
Generates required repositories, factories and models to access a new Contentful Content Type in Laravel

v10.1.0 2024-10-23 08:19 UTC


Laravel 7 Contentful Repository generator.

Generates contract, contentful repository, model, factory and caching repository with fields that are defined in the Contentful model. (

If one of these files does already exist, it can be kept or overwritten.


Step 1: Install Through Composer

composer require campaigningbureau/cf-repository-generator

Supported versions

Package version Required Laravel version Minimum PHP version
^10.1 10.x or 11.x ^8.1
^8.2 9.x ^8.0.2
v8.* 8 7.3.0
v7.* 7 7.2.5
v6.* 6 7.1.3
v4.* 5.8 7.1.3
v3.* >= 5.6 < 5.8 7.1.3
v2.* < 5.6 7.0

Step 2: Register the Service Provider

Add the service provider to config/app.php.

	 * Package Service Providers...

Step 3: Publish and edit the config file

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="CampaigningBureau\CfRepositoryGenerator\CfRepositoryGeneratorServiceProvider"

Step 4: Create repositories

php artisan make:cf-repository

This command will load all content types that are defined in the configured contentful space and provide an easy way to generate the relevant classes.

The generated files also contain fake repositories, that can be used instead of the actual contentful data (for instance, if no data is available during development). The whole directory (FakeData by default) can be removed, if it isn't used.


The published config file config/cf-repository-generator.php contains the paths for the generated files inside the app directory. To be conform to PSR-4 autoloading, the namespaces of the files are generated out of these paths.

These are the default paths, that will be used, if the config file isn't published, or if the config keys don't exist:

return [
    'paths' => [
        'contracts'            => 'Repositories/Contracts/',
        'repositories'         => 'Repositories/',
        'caching-repositories' => 'Repositories/Caching/',
        'models'               => 'Models/',
        'factories'            => 'Factories/',
        'fake-data'            => 'FakeData/',
  • The contentful_delivery_space and contentful_delivery_token fields need to be set with the API Key and Space ID retrieved from Contentful.
  • By default they are set with the .env variables CONTENTFUL_DELIVERY_SPACE and CONTENTFUL_DELIVERY_TOKEN.
  • CONTENTFUL_ENVIRONMENT_ID defines the Contentful environment to use (defaults to master)