
store/cache external images as a static file

v10.0 2023-12-04 14:46 UTC


store/cache external images as a static file

Replaces URIs by a proxy route.

When this proxy route is called, the original image is cached inside the configured directory and returned.

If the requested file was already cached, it is instead directly returned by the webserver.


composer require campaigningbureau/laravel-static-image-cache

Supported versions

Package version Required Laravel version Minimum PHP version
v8.0 8 7.3.0
v7.0 7 7.2.5
v5.0 6.0 7.2
v4.0 5.8 7.1.3
v3.0 5.6 7.1.3
v2.0 < 5.6 7.0


Add the service provider to the app.php provider array

 * Package Service Providers...


This Package provides two helper functions: static_image and statify_text


The static_image-helper can be used to generate the static file url for a given image url.

<img src="{{ static_image('') }}" alt="An external image">


This helper function automatically statifies images from all domains that are configured in the statify_domains config entry inside the given string.


if (function_exists('statify_text')) {
    $text = statify_text($text);

Clear the files

To clear all cached files manually you can use an artisan task.

php artisan static-image-cache:clear


  • enabled: defines, if proxying and storing of the images is activated. Can be set to true, false or debug (If debug the package will synchronise the flag with the app.debug config value)

  • cache_path_prefix: The path prefix relative to public_path. This is where the images will be stored. This path will also be used as the proxy-url prefix.

  • statify_domains: Holds an array of all domains that will be statified when calling the statify_text function.

Upgrade guide

From v1.x to v2.0

all usages of staticImage() need to be replaced by the new static_image() function.