
An install helper for Wordpress Migrate DB Pro

Installs: 308

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 1

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0


0.9.3 2017-03-28 03:40 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-26 00:56:35 UTC


A composer plugin that makes installing WP Migrate DB Pro with composer easier.

This package borrows very heavily from acf-pro-installer from Philipp Baschke. Special thanks to Philipp for doing 99% of the work.

This package reads your 🔑 WPMDB PRO key and SITE DOMAIN from the environment or a .env file.


1. Add the package repository to the repositories field in composer.json (based on this gist):

  "type": "package",
  "package": {
    "name": "deliciousbrains/wp-migrate-db-pro",
    "version": "*.*.*(.*)",
    "type": "wordpress-plugin",
    "dist": {
      "type": "zip",
      "url": ""
    "require": {
      "cadecannon/wpmdb-pro-installer": "^1.0",
      "composer/installers": "^1.0"

Replace "version": "*.*.*(.*)" with your desired version.

2. Make your WPMDB PRO key available

Set the environment variable WPMDB_PRO_KEY to your WPMDB PRO key.

Alternatively you can add an entry to your .env file:

# .env (same directory as composer.json)

3. Make your DOMAIN available

Set the environment variable DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE to your domain without the protocol (i.e. no http:// or https://). This is utilized by wordpress for multisite so you might already have this in your file.

Alternatively you can add an entry to your .env file:

# .env (same directory as composer.json)

4. Require WPMDB PRO

composer require deliciousbrains/wp-migrate-db-pro:*

You can specify an exact version (that matches your desired version).

If you use *, composer will install the version from the package repository (see 1). This has the benefit that you only need to change the version in the package repository when you want to update.

Be aware that composer update will only work if you change the version in the package repository. Decreasing the version only works if you require an exact version.