
A elasticsearch driver for the owen-it/laravel-auditing package. Allows storage of the audits in elasticsearch.

v1.0.2 2018-06-05 20:50 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-24 16:46:15 UTC


This driver provides the ability to save your model audits in elasticsearch.



This driver requires that you are using owen-it/laravel-auditing: ^7.0. Provided this is fulfilled, you can install the driver like so:

composer require carlosocarvalho/laravel-auditing-elasticsearch


You need to add the following config entries in config/audit.php if you need to change the default behaviour of the driver. The queue key of the config file should look like so:

    'queue' => env('AUDIT_QUEUE', true),


    'queue' => env('AUDIT_QUEUE', [
        'queue' => 'default',
        'connection' => 'redis'

The driver key of the config file should look like so:

    'driver' => CarlosOCarvalho\Auditing\Drivers\ElasticSearch::class,

The drivers key of the config file should look like so:

    'drivers' => [
        'database' => [
            'table'      => 'audits',
            'connection' => null,
        'es' => [
            'client' => [
                'hosts' => [
                    env('AUDIT_HOST', 'localhost:9200')
            'index' => env('AUDIT_INDEX', 'laravel_auditing'),
            'type' => env('AUDIT_TYPE', 'audits')

Console commands

Available artisan commands are listed below:

Command | Arguments | Description --- | --- auditing:es-index | Index all of the model's records into the search index. auditing:es-delete | Delete all of the model's records from the index.

For detailed description and all available options run php artisan help [command] in the command line.


You can use the ElasticSearch driver in any Auditable model like so in order to store audit records in elasticsearch:

namespace App\Models;

use Iconscout\Auditing\Drivers\ElasticSearch;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use OwenIt\Auditing\Auditable;
use OwenIt\Auditing\Contracts\Auditable as AuditableContract;

class SomeModel extends Model implements AuditableContract
    use Auditable;

     * ElasticSearch Audit Driver
     * @var Iconscout\Auditing\Drivers\ElasticSearch
    protected $auditDriver = ElasticSearch::class;

    // ...

You can use the ElasticSearchAuditable trait in any Auditable model like so in order to retrieving Retrieving audit records records from elasticsearch:

namespace App\Models;

use Iconscout\Auditing\Drivers\ElasticSearch;
use Iconscout\Auditing\Traits\ElasticSearchAuditable;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use OwenIt\Auditing\Auditable;
use OwenIt\Auditing\Contracts\Auditable as AuditableContract;

class SomeModel extends Model implements AuditableContract
    use Auditable, ElasticSearchAuditable;

     * ElasticSearch Audit Driver
     * @var Iconscout\Auditing\Drivers\ElasticSearch
    protected $auditDriver = ElasticSearch::class;

    // ...
// Get first available Icon
$icon = Icon::first();

// Get all associated Audits
$all = $icon->esAudits;

// Get all associated Audits via parameters ($page & $perPage)
$all = $icon->esAudits($page = 1, $perPage = 10);


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More information on using customer drivers with owen-it/laravel-auditing can be found on their homepage