
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

This package checks if a hash or a file is registered as malware in Team Cymru database

1.0.5 2018-04-02 08:04 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-01-26 18:03:26 UTC


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This package checks if a given hash or file is registered as malware in Team Cymru database.


Install via composer:

composer require cbi/php-malware-checker

How to use it

If you don't have the hash you can generate it using a resouce or the uri to the file, by default it uses the md5 algo:

// Generate a hash from a resource

MalwareChecker::makeHash($resouce); // fea80f2db003d4ebc4536023814aa885
MalwareChecker::makeHash($resouce, 'sha1'); // 38f00f8738e241daea6f37f6f55ae8414d7b0219

// Generate a hash from an uri

MalwareChecker::makeHash($uri); // fea80f2db003d4ebc4536023814aa885
MalwareChecker::makeHash($uri, 'sha1'); // 38f00f8738e241daea6f37f6f55ae8414d7b0219

// Generate multiple hashes from one file

MalwareChecker::makeHashes($uri, ['md5', 'sha1']) // ['fea80f2db003d4ebc4536023814aa885', '38f00f8738e241daea6f37f6f55ae8414d7b0219']
MalwareChecker::makeHashes($resouce, ['md5', 'sha1']) // ['fea80f2db003d4ebc4536023814aa885', '38f00f8738e241daea6f37f6f55ae8414d7b0219']

To check the generated hashes you can use two methods, check and checkMany, they use different protocols to avoid cluttering the database.

To check a single hash use the following function:

MalwareChecker::check($infectedHash);   // ['hash' => 'f58628917abcbcfb2b2258b6b46bf721', timestamp => '1511919759' detection_percentage => '68']
MalwareChecker::check($safeHash);       // false

To check multiple hashed use checkMany method, this method only returns the infected hashes among all the provided:

MalwareChecker::checkMany($hashes); // [ ... ['hash' => 'f58628917abcbcfb2b2258b6b46bf721', timestamp => '1511919759' detection_percentage => '68']]


Execute tests using vendor/bin/phpunit from the project root.


MIT. Copyright (c) CBI Consulting.