
WordPress CAMOO SMS Plugin

3.0.1 2023-07-22 20:09 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:21:39 UTC


CAMOO SMS A simple and powerful texting plugin for WordPress

You can add to WordPress, the ability to send SMS to a group, to a user, to a number or just to members of SMS newsletter.

To every event in WordPress, you can send sms through this plugin.

The usage of this plugin is completely free. You have to just have a CAMOO account:

  • Sign up for a free CAMOO SMS account
  • Ask CAMOO Team for new access_key for developers

Very easy Send SMS by PHP code:

$to = array('+23761732567');
$msg = "Hello kmer World! Déjà vu!";
wp_camoo_sms_send( $to, $msg );


  • Send (Bulk) SMS to number(s), subscribers and WordPress users.
  • Subscribe newsletter SMS.
  • Send activation code to subscribe for complete subscription.
  • Notification SMS when published new post to subscribers.
  • Notification SMS when the new release of WordPress.
  • Notification SMS when registering a new User.
  • Notification SMS when get new comment.
  • Notification SMS when user logged into WordPress.
  • Notification SMS when user registered to subscription form.
  • Integrate with (Contact form 7, WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads)
  • Supported WP Widget for newsletter subscribers.
  • Support WordPress Hooks.
  • Support WP REST API
  • Import/Export Subscribers.
  • Support GPG encryption to ensure an end-to-end encryption between your server and ours.
  • Handle SMS status report
  • WooCommerce Integration: send SMS to Buyer after status changed
  • Notification for Smobilpay for e-commerce


  1. Upload camoo-sms to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory

    Install Using GIT

cd wp-content/plugins

git clone camoo-sms

# install dependencies
Install Using Composer
cd wp-content/plugins

composer require camoo/wp-camoo-sms

mv vendor/camoo/wp-camoo-sms camoo-sms

# install dependencies
Install Manually

If you do not use Composer to manage plugins or other dependencies, you can install the plugin manually. Download the file from the Releases page and extract the ZIP file to your plugins directory.

You can also git clone this repository, and run composer install in the plugin folder to pull in it's dependencies.

  1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  2. To display Subscribe goto Themes -> Widgets, and adding SMS newsletter form into your sidebar Or using this functions: <?php wp_camoo_sms_subscribes(); ?> into theme. or using this Shortcode [wp-sms-subscriber-form] in Posts pages or Widget.
  3. Using this functions for send manual SMS:
  • First:$to = array('Mobile Number');
  • $msg = "Your Message";
  • $isflash = true; // Only if wants to send flash SMS, else you can remove this parameter from function.
  • Send SMS: wp_camoo_sms_send( $to, $msg, $isflash )


Run the following action when sending SMS with this plugin.


Example: Send mail when send sms.

function send_mail_when_send_sms($message_info) {
	wp_mail('', 'Send SMS', $message_info);
add_action('wp_camoo_sms_send', 'send_mail_when_send_sms');

Run the following action when subscribing a new user.


Example: Send sms to user when register a new subscriber.

function send_sms_when_subscribe_new_user($name, $mobile) {
    $to = array($mobile);
    $msg = "Hi {$name}, Thanks for subscribe.";
    wp_camoo_sms_send( $to, $msg )
add_action('wp_camoo_sms_add_subscriber', 'send_sms_when_subscribe_new_user', 10, 2);


You can use the following filter for modifying from the number.


Example: Add 0 to the end sender number.

function wp_camoo_sms_modify_from($from) {
	$from = $from . ' 0';
	return $val;
add_filter('wp_camoo_sms_from', 'wp_camoo_sms_modify_from');

You can use the following filter for modifying receivers number.


Example: Add new number to get message.

function wp_camoo_sms_modify_receiver($numbers) {
	$numbers[] = '67xxxxxxxx';
	return $numbers;
add_filter('wp_camoo_sms_to', 'wp_camoo_sms_modify_receiver');

You can use the following filter for modifying text message.


Example: Add signature to messages that are sent.

function wp_camoo_sms_modify_message($message) {
	$message = $message . ' /n Powered By: WP-CAMOO-SMS';
	return $message;
add_filter('wp_camoo_sms_msg', 'wp_camoo_sms_modify_message');

Example: Auto satanise all REQUEST Data

if (isset($_POST['my_submit'])) {
	add_filter('my_filter', [\CAMOO_SMS\Admin\Helper::class, 'sanitizer']);
$input = \CAMOO_SMS\Admin\Helper::sataniseRequest('my_filter', $input);

Rest API Endpoints

Add new subscribe to SMS newsletter

POST /camoosms/v1/subscriber/add