
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the psfs/core package instead.

Php Simple Fast & Secure




This package has no released version yet, and little information is available.


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Framework Php Simple Fast & Secure


  • php 5.6+, 7.0+
  • ext-gettext
  • ext-json
  • ext-curl

Components that PSFS install:

"propel/propel": "^2.0"
"symfony/console": "@stable"
"symfony/finder": "@stable"
"twig/twig": "@stable"
"twig/extensions": "@stable"
"monolog/monolog": "@stable"
"matthiasmullie/minify": "@stable"

How to install using composer:

Install composer via: GetComposer

php composer.phar require psfs/core
./vendor/bin/psfs psfs:create:root
php -S localhost:8080 -t ./html


* Session management
    - Session engines(mongodb, filesystem, mysql...)
* Improve cache(html, php, json)
    - Serialize business logics
    - Html buffer
* Dynamic site to manage modules
    - Admin site to manage logic models
    - Admin site to manage workflows
    - Admin site to manage web pages
    - Admin site to manage auto generation for controllers, apis and services
* Framework documentation
    - Self documentation for apis(swagger and postman outputs)
    - PhpDoc for all files
* Testing
    - 100% tests coverage
* Containers
    - Docker
    - Kubernetes