cable / cable-container
Container Component for CableFramework
2017-06-27 16:04 UTC
- cable/cable-annotations: ^1.0
- psr/container: ^1.0
Requires (Dev)
- phpunit/phpunit: ^6.1
CableFramework service container
Create new instance
$container = \Cable\Container\Factory::create();
Add a new service
// you can give an anonymous function $container->add('test', function(){ return new Test(); }); // you can give the name of class $container->add('test', Test::class); // you can give the already exists class instance $container->add('test', new Test());
Resolve the service
$test = $container->resolve('test'); // you can give arguments, // they will be used in constructor calling, // of course if you didnt give an instance $test->resolve('test', array('message' => 'hello world'));
//you may want to check resolved value is an instance of something // well you can to that like that $resolved= $container->resolve('test'); if(!$resolved instanceof MyTestInterface){ } // the problem that you may want to check multipile interfaces // well, you can do that like that try{ // you can always give an array like, expect('test', [MyInterface::class, MySecondInterface::class]); $container->expect('test', MyTestInterface::class); }catch(ExpectationException $e){ echo "give me something valid"; } // if test doesnot return an instanceof MyTestInterface // container will throw an expectation exception
class Provider extends ServiceProvider{ public function register(){} public function boot(){ $this->getContainer()->add('test', Test::class); } } $container = \Cable\Container\Factory::create(); $container->addProvider(Provider::class); // now you can resolve the 'test' service $test = $container->resolve('test');
$container->tag([Deneme::class, Test::class], 'test'); list($deneme, $test) = $container->tagged('test');
Using Annotations
Provider Annotation
You can put a @Provider annotation into class comment doc
@Provider will be trigged when you are trying to resolve that class
/** * * @Provider("Your\Provide\Class") * // you can give multiple providers like @Provider({"FirstProviderClass", "SecondProviderClass"}) */ class TestClass{ }
Inject Annotation
You can put @Inject Annotation into any method
use Cable\Container\Annotations\Inject; $container->add("my_alias_to_resolve", function(){ return "hello world"; }); class TestClass{ /** * * @Inject({"$test": "my_alias_to_resolve"}) * */ public function __construct($test){ } }
Same as ;
$container->when(Test::class) ->needs("test") ->give(function(){ return $this->getContainer()->make("my_alias_to_resolve"); });