
Load your Shopify products into your craft3 cms instance

1.0.7 2020-03-11 17:58 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-24 04:06:20 UTC




This plugin requires Craft CMS 3.0.0-beta.23 or later.



Install the plugin via composer into your craft 3 project:

composer require nmaier95/shopify-product-fetcher

In the Control Panel of Craft, go to Settings → Plugins and click the “Install” button for shopify.

Craft Plugin Store

We are listed inside the official Craft Plugin Store. You may directly install it here as well.


Please see the official docs of Craft:

Configuring shopify

Once the plugin is installed successfully, a new icon with this' plugins logo on the settings-page appeared. Clicking it takes you to the settings of the plugin.


!! Please stick to the format of the "Hostname" field like in the example above !!

Using shopify

There will be an additional field of type "Shopify Product" in the list of all available field-types when creating a new field for a group. Then add this field/group to your section layout and you are ready to go. When editing the section it´ll now automatically fetch products from your store into the field to select them from. In the background only the product id gets saved into your database. Via the saved product-id you are then able to fetch specific products inside of your templates.


Usage of products selected inside of an entry

{% for productId in entry.products %}

    {% set shopifyProduct = craft.shopify.getProductById({ id: productId }) %}

    {{ dump(shopifyProduct) }}

{% endfor %}

Get all products of my shop

{% set products = craft.shopify.getProducts() %}

<form action="//{{craft.shopify.getSettings().hostname}}/cart/add" method="post">
    <select name="id">
        {% for product in products %}
            <option value="{{ product.variants[0].id }}">{{ product.title }} - ${{ product.variants[0].price }}</option>
        {% endfor %}
    <input type="hidden" name="return_to" value="back">
    <button type="submit">Add to Cart</button>

Both craft.shopify.getProductById() and craft.shopify.getProducts() support an optional 'options' parameter which takes shopify-api options for requests. For further documentation please use official shopify api docs. For example craft.shopify.getProducts({fields: 'variants'})

Brought to you by niklas maier
You may also find me inside of the official Craft Slack.