
This package make Enums simple for making keys, values and combine array including translate function.

v1.3.0 2025-01-16 17:09 UTC


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This package simplifies working with Enums by providing convenient functionality for handling keys, values, and combined arrays, including a translate function.

It is particularly useful for binding enums to select or multiselect tags in Laravel Nova, allowing you to manage and use translated values effortlessly.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require cable8mm/enum-getter


use Cable8mm\EnumGetter\EnumGetter;

enum Size: string
    use EnumGetter;

    case LARGE = 'large';
    case MIDDLE = 'middle';
    case SMALL = 'small';

print Size::LARGE->name
//=> 'LARGE'

print Size::LARGE->value
//=> 'large'

print Size::LARGE->value()
//=> 'large'

print Size::LARGE->name()
//=> 'LARGE'

print Size::names()
//=> ['LARGE', 'MIDDLE', 'SMALL']

print Size::values()
//=> ['large', 'middle', 'small']

print Size::array()
//=> ['LARGE'=>'large', 'MIDDLE'=>'middle', 'SMALL'=>'small']

print Size::getName('large')
//=> 'LARGE'

When overriding the value() method to support non-English values,

use Cable8mm\EnumGetter\EnumGetter;

enum Size2: string
    use EnumGetter;

    case LARGE = 'large';
    case MIDDLE = 'middle';
    case SMALL = 'small';

    public function value(): string
        return match ($this) {
            self::LARGE => 'grand', // __('large') can use a translation module
            self::MIDDLE => 'milieu', // __('milieu') can use a translation module
            self::SMALL => 'petit(e)', // __('small') can use a translation module

print Size2::LARGE->name
//=> 'LARGE'

print Size::LARGE->value
//=> 'large'

print Size::LARGE->value()
//=> 'grand'

print Size2::LARGE->name()
//=> 'LARGE'

print Size2::names()
//=> ['LARGE', 'MIDDLE', 'SMALL']

print Size2::values()
//=> ['grand', 'milieu', 'petit(e)']

print Size2::array()
//=> ['LARGE'=>'grand', 'MIDDLE'=>'milieu', 'SMALL'=>'petit(e)']

print Size::getName('grand')
//=> 'LARGE'

Let me share you a example for Laravel Nova:

// In field of Nova resource
Select::make(__('Size'), 'size')

// In Nova factory file
public function definition(): array
    return [
        'size' => fake()->randomElement(Size2::names()),


composer test


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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.