PHP Implementation of Struts

v0.9-alpha 2014-09-23 12:05 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-25 05:26:35 UTC


PHP implementation of Struts in current framework interoperability group standards.

Travis build status master Coverage Status SensioLabsInsight

  • Run through Silex (e.g. get Dependency Injection, dispatcher, security, cache, esi, etc and support building up of other services)
  • Uses Symfony HTTPFoundation/HTTPKernel
  • Implements PSR's (Naming Conventions, Logging, Autoloading)
  • Use Twig or your other preference dependencies

What is Phruts?

Phruts is based on Apache Struts, a Java MVC framework. Your controllers are configured through an XML file, which then also controls application flow and forwarding. Some parts are OK, some parts are much better done by other frameworks.


Add to your composer and do a composer update

"require": {
    "cammanderson/phruts": "~0.9"

Add to your Silex application

// web/index.php
require_once __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';

// Use standard HttpFoundation
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernelInterface;

// Create a silex application
$app = new Silex\Application();

// Add in Twig as the template handler
$app->register(new Silex\Provider\TwigServiceProvider(), array('twig.path' => __DIR__.'/../app/Resources/views'))
    ->register(new Silex\Provider\MonologServiceProvider(), array('monolog.logfile' => __DIR__.'/../app/logs/development.log'));

// Add in phruts to organise your controllers
$app->register(new Phruts\Provider\PhrutsServiceProvider(), array(
        // Register our modules and configs
        Phruts\Util\Globals::ACTION_KERNEL_CONFIG => array(
            'config' => '../app/config/web-config.xml', // Supports multiple modules/configurations

// Add template handling for matching forwards to Twig templates
$app->get('{path}', function($path) use ($app) {
        return $app['twig']->render($path);
    ->assert('path', '.+\.twig');

// Add routes to be matched by Phruts
$app->get('{path}', function (Request $request) use ($app) {
        return $app[\Phruts\Util\Globals::ACTION_KERNEL]->handle($request, HttpKernelInterface::SUB_REQUEST, false);
    ->assert('path', '.*')
    ->value('path', '/'); // Set the welcome path


Configure your MVC config

Create your app/config/web-config.xml. This configuration is digested using the Phigester which will read in the XML configuration and reflect them onto the application configuration. Configuration is then frozen and cached.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <form-bean name="donateForm"
                   type="\MyProject\Forms\Donate" />

        <exception type="\Exception"

        <forward name="welcome" path="/welcome.html.twig"/>

        <action path="/"

        <action path="/donate"
                <forward name="success" path="/thanks.html.twig"/>
                <forward name="failure" path="/donate-failed.html.twig"/>

Extra things:

  • Create your app/cache folder (this is a config option)
  • Create a twig template app/Resources/views/welcome.html.twig

Feature support:

  • Error handlers
  • Global forwards
  • Request Processor based on roles defined by Symfony Security
  • Action forwards (internal action chaining)
  • Wildcard path matching
  • Action switching and multiple module support
  • Multiple module config merging (e.g. multi config.xml)
  • Struts 1.2 API

Current Development Status

  • COMPLETE: Code Coverage 35%+
  • COMPLETE: Code Coverage 75%+
  • COMPLETE: Finalise ActionKernel for mounting on Silex\Application
  • UNDERWAY: Confirm Struts 1.2 code coverage for framework features
  • UNDERWAY: Write the standard Struts style Twig extensions for accessing form+messages
  • Next: Documentation on working with Silex
  • Consider Struts Validation framework (we never used it, so might not make it forward)
  • Struts 1.3 framework features (for convenience techniques only)

Why would I do this? Best way to learn techniques in web development is through studying Request->Response web frameworks. I have a soft-spot for the old Struts application, and we have legacy PHPMVC code which we would like to easily move forward. This project makes it easy for us to port that legacy code and modernise it fast by implementing PSR's, giving that code base a future supported life.