImportExportProfile DELETE /import-export-profile/{id} Delete a Import Export Profile resource.
ImportExportProfileApi getImportExportProfile GET /import-export-profile/{id} Detailed information about a Import Export Profile resource.
ImportExportProfileApi getImportExportProfileList GET /import-export-profile List with basic information of Import Export Profile resources.
ImportExportProfileApi updateImportExportProfile PATCH /import-export-profile/{id} Partially update information about a Import Export Profile resource.
IntegrationApi createIntegration POST /integration Create a new Integration resources.
IntegrationApi deleteIntegration DELETE /integration/{id} Delete a Integration resource.
IntegrationApi getIntegration GET /integration/{id} Detailed information about a Integration resource.
IntegrationApi getIntegrationList GET /integration List with basic information of Integration resources.
IntegrationApi updateIntegration PATCH /integration/{id} Partially update information about a Integration resource.
LandingPageApi createLandingPage POST /landing-page Create a new Landing Page resources.
LandingPageApi deleteLandingPage DELETE /landing-page/{id} Delete a Landing Page resource.
LandingPageApi getLandingPage GET /landing-page/{id} Detailed information about a Landing Page resource.
LandingPageApi getLandingPageList GET /landing-page List with basic information of Landing Page resources.
LandingPageApi updateLandingPage PATCH /landing-page/{id} Partially update information about a Landing Page resource.
LanguageApi createLanguage POST /language Create a new Language resources.
LanguageApi deleteLanguage DELETE /language/{id} Delete a Language resource.
LanguageApi getLanguage GET /language/{id} Detailed information about a Language resource.
LanguageApi getLanguageList GET /language List with basic information of Language resources.
LanguageApi updateLanguage PATCH /language/{id} Partially update information about a Language resource.
LocaleApi createLocale POST /locale Create a new Locale resources.
LocaleApi deleteLocale DELETE /locale/{id} Delete a Locale resource.
LocaleApi getLocale GET /locale/{id} Detailed information about a Locale resource.
LocaleApi getLocaleList GET /locale List with basic information of Locale resources.
LocaleApi updateLocale PATCH /locale/{id} Partially update information about a Locale resource.
LogEntryApi createLogEntry POST /log-entry Create a new Log Entry resources.
LogEntryApi deleteLogEntry DELETE /log-entry/{id} Delete a Log Entry resource.
LogEntryApi getLogEntry GET /log-entry/{id} Detailed information about a Log Entry resource.
LogEntryApi getLogEntryList GET /log-entry List with basic information of Log Entry resources.
LogEntryApi updateLogEntry PATCH /log-entry/{id} Partially update information about a Log Entry resource.
MailHeaderFooterApi createMailHeaderFooter POST /mail-header-footer Create a new Mail Header Footer resources.
MailHeaderFooterApi deleteMailHeaderFooter DELETE /mail-header-footer/{id} Delete a Mail Header Footer resource.
MailHeaderFooterApi getMailHeaderFooter GET /mail-header-footer/{id} Detailed information about a Mail Header Footer resource.
MailHeaderFooterApi getMailHeaderFooterList GET /mail-header-footer List with basic information of Mail Header Footer resources.
MailHeaderFooterApi updateMailHeaderFooter PATCH /mail-header-footer/{id} Partially update information about a Mail Header Footer resource.
MailOperationsApi build POST /_action/mail-template/build Preview a mail template
MailOperationsApi send POST /_action/mail-template/send Send a mail
MailOperationsApi validate POST /_action/mail-template/validate Validate a mail content
MailTemplateApi createMailTemplate POST /mail-template Create a new Mail Template resources.
MailTemplateApi deleteMailTemplate DELETE /mail-template/{id} Delete a Mail Template resource.
MailTemplateApi getMailTemplate GET /mail-template/{id} Detailed information about a Mail Template resource.
MailTemplateApi getMailTemplateList GET /mail-template List with basic information of Mail Template resources.
MailTemplateApi updateMailTemplate PATCH /mail-template/{id} Partially update information about a Mail Template resource.
MailTemplateTypeApi createMailTemplateType POST /mail-template-type Create a new Mail Template Type resources.
MailTemplateTypeApi deleteMailTemplateType DELETE /mail-template-type/{id} Delete a Mail Template Type resource.
MailTemplateTypeApi getMailTemplateType GET /mail-template-type/{id} Detailed information about a Mail Template Type resource.
MailTemplateTypeApi getMailTemplateTypeList GET /mail-template-type List with basic information of Mail Template Type resources.
MailTemplateTypeApi updateMailTemplateType PATCH /mail-template-type/{id} Partially update information about a Mail Template Type resource.
MainCategoryApi createMainCategory POST /main-category Create a new Main Category resources.
MainCategoryApi deleteMainCategory DELETE /main-category/{id} Delete a Main Category resource.
MainCategoryApi getMainCategory GET /main-category/{id} Detailed information about a Main Category resource.
MainCategoryApi getMainCategoryList GET /main-category List with basic information of Main Category resources.
MainCategoryApi updateMainCategory PATCH /main-category/{id} Partially update information about a Main Category resource.
MediaApi createMedia POST /media Create a new Media resources.
MediaApi deleteMedia DELETE /media/{id} Delete a Media resource.
MediaApi getMedia GET /media/{id} Detailed information about a Media resource.
MediaApi getMediaList GET /media List with basic information of Media resources.
MediaApi updateMedia PATCH /media/{id} Partially update information about a Media resource.
MediaDefaultFolderApi createMediaDefaultFolder POST /media-default-folder Create a new Media Default Folder resources.
MediaDefaultFolderApi deleteMediaDefaultFolder DELETE /media-default-folder/{id} Delete a Media Default Folder resource.
MediaDefaultFolderApi getMediaDefaultFolder GET /media-default-folder/{id} Detailed information about a Media Default Folder resource.
MediaDefaultFolderApi getMediaDefaultFolderList GET /media-default-folder List with basic information of Media Default Folder resources.
MediaDefaultFolderApi updateMediaDefaultFolder PATCH /media-default-folder/{id} Partially update information about a Media Default Folder resource.
MediaFolderApi createMediaFolder POST /media-folder Create a new Media Folder resources.
MediaFolderApi deleteMediaFolder DELETE /media-folder/{id} Delete a Media Folder resource.
MediaFolderApi getMediaFolder GET /media-folder/{id} Detailed information about a Media Folder resource.
MediaFolderApi getMediaFolderList GET /media-folder List with basic information of Media Folder resources.
MediaFolderApi updateMediaFolder PATCH /media-folder/{id} Partially update information about a Media Folder resource.
MediaFolderConfigurationApi createMediaFolderConfiguration POST /media-folder-configuration Create a new Media Folder Configuration resources.
MediaFolderConfigurationApi deleteMediaFolderConfiguration DELETE /media-folder-configuration/{id} Delete a Media Folder Configuration resource.
MediaFolderConfigurationApi getMediaFolderConfiguration GET /media-folder-configuration/{id} Detailed information about a Media Folder Configuration resource.
MediaFolderConfigurationApi getMediaFolderConfigurationList GET /media-folder-configuration List with basic information of Media Folder Configuration resources.
MediaFolderConfigurationApi updateMediaFolderConfiguration PATCH /media-folder-configuration/{id} Partially update information about a Media Folder Configuration resource.
MediaThumbnailApi createMediaThumbnail POST /media-thumbnail Create a new Media Thumbnail resources.
MediaThumbnailApi deleteMediaThumbnail DELETE /media-thumbnail/{id} Delete a Media Thumbnail resource.
MediaThumbnailApi getMediaThumbnail GET /media-thumbnail/{id} Detailed information about a Media Thumbnail resource.
MediaThumbnailApi getMediaThumbnailList GET /media-thumbnail List with basic information of Media Thumbnail resources.
MediaThumbnailApi updateMediaThumbnail PATCH /media-thumbnail/{id} Partially update information about a Media Thumbnail resource.
MediaThumbnailSizeApi createMediaThumbnailSize POST /media-thumbnail-size Create a new Media Thumbnail Size resources.
MediaThumbnailSizeApi deleteMediaThumbnailSize DELETE /media-thumbnail-size/{id} Delete a Media Thumbnail Size resource.
MediaThumbnailSizeApi getMediaThumbnailSize GET /media-thumbnail-size/{id} Detailed information about a Media Thumbnail Size resource.
MediaThumbnailSizeApi getMediaThumbnailSizeList GET /media-thumbnail-size List with basic information of Media Thumbnail Size resources.
MediaThumbnailSizeApi updateMediaThumbnailSize PATCH /media-thumbnail-size/{id} Partially update information about a Media Thumbnail Size resource.
NewsletterRecipientApi createNewsletterRecipient POST /newsletter-recipient Create a new Newsletter Recipient resources.
NewsletterRecipientApi deleteNewsletterRecipient DELETE /newsletter-recipient/{id} Delete a Newsletter Recipient resource.
NewsletterRecipientApi getNewsletterRecipient GET /newsletter-recipient/{id} Detailed information about a Newsletter Recipient resource.
NewsletterRecipientApi getNewsletterRecipientList GET /newsletter-recipient List with basic information of Newsletter Recipient resources.
NewsletterRecipientApi updateNewsletterRecipient PATCH /newsletter-recipient/{id} Partially update information about a Newsletter Recipient resource.
NotificationApi createNotification POST /notification Create a new Notification resources.
NotificationApi deleteNotification DELETE /notification/{id} Delete a Notification resource.
NotificationApi getNotification GET /notification/{id} Detailed information about a Notification resource.
NotificationApi getNotificationList GET /notification List with basic information of Notification resources.
NotificationApi updateNotification PATCH /notification/{id} Partially update information about a Notification resource.
NumberRangeApi createNumberRange POST /number-range Create a new Number Range resources.
NumberRangeApi deleteNumberRange DELETE /number-range/{id} Delete a Number Range resource.
NumberRangeApi getNumberRange GET /number-range/{id} Detailed information about a Number Range resource.
NumberRangeApi getNumberRangeList GET /number-range List with basic information of Number Range resources.
NumberRangeApi updateNumberRange PATCH /number-range/{id} Partially update information about a Number Range resource.
NumberRangeSalesChannelApi createNumberRangeSalesChannel POST /number-range-sales-channel Create a new Number Range Sales Channel resources.
NumberRangeSalesChannelApi deleteNumberRangeSalesChannel DELETE /number-range-sales-channel/{id} Delete a Number Range Sales Channel resource.
NumberRangeSalesChannelApi getNumberRangeSalesChannel GET /number-range-sales-channel/{id} Detailed information about a Number Range Sales Channel resource.
NumberRangeSalesChannelApi getNumberRangeSalesChannelList GET /number-range-sales-channel List with basic information of Number Range Sales Channel resources.
NumberRangeSalesChannelApi updateNumberRangeSalesChannel PATCH /number-range-sales-channel/{id} Partially update information about a Number Range Sales Channel resource.
NumberRangeStateApi createNumberRangeState POST /number-range-state Create a new Number Range State resources.
NumberRangeStateApi deleteNumberRangeState DELETE /number-range-state/{id} Delete a Number Range State resource.
NumberRangeStateApi getNumberRangeState GET /number-range-state/{id} Detailed information about a Number Range State resource.
NumberRangeStateApi getNumberRangeStateList GET /number-range-state List with basic information of Number Range State resources.
NumberRangeStateApi updateNumberRangeState PATCH /number-range-state/{id} Partially update information about a Number Range State resource.
NumberRangeTypeApi createNumberRangeType POST /number-range-type Create a new Number Range Type resources.
NumberRangeTypeApi deleteNumberRangeType DELETE /number-range-type/{id} Delete a Number Range Type resource.
NumberRangeTypeApi getNumberRangeType GET /number-range-type/{id} Detailed information about a Number Range Type resource.
NumberRangeTypeApi getNumberRangeTypeList GET /number-range-type List with basic information of Number Range Type resources.
NumberRangeTypeApi updateNumberRangeType PATCH /number-range-type/{id} Partially update information about a Number Range Type resource.
OrderApi createOrder POST /order Create a new Order resources.
OrderApi deleteOrder DELETE /order/{id} Delete a Order resource.
OrderApi getOrder GET /order/{id} Detailed information about a Order resource.
OrderApi getOrderList GET /order List with basic information of Order resources.
OrderApi updateOrder PATCH /order/{id} Partially update information about a Order resource.
OrderAddressApi createOrderAddress POST /order-address Create a new Order Address resources.
OrderAddressApi deleteOrderAddress DELETE /order-address/{id} Delete a Order Address resource.
OrderAddressApi getOrderAddress GET /order-address/{id} Detailed information about a Order Address resource.
OrderAddressApi getOrderAddressList GET /order-address List with basic information of Order Address resources.
OrderAddressApi updateOrderAddress PATCH /order-address/{id} Partially update information about a Order Address resource.
OrderCustomerApi createOrderCustomer POST /order-customer Create a new Order Customer resources.
OrderCustomerApi deleteOrderCustomer DELETE /order-customer/{id} Delete a Order Customer resource.
OrderCustomerApi getOrderCustomer GET /order-customer/{id} Detailed information about a Order Customer resource.
OrderCustomerApi getOrderCustomerList GET /order-customer List with basic information of Order Customer resources.
OrderCustomerApi updateOrderCustomer PATCH /order-customer/{id} Partially update information about a Order Customer resource.
OrderDeliveryApi createOrderDelivery POST /order-delivery Create a new Order Delivery resources.
OrderDeliveryApi deleteOrderDelivery DELETE /order-delivery/{id} Delete a Order Delivery resource.
OrderDeliveryApi getOrderDelivery GET /order-delivery/{id} Detailed information about a Order Delivery resource.
OrderDeliveryApi getOrderDeliveryList GET /order-delivery List with basic information of Order Delivery resources.
OrderDeliveryApi updateOrderDelivery PATCH /order-delivery/{id} Partially update information about a Order Delivery resource.
OrderDeliveryPositionApi createOrderDeliveryPosition POST /order-delivery-position Create a new Order Delivery Position resources.
OrderDeliveryPositionApi deleteOrderDeliveryPosition DELETE /order-delivery-position/{id} Delete a Order Delivery Position resource.
OrderDeliveryPositionApi getOrderDeliveryPosition GET /order-delivery-position/{id} Detailed information about a Order Delivery Position resource.
OrderDeliveryPositionApi getOrderDeliveryPositionList GET /order-delivery-position List with basic information of Order Delivery Position resources.
OrderDeliveryPositionApi updateOrderDeliveryPosition PATCH /order-delivery-position/{id} Partially update information about a Order Delivery Position resource.
OrderLineItemApi createOrderLineItem POST /order-line-item Create a new Order Line Item resources.
OrderLineItemApi deleteOrderLineItem DELETE /order-line-item/{id} Delete a Order Line Item resource.
OrderLineItemApi getOrderLineItem GET /order-line-item/{id} Detailed information about a Order Line Item resource.
OrderLineItemApi getOrderLineItemList GET /order-line-item List with basic information of Order Line Item resources.
OrderLineItemApi updateOrderLineItem PATCH /order-line-item/{id} Partially update information about a Order Line Item resource.
OrderLineItemDownloadApi createOrderLineItemDownload POST /order-line-item-download Create a new Order Line Item Download resources.
OrderLineItemDownloadApi deleteOrderLineItemDownload DELETE /order-line-item-download/{id} Delete a Order Line Item Download resource.
OrderLineItemDownloadApi getOrderLineItemDownload GET /order-line-item-download/{id} Detailed information about a Order Line Item Download resource.
OrderLineItemDownloadApi getOrderLineItemDownloadList GET /order-line-item-download List with basic information of Order Line Item Download resources.
OrderLineItemDownloadApi updateOrderLineItemDownload PATCH /order-line-item-download/{id} Partially update information about a Order Line Item Download resource.
OrderManagementApi orderDeliveryStateTransition POST /_action/order_delivery/{orderDeliveryId}/state/{transition} Transition an order delivery to a new state
OrderManagementApi orderStateTransition POST /_action/order/{orderId}/state/{transition} Transition an order to a new state
OrderManagementApi orderTransactionCaptureRefund POST /_action/order_transaction_capture_refund/{refundId} Refund an order transaction capture
OrderManagementApi orderTransactionStateTransition POST /_action/order_transaction/{orderTransactionId}/state/{transition} Transition an order transaction to a new state
OrderTransactionApi createOrderTransaction POST /order-transaction Create a new Order Transaction resources.
OrderTransactionApi deleteOrderTransaction DELETE /order-transaction/{id} Delete a Order Transaction resource.
OrderTransactionApi getOrderTransaction GET /order-transaction/{id} Detailed information about a Order Transaction resource.
OrderTransactionApi getOrderTransactionList GET /order-transaction List with basic information of Order Transaction resources.
OrderTransactionApi updateOrderTransaction PATCH /order-transaction/{id} Partially update information about a Order Transaction resource.
OrderTransactionCaptureApi createOrderTransactionCapture POST /order-transaction-capture Create a new Order Transaction Capture resources.
OrderTransactionCaptureApi deleteOrderTransactionCapture DELETE /order-transaction-capture/{id} Delete a Order Transaction Capture resource.
OrderTransactionCaptureApi getOrderTransactionCapture GET /order-transaction-capture/{id} Detailed information about a Order Transaction Capture resource.
OrderTransactionCaptureApi getOrderTransactionCaptureList GET /order-transaction-capture List with basic information of Order Transaction Capture resources.
OrderTransactionCaptureApi updateOrderTransactionCapture PATCH /order-transaction-capture/{id} Partially update information about a Order Transaction Capture resource.
OrderTransactionCaptureRefundApi createOrderTransactionCaptureRefund POST /order-transaction-capture-refund Create a new Order Transaction Capture Refund resources.
OrderTransactionCaptureRefundApi deleteOrderTransactionCaptureRefund DELETE /order-transaction-capture-refund/{id} Delete a Order Transaction Capture Refund resource.
OrderTransactionCaptureRefundApi getOrderTransactionCaptureRefund GET /order-transaction-capture-refund/{id} Detailed information about a Order Transaction Capture Refund resource.
OrderTransactionCaptureRefundApi getOrderTransactionCaptureRefundList GET /order-transaction-capture-refund List with basic information of Order Transaction Capture Refund resources.
OrderTransactionCaptureRefundApi updateOrderTransactionCaptureRefund PATCH /order-transaction-capture-refund/{id} Partially update information about a Order Transaction Capture Refund resource.
OrderTransactionCaptureRefundPositionApi createOrderTransactionCaptureRefundPosition POST /order-transaction-capture-refund-position Create a new Order Transaction Capture Refund Position resources.
OrderTransactionCaptureRefundPositionApi deleteOrderTransactionCaptureRefundPosition DELETE /order-transaction-capture-refund-position/{id} Delete a Order Transaction Capture Refund Position resource.
OrderTransactionCaptureRefundPositionApi getOrderTransactionCaptureRefundPosition GET /order-transaction-capture-refund-position/{id} Detailed information about a Order Transaction Capture Refund Position resource.
OrderTransactionCaptureRefundPositionApi getOrderTransactionCaptureRefundPositionList GET /order-transaction-capture-refund-position List with basic information of Order Transaction Capture Refund Position resources.
OrderTransactionCaptureRefundPositionApi updateOrderTransactionCaptureRefundPosition PATCH /order-transaction-capture-refund-position/{id} Partially update information about a Order Transaction Capture Refund Position resource.
PaymentMethodApi createPaymentMethod POST /payment-method Create a new Payment Method resources.
PaymentMethodApi deletePaymentMethod DELETE /payment-method/{id} Delete a Payment Method resource.
PaymentMethodApi getPaymentMethod GET /payment-method/{id} Detailed information about a Payment Method resource.
PaymentMethodApi getPaymentMethodList GET /payment-method List with basic information of Payment Method resources.
PaymentMethodApi updatePaymentMethod PATCH /payment-method/{id} Partially update information about a Payment Method resource.
PluginApi createPlugin POST /plugin Create a new Plugin resources.
PluginApi deletePlugin DELETE /plugin/{id} Delete a Plugin resource.
PluginApi getPlugin GET /plugin/{id} Detailed information about a Plugin resource.
PluginApi getPluginList GET /plugin List with basic information of Plugin resources.
PluginApi updatePlugin PATCH /plugin/{id} Partially update information about a Plugin resource.
ProductApi createProduct POST /product Create a new Product resources.
ProductApi deleteProduct DELETE /product/{id} Delete a Product resource.
ProductApi getProduct GET /product/{id} Detailed information about a Product resource.
ProductApi getProductList GET /product List with basic information of Product resources.
ProductApi updateProduct PATCH /product/{id} Partially update information about a Product resource.
ProductConfiguratorSettingApi createProductConfiguratorSetting POST /product-configurator-setting Create a new Product Configurator Setting resources.
ProductConfiguratorSettingApi deleteProductConfiguratorSetting DELETE /product-configurator-setting/{id} Delete a Product Configurator Setting resource.
ProductConfiguratorSettingApi getProductConfiguratorSetting GET /product-configurator-setting/{id} Detailed information about a Product Configurator Setting resource.
ProductConfiguratorSettingApi getProductConfiguratorSettingList GET /product-configurator-setting List with basic information of Product Configurator Setting resources.
ProductConfiguratorSettingApi updateProductConfiguratorSetting PATCH /product-configurator-setting/{id} Partially update information about a Product Configurator Setting resource.
ProductCrossSellingApi createProductCrossSelling POST /product-cross-selling Create a new Product Cross Selling resources.
ProductCrossSellingApi deleteProductCrossSelling DELETE /product-cross-selling/{id} Delete a Product Cross Selling resource.
ProductCrossSellingApi getProductCrossSelling GET /product-cross-selling/{id} Detailed information about a Product Cross Selling resource.
ProductCrossSellingApi getProductCrossSellingList GET /product-cross-selling List with basic information of Product Cross Selling resources.
ProductCrossSellingApi updateProductCrossSelling PATCH /product-cross-selling/{id} Partially update information about a Product Cross Selling resource.
ProductCrossSellingAssignedProductsApi createProductCrossSellingAssignedProducts POST /product-cross-selling-assigned-products Create a new Product Cross Selling Assigned Products resources.
ProductCrossSellingAssignedProductsApi deleteProductCrossSellingAssignedProducts DELETE /product-cross-selling-assigned-products/{id} Delete a Product Cross Selling Assigned Products resource.
ProductCrossSellingAssignedProductsApi getProductCrossSellingAssignedProducts GET /product-cross-selling-assigned-products/{id} Detailed information about a Product Cross Selling Assigned Products resource.
ProductCrossSellingAssignedProductsApi getProductCrossSellingAssignedProductsList GET /product-cross-selling-assigned-products List with basic information of Product Cross Selling Assigned Products resources.
ProductCrossSellingAssignedProductsApi updateProductCrossSellingAssignedProducts PATCH /product-cross-selling-assigned-products/{id} Partially update information about a Product Cross Selling Assigned Products resource.
ProductDownloadApi createProductDownload POST /product-download Create a new Product Download resources.
ProductDownloadApi deleteProductDownload DELETE /product-download/{id} Delete a Product Download resource.
ProductDownloadApi getProductDownload GET /product-download/{id} Detailed information about a Product Download resource.
ProductDownloadApi getProductDownloadList GET /product-download List with basic information of Product Download resources.
ProductDownloadApi updateProductDownload PATCH /product-download/{id} Partially update information about a Product Download resource.
ProductExportApi createProductExport POST /product-export Create a new Product Export resources.
ProductExportApi deleteProductExport DELETE /product-export/{id} Delete a Product Export resource.
ProductExportApi getProductExport GET /product-export/{id} Detailed information about a Product Export resource.
ProductExportApi getProductExportList GET /product-export List with basic information of Product Export resources.
ProductExportApi updateProductExport PATCH /product-export/{id} Partially update information about a Product Export resource.
ProductFeatureSetApi createProductFeatureSet POST /product-feature-set Create a new Product Feature Set resources.
ProductFeatureSetApi deleteProductFeatureSet DELETE /product-feature-set/{id} Delete a Product Feature Set resource.
ProductFeatureSetApi getProductFeatureSet GET /product-feature-set/{id} Detailed information about a Product Feature Set resource.
ProductFeatureSetApi getProductFeatureSetList GET /product-feature-set List with basic information of Product Feature Set resources.
ProductFeatureSetApi updateProductFeatureSet PATCH /product-feature-set/{id} Partially update information about a Product Feature Set resource.
ProductKeywordDictionaryApi createProductKeywordDictionary POST /product-keyword-dictionary Create a new Product Keyword Dictionary resources.
ProductKeywordDictionaryApi deleteProductKeywordDictionary DELETE /product-keyword-dictionary/{id} Delete a Product Keyword Dictionary resource.
ProductKeywordDictionaryApi getProductKeywordDictionary GET /product-keyword-dictionary/{id} Detailed information about a Product Keyword Dictionary resource.
ProductKeywordDictionaryApi getProductKeywordDictionaryList GET /product-keyword-dictionary List with basic information of Product Keyword Dictionary resources.
ProductKeywordDictionaryApi updateProductKeywordDictionary PATCH /product-keyword-dictionary/{id} Partially update information about a Product Keyword Dictionary resource.
ProductManufacturerApi createProductManufacturer POST /product-manufacturer Create a new Product Manufacturer resources.
ProductManufacturerApi deleteProductManufacturer DELETE /product-manufacturer/{id} Delete a Product Manufacturer resource.
ProductManufacturerApi getProductManufacturer GET /product-manufacturer/{id} Detailed information about a Product Manufacturer resource.
ProductManufacturerApi getProductManufacturerList GET /product-manufacturer List with basic information of Product Manufacturer resources.
ProductManufacturerApi updateProductManufacturer PATCH /product-manufacturer/{id} Partially update information about a Product Manufacturer resource.
ProductMediaApi createProductMedia POST /product-media Create a new Product Media resources.
ProductMediaApi deleteProductMedia DELETE /product-media/{id} Delete a Product Media resource.
ProductMediaApi getProductMedia GET /product-media/{id} Detailed information about a Product Media resource.
ProductMediaApi getProductMediaList GET /product-media List with basic information of Product Media resources.
ProductMediaApi updateProductMedia PATCH /product-media/{id} Partially update information about a Product Media resource.
ProductPriceApi createProductPrice POST /product-price Create a new Product Price resources.
ProductPriceApi deleteProductPrice DELETE /product-price/{id} Delete a Product Price resource.
ProductPriceApi getProductPrice GET /product-price/{id} Detailed information about a Product Price resource.
ProductPriceApi getProductPriceList GET /product-price List with basic information of Product Price resources.
ProductPriceApi updateProductPrice PATCH /product-price/{id} Partially update information about a Product Price resource.
ProductReviewApi createProductReview POST /product-review Create a new Product Review resources.
ProductReviewApi deleteProductReview DELETE /product-review/{id} Delete a Product Review resource.
ProductReviewApi getProductReview GET /product-review/{id} Detailed information about a Product Review resource.
ProductReviewApi getProductReviewList GET /product-review List with basic information of Product Review resources.
ProductReviewApi updateProductReview PATCH /product-review/{id} Partially update information about a Product Review resource.
ProductSearchConfigApi createProductSearchConfig POST /product-search-config Create a new Product Search Config resources.
ProductSearchConfigApi deleteProductSearchConfig DELETE /product-search-config/{id} Delete a Product Search Config resource.
ProductSearchConfigApi getProductSearchConfig GET /product-search-config/{id} Detailed information about a Product Search Config resource.
ProductSearchConfigApi getProductSearchConfigList GET /product-search-config List with basic information of Product Search Config resources.
ProductSearchConfigApi updateProductSearchConfig PATCH /product-search-config/{id} Partially update information about a Product Search Config resource.
ProductSearchConfigFieldApi createProductSearchConfigField POST /product-search-config-field Create a new Product Search Config Field resources.
ProductSearchConfigFieldApi deleteProductSearchConfigField DELETE /product-search-config-field/{id} Delete a Product Search Config Field resource.
ProductSearchConfigFieldApi getProductSearchConfigField GET /product-search-config-field/{id} Detailed information about a Product Search Config Field resource.
ProductSearchConfigFieldApi getProductSearchConfigFieldList GET /product-search-config-field List with basic information of Product Search Config Field resources.
ProductSearchConfigFieldApi updateProductSearchConfigField PATCH /product-search-config-field/{id} Partially update information about a Product Search Config Field resource.
ProductSearchKeywordApi createProductSearchKeyword POST /product-search-keyword Create a new Product Search Keyword resources.
ProductSearchKeywordApi deleteProductSearchKeyword DELETE /product-search-keyword/{id} Delete a Product Search Keyword resource.
ProductSearchKeywordApi getProductSearchKeyword GET /product-search-keyword/{id} Detailed information about a Product Search Keyword resource.
ProductSearchKeywordApi getProductSearchKeywordList GET /product-search-keyword List with basic information of Product Search Keyword resources.
ProductSearchKeywordApi updateProductSearchKeyword PATCH /product-search-keyword/{id} Partially update information about a Product Search Keyword resource.
ProductSortingApi createProductSorting POST /product-sorting Create a new Product Sorting resources.
ProductSortingApi deleteProductSorting DELETE /product-sorting/{id} Delete a Product Sorting resource.
ProductSortingApi getProductSorting GET /product-sorting/{id} Detailed information about a Product Sorting resource.
ProductSortingApi getProductSortingList GET /product-sorting List with basic information of Product Sorting resources.
ProductSortingApi updateProductSorting PATCH /product-sorting/{id} Partially update information about a Product Sorting resource.
ProductStreamApi createProductStream POST /product-stream Create a new Product Stream resources.
ProductStreamApi deleteProductStream DELETE /product-stream/{id} Delete a Product Stream resource.
ProductStreamApi getProductStream GET /product-stream/{id} Detailed information about a Product Stream resource.
ProductStreamApi getProductStreamList GET /product-stream List with basic information of Product Stream resources.
ProductStreamApi updateProductStream PATCH /product-stream/{id} Partially update information about a Product Stream resource.
ProductStreamFilterApi createProductStreamFilter POST /product-stream-filter Create a new Product Stream Filter resources.
ProductStreamFilterApi deleteProductStreamFilter DELETE /product-stream-filter/{id} Delete a Product Stream Filter resource.
ProductStreamFilterApi getProductStreamFilter GET /product-stream-filter/{id} Detailed information about a Product Stream Filter resource.
ProductStreamFilterApi getProductStreamFilterList GET /product-stream-filter List with basic information of Product Stream Filter resources.
ProductStreamFilterApi updateProductStreamFilter PATCH /product-stream-filter/{id} Partially update information about a Product Stream Filter resource.
ProductVisibilityApi createProductVisibility POST /product-visibility Create a new Product Visibility resources.
ProductVisibilityApi deleteProductVisibility DELETE /product-visibility/{id} Delete a Product Visibility resource.
ProductVisibilityApi getProductVisibility GET /product-visibility/{id} Detailed information about a Product Visibility resource.
ProductVisibilityApi getProductVisibilityList GET /product-visibility List with basic information of Product Visibility resources.
ProductVisibilityApi updateProductVisibility PATCH /product-visibility/{id} Partially update information about a Product Visibility resource.
PromotionApi createPromotion POST /promotion Create a new Promotion resources.
PromotionApi deletePromotion DELETE /promotion/{id} Delete a Promotion resource.
PromotionApi getPromotion GET /promotion/{id} Detailed information about a Promotion resource.
PromotionApi getPromotionList GET /promotion List with basic information of Promotion resources.
PromotionApi updatePromotion PATCH /promotion/{id} Partially update information about a Promotion resource.
PromotionDiscountApi createPromotionDiscount POST /promotion-discount Create a new Promotion Discount resources.
PromotionDiscountApi deletePromotionDiscount DELETE /promotion-discount/{id} Delete a Promotion Discount resource.
PromotionDiscountApi getPromotionDiscount GET /promotion-discount/{id} Detailed information about a Promotion Discount resource.
PromotionDiscountApi getPromotionDiscountList GET /promotion-discount List with basic information of Promotion Discount resources.
PromotionDiscountApi updatePromotionDiscount PATCH /promotion-discount/{id} Partially update information about a Promotion Discount resource.
PromotionDiscountPricesApi createPromotionDiscountPrices POST /promotion-discount-prices Create a new Promotion Discount Prices resources.
PromotionDiscountPricesApi deletePromotionDiscountPrices DELETE /promotion-discount-prices/{id} Delete a Promotion Discount Prices resource.
PromotionDiscountPricesApi getPromotionDiscountPrices GET /promotion-discount-prices/{id} Detailed information about a Promotion Discount Prices resource.
PromotionDiscountPricesApi getPromotionDiscountPricesList GET /promotion-discount-prices List with basic information of Promotion Discount Prices resources.
PromotionDiscountPricesApi updatePromotionDiscountPrices PATCH /promotion-discount-prices/{id} Partially update information about a Promotion Discount Prices resource.
PromotionIndividualCodeApi createPromotionIndividualCode POST /promotion-individual-code Create a new Promotion Individual Code resources.
PromotionIndividualCodeApi deletePromotionIndividualCode DELETE /promotion-individual-code/{id} Delete a Promotion Individual Code resource.
PromotionIndividualCodeApi getPromotionIndividualCode GET /promotion-individual-code/{id} Detailed information about a Promotion Individual Code resource.
PromotionIndividualCodeApi getPromotionIndividualCodeList GET /promotion-individual-code List with basic information of Promotion Individual Code resources.
PromotionIndividualCodeApi updatePromotionIndividualCode PATCH /promotion-individual-code/{id} Partially update information about a Promotion Individual Code resource.
PromotionSalesChannelApi createPromotionSalesChannel POST /promotion-sales-channel Create a new Promotion Sales Channel resources.
PromotionSalesChannelApi deletePromotionSalesChannel DELETE /promotion-sales-channel/{id} Delete a Promotion Sales Channel resource.
PromotionSalesChannelApi getPromotionSalesChannel GET /promotion-sales-channel/{id} Detailed information about a Promotion Sales Channel resource.
PromotionSalesChannelApi getPromotionSalesChannelList GET /promotion-sales-channel List with basic information of Promotion Sales Channel resources.
PromotionSalesChannelApi updatePromotionSalesChannel PATCH /promotion-sales-channel/{id} Partially update information about a Promotion Sales Channel resource.
PromotionSetgroupApi createPromotionSetgroup POST /promotion-setgroup Create a new Promotion Setgroup resources.
PromotionSetgroupApi deletePromotionSetgroup DELETE /promotion-setgroup/{id} Delete a Promotion Setgroup resource.
PromotionSetgroupApi getPromotionSetgroup GET /promotion-setgroup/{id} Detailed information about a Promotion Setgroup resource.
PromotionSetgroupApi getPromotionSetgroupList GET /promotion-setgroup List with basic information of Promotion Setgroup resources.
PromotionSetgroupApi updatePromotionSetgroup PATCH /promotion-setgroup/{id} Partially update information about a Promotion Setgroup resource.
PropertyGroupApi createPropertyGroup POST /property-group Create a new Property Group resources.
PropertyGroupApi deletePropertyGroup DELETE /property-group/{id} Delete a Property Group resource.
PropertyGroupApi getPropertyGroup GET /property-group/{id} Detailed information about a Property Group resource.
PropertyGroupApi getPropertyGroupList GET /property-group List with basic information of Property Group resources.
PropertyGroupApi updatePropertyGroup PATCH /property-group/{id} Partially update information about a Property Group resource.
PropertyGroupOptionApi createPropertyGroupOption POST /property-group-option Create a new Property Group Option resources.
PropertyGroupOptionApi deletePropertyGroupOption DELETE /property-group-option/{id} Delete a Property Group Option resource.
PropertyGroupOptionApi getPropertyGroupOption GET /property-group-option/{id} Detailed information about a Property Group Option resource.
PropertyGroupOptionApi getPropertyGroupOptionList GET /property-group-option List with basic information of Property Group Option resources.
PropertyGroupOptionApi updatePropertyGroupOption PATCH /property-group-option/{id} Partially update information about a Property Group Option resource.
RuleApi createRule POST /rule Create a new Rule resources.
RuleApi deleteRule DELETE /rule/{id} Delete a Rule resource.
RuleApi getRule GET /rule/{id} Detailed information about a Rule resource.
RuleApi getRuleList GET /rule List with basic information of Rule resources.
RuleApi updateRule PATCH /rule/{id} Partially update information about a Rule resource.
RuleConditionApi createRuleCondition POST /rule-condition Create a new Rule Condition resources.
RuleConditionApi deleteRuleCondition DELETE /rule-condition/{id} Delete a Rule Condition resource.
RuleConditionApi getRuleCondition GET /rule-condition/{id} Detailed information about a Rule Condition resource.
RuleConditionApi getRuleConditionList GET /rule-condition List with basic information of Rule Condition resources.
RuleConditionApi updateRuleCondition PATCH /rule-condition/{id} Partially update information about a Rule Condition resource.
SalesChannelApi createSalesChannel POST /sales-channel Create a new Sales Channel resources.
SalesChannelApi deleteSalesChannel DELETE /sales-channel/{id} Delete a Sales Channel resource.
SalesChannelApi getSalesChannel GET /sales-channel/{id} Detailed information about a Sales Channel resource.
SalesChannelApi getSalesChannelList GET /sales-channel List with basic information of Sales Channel resources.
SalesChannelApi updateSalesChannel PATCH /sales-channel/{id} Partially update information about a Sales Channel resource.
SalesChannelAnalyticsApi createSalesChannelAnalytics POST /sales-channel-analytics Create a new Sales Channel Analytics resources.
SalesChannelAnalyticsApi deleteSalesChannelAnalytics DELETE /sales-channel-analytics/{id} Delete a Sales Channel Analytics resource.
SalesChannelAnalyticsApi getSalesChannelAnalytics GET /sales-channel-analytics/{id} Detailed information about a Sales Channel Analytics resource.
SalesChannelAnalyticsApi getSalesChannelAnalyticsList GET /sales-channel-analytics List with basic information of Sales Channel Analytics resources.
SalesChannelAnalyticsApi updateSalesChannelAnalytics PATCH /sales-channel-analytics/{id} Partially update information about a Sales Channel Analytics resource.
SalesChannelDomainApi createSalesChannelDomain POST /sales-channel-domain Create a new Sales Channel Domain resources.
SalesChannelDomainApi deleteSalesChannelDomain DELETE /sales-channel-domain/{id} Delete a Sales Channel Domain resource.
SalesChannelDomainApi getSalesChannelDomain GET /sales-channel-domain/{id} Detailed information about a Sales Channel Domain resource.
SalesChannelDomainApi getSalesChannelDomainList GET /sales-channel-domain List with basic information of Sales Channel Domain resources.
SalesChannelDomainApi updateSalesChannelDomain PATCH /sales-channel-domain/{id} Partially update information about a Sales Channel Domain resource.
SalesChannelTypeApi createSalesChannelType POST /sales-channel-type Create a new Sales Channel Type resources.
SalesChannelTypeApi deleteSalesChannelType DELETE /sales-channel-type/{id} Delete a Sales Channel Type resource.
SalesChannelTypeApi getSalesChannelType GET /sales-channel-type/{id} Detailed information about a Sales Channel Type resource.
SalesChannelTypeApi getSalesChannelTypeList GET /sales-channel-type List with basic information of Sales Channel Type resources.
SalesChannelTypeApi updateSalesChannelType PATCH /sales-channel-type/{id} Partially update information about a Sales Channel Type resource.
SalutationApi createSalutation POST /salutation Create a new Salutation resources.
SalutationApi deleteSalutation DELETE /salutation/{id} Delete a Salutation resource.
SalutationApi getSalutation GET /salutation/{id} Detailed information about a Salutation resource.
SalutationApi getSalutationList GET /salutation List with basic information of Salutation resources.
SalutationApi updateSalutation PATCH /salutation/{id} Partially update information about a Salutation resource.
ScheduledTaskApi createScheduledTask POST /scheduled-task Create a new Scheduled Task resources.
ScheduledTaskApi deleteScheduledTask DELETE /scheduled-task/{id} Delete a Scheduled Task resource.
ScheduledTaskApi getScheduledTask GET /scheduled-task/{id} Detailed information about a Scheduled Task resource.
ScheduledTaskApi getScheduledTaskList GET /scheduled-task List with basic information of Scheduled Task resources.
ScheduledTaskApi updateScheduledTask PATCH /scheduled-task/{id} Partially update information about a Scheduled Task resource.
ScriptApi createScript POST /script Create a new Script resources.
ScriptApi deleteScript DELETE /script/{id} Delete a Script resource.
ScriptApi getScript GET /script/{id} Detailed information about a Script resource.
ScriptApi getScriptList GET /script List with basic information of Script resources.
ScriptApi updateScript PATCH /script/{id} Partially update information about a Script resource.
SeoUrlApi createSeoUrl POST /seo-url Create a new Seo Url resources.
SeoUrlApi deleteSeoUrl DELETE /seo-url/{id} Delete a Seo Url resource.
SeoUrlApi getSeoUrl GET /seo-url/{id} Detailed information about a Seo Url resource.
SeoUrlApi getSeoUrlList GET /seo-url List with basic information of Seo Url resources.
SeoUrlApi updateSeoUrl PATCH /seo-url/{id} Partially update information about a Seo Url resource.
SeoUrlTemplateApi createSeoUrlTemplate POST /seo-url-template Create a new Seo Url Template resources.
SeoUrlTemplateApi deleteSeoUrlTemplate DELETE /seo-url-template/{id} Delete a Seo Url Template resource.
SeoUrlTemplateApi getSeoUrlTemplate GET /seo-url-template/{id} Detailed information about a Seo Url Template resource.
SeoUrlTemplateApi getSeoUrlTemplateList GET /seo-url-template List with basic information of Seo Url Template resources.
SeoUrlTemplateApi updateSeoUrlTemplate PATCH /seo-url-template/{id} Partially update information about a Seo Url Template resource.
ShippingMethodApi createShippingMethod POST /shipping-method Create a new Shipping Method resources.
ShippingMethodApi deleteShippingMethod DELETE /shipping-method/{id} Delete a Shipping Method resource.
ShippingMethodApi getShippingMethod GET /shipping-method/{id} Detailed information about a Shipping Method resource.
ShippingMethodApi getShippingMethodList GET /shipping-method List with basic information of Shipping Method resources.
ShippingMethodApi updateShippingMethod PATCH /shipping-method/{id} Partially update information about a Shipping Method resource.
ShippingMethodPriceApi createShippingMethodPrice POST /shipping-method-price Create a new Shipping Method Price resources.
ShippingMethodPriceApi deleteShippingMethodPrice DELETE /shipping-method-price/{id} Delete a Shipping Method Price resource.
ShippingMethodPriceApi getShippingMethodPrice GET /shipping-method-price/{id} Detailed information about a Shipping Method Price resource.
ShippingMethodPriceApi getShippingMethodPriceList GET /shipping-method-price List with basic information of Shipping Method Price resources.
ShippingMethodPriceApi updateShippingMethodPrice PATCH /shipping-method-price/{id} Partially update information about a Shipping Method Price resource.
SnippetApi createSnippet POST /snippet Create a new Snippet resources.
SnippetApi deleteSnippet DELETE /snippet/{id} Delete a Snippet resource.
SnippetApi getSnippet GET /snippet/{id} Detailed information about a Snippet resource.
SnippetApi getSnippetList GET /snippet List with basic information of Snippet resources.
SnippetApi updateSnippet PATCH /snippet/{id} Partially update information about a Snippet resource.
SnippetSetApi createSnippetSet POST /snippet-set Create a new Snippet Set resources.
SnippetSetApi deleteSnippetSet DELETE /snippet-set/{id} Delete a Snippet Set resource.
SnippetSetApi getSnippetSet GET /snippet-set/{id} Detailed information about a Snippet Set resource.
SnippetSetApi getSnippetSetList GET /snippet-set List with basic information of Snippet Set resources.
SnippetSetApi updateSnippetSet PATCH /snippet-set/{id} Partially update information about a Snippet Set resource.
StateMachineApi createStateMachine POST /state-machine Create a new State Machine resources.
StateMachineApi deleteStateMachine DELETE /state-machine/{id} Delete a State Machine resource.
StateMachineApi getStateMachine GET /state-machine/{id} Detailed information about a State Machine resource.
StateMachineApi getStateMachineList GET /state-machine List with basic information of State Machine resources.
StateMachineApi updateStateMachine PATCH /state-machine/{id} Partially update information about a State Machine resource.
StateMachineHistoryApi createStateMachineHistory POST /state-machine-history Create a new State Machine History resources.
StateMachineHistoryApi deleteStateMachineHistory DELETE /state-machine-history/{id} Delete a State Machine History resource.
StateMachineHistoryApi getStateMachineHistory GET /state-machine-history/{id} Detailed information about a State Machine History resource.
StateMachineHistoryApi getStateMachineHistoryList GET /state-machine-history List with basic information of State Machine History resources.
StateMachineHistoryApi updateStateMachineHistory PATCH /state-machine-history/{id} Partially update information about a State Machine History resource.
StateMachineStateApi createStateMachineState POST /state-machine-state Create a new State Machine State resources.
StateMachineStateApi deleteStateMachineState DELETE /state-machine-state/{id} Delete a State Machine State resource.
StateMachineStateApi getStateMachineState GET /state-machine-state/{id} Detailed information about a State Machine State resource.
StateMachineStateApi getStateMachineStateList GET /state-machine-state List with basic information of State Machine State resources.
StateMachineStateApi updateStateMachineState PATCH /state-machine-state/{id} Partially update information about a State Machine State resource.
StateMachineTransitionApi createStateMachineTransition POST /state-machine-transition Create a new State Machine Transition resources.
StateMachineTransitionApi deleteStateMachineTransition DELETE /state-machine-transition/{id} Delete a State Machine Transition resource.
StateMachineTransitionApi getStateMachineTransition GET /state-machine-transition/{id} Detailed information about a State Machine Transition resource.
StateMachineTransitionApi getStateMachineTransitionList GET /state-machine-transition List with basic information of State Machine Transition resources.
StateMachineTransitionApi updateStateMachineTransition PATCH /state-machine-transition/{id} Partially update information about a State Machine Transition resource.
SystemConfigApi createSystemConfig POST /system-config Create a new System Config resources.
SystemConfigApi deleteSystemConfig DELETE /system-config/{id} Delete a System Config resource.
SystemConfigApi getSystemConfig GET /system-config/{id} Detailed information about a System Config resource.
SystemConfigApi getSystemConfigList GET /system-config List with basic information of System Config resources.
SystemConfigApi updateSystemConfig PATCH /system-config/{id} Partially update information about a System Config resource.
SystemInfoHealthcheckApi apiInfo GET /_info/openapi3.json Get OpenAPI Specification
SystemInfoHealthcheckApi businessEvents GET /_info/events.json Get Business events
SystemInfoHealthcheckApi config GET /_info/config Get API information
SystemInfoHealthcheckApi flowActions GET /_info/flow-actions.json Get actions for flow builder
SystemInfoHealthcheckApi healthCheck GET /_info/health-check Check that the Application is running
SystemInfoHealthcheckApi infoShopwareVersion GET /_info/version Get the Shopware version
SystemOperationsApi clearCache DELETE /_action/cache Clear caches
SystemOperationsApi clearCacheAndScheduleWarmUp DELETE /_action/cache_warmup Clear and warm up caches
SystemOperationsApi clearContainerCache DELETE /_action/container_cache Clear container caches
SystemOperationsApi clearOldCacheFolders DELETE /_action/cleanup Clear old cache folders
SystemOperationsApi consumeMessages POST /_action/message-queue/consume Consume messages from the message queue.
SystemOperationsApi getMinRunInterval GET /_action/scheduled-task/min-run-interval Get the minimum schedules task interval
SystemOperationsApi index POST /_action/index Run indexer
SystemOperationsApi indexing POST /_action/indexing Run indexer
SystemOperationsApi info GET /_action/cache_info Get cache information
SystemOperationsApi iterate POST /_action/indexing/{indexer} Iterate an indexer
SystemOperationsApi productIndexing POST /_action/index-products Send product indexing message
SystemOperationsApi runScheduledTasks POST /_action/scheduled-task/run Run scheduled tasks.
TagApi createTag POST /tag Create a new Tag resources.
TagApi deleteTag DELETE /tag/{id} Delete a Tag resource.
TagApi getTag GET /tag/{id} Detailed information about a Tag resource.
TagApi getTagList GET /tag List with basic information of Tag resources.
TagApi updateTag PATCH /tag/{id} Partially update information about a Tag resource.
TaxApi createTax POST /tax Create a new Tax resources.
TaxApi deleteTax DELETE /tax/{id} Delete a Tax resource.
TaxApi getTax GET /tax/{id} Detailed information about a Tax resource.
TaxApi getTaxList GET /tax List with basic information of Tax resources.
TaxApi updateTax PATCH /tax/{id} Partially update information about a Tax resource.
TaxProviderApi createTaxProvider POST /tax-provider Create a new Tax Provider resources.
TaxProviderApi deleteTaxProvider DELETE /tax-provider/{id} Delete a Tax Provider resource.
TaxProviderApi getTaxProvider GET /tax-provider/{id} Detailed information about a Tax Provider resource.
TaxProviderApi getTaxProviderList GET /tax-provider List with basic information of Tax Provider resources.
TaxProviderApi updateTaxProvider PATCH /tax-provider/{id} Partially update information about a Tax Provider resource.
TaxRuleApi createTaxRule POST /tax-rule Create a new Tax Rule resources.
TaxRuleApi deleteTaxRule DELETE /tax-rule/{id} Delete a Tax Rule resource.
TaxRuleApi getTaxRule GET /tax-rule/{id} Detailed information about a Tax Rule resource.
TaxRuleApi getTaxRuleList GET /tax-rule List with basic information of Tax Rule resources.
TaxRuleApi updateTaxRule PATCH /tax-rule/{id} Partially update information about a Tax Rule resource.
TaxRuleTypeApi createTaxRuleType POST /tax-rule-type Create a new Tax Rule Type resources.
TaxRuleTypeApi deleteTaxRuleType DELETE /tax-rule-type/{id} Delete a Tax Rule Type resource.
TaxRuleTypeApi getTaxRuleType GET /tax-rule-type/{id} Detailed information about a Tax Rule Type resource.
TaxRuleTypeApi getTaxRuleTypeList GET /tax-rule-type List with basic information of Tax Rule Type resources.
TaxRuleTypeApi updateTaxRuleType PATCH /tax-rule-type/{id} Partially update information about a Tax Rule Type resource.
ThemeApi createTheme POST /theme Create a new Theme resources.
ThemeApi deleteTheme DELETE /theme/{id} Delete a Theme resource.
ThemeApi getTheme GET /theme/{id} Detailed information about a Theme resource.
ThemeApi getThemeList GET /theme List with basic information of Theme resources.
ThemeApi updateTheme PATCH /theme/{id} Partially update information about a Theme resource.
UnitApi createUnit POST /unit Create a new Unit resources.
UnitApi deleteUnit DELETE /unit/{id} Delete a Unit resource.
UnitApi getUnit GET /unit/{id} Detailed information about a Unit resource.
UnitApi getUnitList GET /unit List with basic information of Unit resources.
UnitApi updateUnit PATCH /unit/{id} Partially update information about a Unit resource.
UserApi createUser POST /user Create a new User resources.
UserApi deleteUser DELETE /user/{id} Delete a User resource.
UserApi getUser GET /user/{id} Detailed information about a User resource.
UserApi getUserList GET /user List with basic information of User resources.
UserApi updateUser PATCH /user/{id} Partially update information about a User resource.
UserAccessKeyApi createUserAccessKey POST /user-access-key Create a new User Access Key resources.
UserAccessKeyApi deleteUserAccessKey DELETE /user-access-key/{id} Delete a User Access Key resource.
UserAccessKeyApi getUserAccessKey GET /user-access-key/{id} Detailed information about a User Access Key resource.
UserAccessKeyApi getUserAccessKeyList GET /user-access-key List with basic information of User Access Key resources.
UserAccessKeyApi updateUserAccessKey PATCH /user-access-key/{id} Partially update information about a User Access Key resource.
UserConfigApi createUserConfig POST /user-config Create a new User Config resources.
UserConfigApi deleteUserConfig DELETE /user-config/{id} Delete a User Config resource.
UserConfigApi getUserConfig GET /user-config/{id} Detailed information about a User Config resource.
UserConfigApi getUserConfigList GET /user-config List with basic information of User Config resources.
UserConfigApi updateUserConfig PATCH /user-config/{id} Partially update information about a User Config resource.
UserRecoveryApi createUserRecovery POST /user-recovery Create a new User Recovery resources.
UserRecoveryApi deleteUserRecovery DELETE /user-recovery/{id} Delete a User Recovery resource.
UserRecoveryApi getUserRecovery GET /user-recovery/{id} Detailed information about a User Recovery resource.
UserRecoveryApi getUserRecoveryList GET /user-recovery List with basic information of User Recovery resources.
UserRecoveryApi updateUserRecovery PATCH /user-recovery/{id} Partially update information about a User Recovery resource.
WebhookApi createWebhook POST /webhook Create a new Webhook resources.
WebhookApi deleteWebhook DELETE /webhook/{id} Delete a Webhook resource.
WebhookApi getWebhook GET /webhook/{id} Detailed information about a Webhook resource.
WebhookApi getWebhookList GET /webhook List with basic information of Webhook resources.
WebhookApi updateWebhook PATCH /webhook/{id} Partially update information about a Webhook resource.
WebhookEventLogApi createWebhookEventLog POST /webhook-event-log Create a new Webhook Event Log resources.
WebhookEventLogApi deleteWebhookEventLog DELETE /webhook-event-log/{id} Delete a Webhook Event Log resource.
WebhookEventLogApi getWebhookEventLog GET /webhook-event-log/{id} Detailed information about a Webhook Event Log resource.
WebhookEventLogApi getWebhookEventLogList GET /webhook-event-log List with basic information of Webhook Event Log resources.
WebhookEventLogApi updateWebhookEventLog PATCH /webhook-event-log/{id} Partially update information about a Webhook Event Log resource.




  • Type: OAuth
  • Flow: password
  • Authorization URL: ``
  • Scopes:
    • write: Full write access


  • Type: OAuth
  • Flow: application
  • Authorization URL: ``
  • Scopes:
    • write: Full write access


To run the tests, use:

composer install


About this package

This PHP package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version:
    • Package version: 1.0
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PhpClientCodegen