
CAMOO API Packages

4.1.0 2023-11-01 17:06 UTC



PHP SMS API Sending SMS via the CAMOO SMS gateway

Build Status camoo-badge


This library needs minimum requirement for doing well on run.

  • Sign up for a free CAMOO SMS account
  • Ask CAMOO Team for new access_key for developers
  • CAMOO SMS API client for PHP requires version 8.1.x and above

Installation via Composer

Package is available on Packagist, you can install it using Composer.

composer require camoo/sms

Or go to

Camoo-SMS-API-Latest Release

And download the full version

If you want to install a legacy version running with PHP7.4 Run composer with the command below

composer require camoo/sms "3.2.*"

Or Download it from Camoo-SMS-API-Legacy

Quick Examples

Sending a SMS
	$oMessage = \Camoo\Sms\Message::create('YOUR_API_KEY', 'YOUR_API_SECRET');
	$oMessage->from ='YourCompany';
	$oMessage->to = '+237612345678';
	$oMessage->message ='Hello Kmer World! Déjà vu!';
Send the same SMS to many recipients
- Per request, a max of 50 recipients can be entered.
	$oMessage = \Camoo\Sms\Message::create('YOUR_API_KEY', 'YOUR_API_SECRET');
	$oMessage->from ='YourCompany';
	$oMessage->to =['+237612345678', '+237612345679', '+237612345610', '+33689764530'];
	//OR from version 3.3.0
	$collection = new RecipientCollection();
        $oMessage->to = $collection;
	$oMessage->message ='Hello Kmer World! Déjà vu!';
Sending non customized sender SMS.
    $oMessage = \Camoo\Sms\Message::create('YOUR_API_KEY', 'YOUR_API_SECRET');
    $oMessage->from ='WhatEver'; // will be overridden
    $oMessage->to = '+237612345678';
    // This parameter tells our system to use the classic route to send your message.
    $oMessage->route ='classic';
    $oMessage->message ='Hello Kmer World! Déjà vu!';
Sending an encrypted SMS
Encrypt message using GPG before sending, ensure an end to end ecryption between your server and ours
	$oMessage = \Camoo\Sms\Message::create('YOUR_API_KEY', 'YOUR_API_SECRET');
	$oMessage->from ='YourCompany';
	$oMessage->to = '+237612345678';
	$oMessage->message ='Hello Kmer World! Déjà vu!';
	$oMessage->encrypt = true;
Sending BULK SMS

Send Bulk SMS in background. This call requires shell_exec to be enabled

	$oMessage = \Camoo\Sms\Message::create('YOUR_API_KEY', 'YOUR_API_SECRET');
	$oMessage->from ='YourCompany';
	$oMessage->to = ['+237612345678', '+237612345679', '+237612345610', '+33689764530', '+4917612345671'];
	$oMessage->message ='Hello Kmer World! Déjà vu!';
Sending Personalized BULK SMS

Send Bulk SMS in background. This call requires shell_exec to be enabled You should use the placeholder %NAME% in your message and the property to should be an associative array containing name and mobile for each element. See the example below

	$oMessage = \Camoo\Sms\Message::create('YOUR_API_KEY', 'YOUR_API_SECRET');
	$oMessage->from ='YourCompany';
	$oMessage->to = [['name' => 'John Doe', 'mobile' => '+237612345678'], ['name' => 'Jeanne Doe', 'mobile' => '+237612345679'], ['...']];
	$oMessage->message ='Hello %NAME% Kmer World! Déjà vu!';
Top up your SMS account over API

Feature available since version >=3.3.3.

You can top up your Camoo SMS over API using MTN or Orange Mobile Money Cameroon directly from your own application without additional fees.

// Step 1: create Top up instance
/** @var TopUp&\Camoo\Sms\Objects\TopUp $topup */
$topup = TopUp::create('YOUR_API_KEY', 'YOUR_API_SECRET');

// Step 2 Assign phone number and amount
$topup->amount = 3000;
$topup->phonenumber = '612345678';

// Step 3 Call add to top up your account. You will then receive a notification to complete the process.
$response = $topup->add();

Sending Bulk SMS from your Script

It is obvious that sending bulk data to any system is a problem! Therefore, you should check our recommendation for the best approach

WordPress Plugin

If you are looking for a powerful WordPress plugin to send SMS, then download our wp-camoo-sms
