
CanapeCRM HTTP API client

1.0.0 2017-06-29 10:16 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-03 22:42:19 UTC


Canape CRM API implementation

Package provides basic integration methods implementation. Deal creation and retrieving DealType and Event lists are available in the current version.


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

php composer.phar require --prefer-dist canapecrm/api-client

or add


to the require section of your composer.json file.


Configure your domain and access token. The Deal creation example is below:

$oClient = new CanapeCrmApi\ClientLib( '<domain>', CANAPECRM_ACCESS_TOKEN );

For security, keep access token definition CANAPECRM_ACCESS_TOKEN in the secure place out from version control.

try {
    $oResponse = $oClient->createDeal(
        (new CanapeCrmApi\models\NewDeal())
            ->setDomain( $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] )
            ->setDealTitle( 'Deal Castle Manufacture website ' . date( "H:i:s d.m.Y" ) )
            ->setDealContent( 'A cannonball for riding on' )
            ->setContactClient( 'Baron Munchausen' )
            ->setContactEmail( 'baron@crm.saas' )
            ->setContactPhone( '+1720 (0511) 97-02-22' )
            /* Works only with auto invoice settings */
                (new CanapeCrmApi\models\Catalog())
                    ->setTitle( 'Pumhart von Steyr cannonball' )
                    ->setCount( 1 )
                    ->setPrice( 2000 )

     * Array with new deal id
     * [ 'id' => <id> ]
     * Optionally returns a href to the generated document
     * [ 'id' => <id>,
     *    'form|offer|invoice' => <url>
     * ]

} catch ( \CanapeCrmApi\exception\CanapeCrmClientException $e ) {

     * Catch api-client exceptions such as required fields validation errors

} catch ( GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException $e ) {
    echo $e->getRequest() . "\n";
    if ( $e->hasResponse() ) {


To perform Deal separation by type and event use method results:

$oResponse = $oClient->getDealTypes(); // ->getEvents()

Then you can set it on deal creation:

$oResponse = $oClient->createDeal(
    (new CanapeCrmApi\models\NewDeal())
        ->setEventId( <id> )
        ->setDealTypeId( <id> )

Provide a result of javascript counter via method:

   ->setCanapeUuid( <uuid> )