
SVG viewhelpers - include SVGs as symbol files in TYPO3

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1.1.0 2023-03-17 15:01 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-06 19:36:44 UTC


SVG related ViewHelpers for TYPO3 Fluid.


via composer:

composer req c1/c1-svg-viewhelpers


  1. Include the static TypoScript setup and constants
  2. Create a symbols file and CSS (or SCSS or LESS) classes, see below
  3. Include the generated S(CSS) or LESS files
  4. Configure the presets in the TypoScript constants and or setup, i.e. set plugin.tx_c1svgviewhelpers.settings.svg.symbol.presets.default to point to the generated symbol file and add more preset keys if needed. For convenience you should always keep the default key which allows you to use the svgvh:symbol viewhelper without providing the symbolFile argument.
  5. Add basic CSS for the icons to properly display. E.g. if your icons are prefixed with .icon-default:
     .icon-default {
         display: inline-block;
         >svg {
             width: 100%;
             height: 100%;



Renders an icon from an SVG symbol file. The icon is wrapped in a span tag as SVG with an xlink:href attribute referencing an external SVG symbols file.

Using an SVG symbols file has some benefits, e.g.

  • the symbol file is cacheable by the browser
  • only one HTTP request for all icons in one symbol file
  • the icons can be styled using CSS, see note below (but manipulation of the SVG with JavaScript is NOT possible)

See below for more information about SVG symbol files and how to generate them.


<svgvh:symbol identifier='icon-id' />

will output something like:

<span class="icon-default icon-default-icon-id icon-default-icon-id-dims">
    <svg role="graphics-symbol">
        <use xlink:href="/path/to/sprite-default.svg?cb=5db10127a446fff1f0d0240086487da1#icon-id"></use>


In addition all universal tag attributes are supported:

class, dir, id, lang, style, title, accesskey, tabindex and onclick

Creating SVG symbols file and SCSS

There are many ways to create the needed symbols file and there are plugins for webpack, gulp, grunt etc.

One simple solution is to install the npm package svg-sprite which we can use to create the symbol file from a set of svg icons and also generated an SCSS file which contains the icon dimensions.

Create a svg-sprite.config.json for svg-sprite:

  "shape": {
    "id": {
      "separator": ""
  "mode": {
    "symbol": {
      "dest": "target_path",
      "sprite": "sprite-default.svg",
      "prefix": ".icon-default-%s",
      "render": {
        "scss": {
          "dest": "target_path/_icon-default.scss"

Then run svg-sprite while providing the path to your svg icons:

svg-sprite --config svg-sprite.config.json path/to/*.svg

If successful, this will generate

  • target_path/_icon-default.scss - the file with default dimensions for the icons
  • target_path/sprite-default.svg - the symbol file containing all icons


To be able to style the icons using CSS you need to prepare the single SVG files:

Assuming you want to be able to style the stroke or fill color of an icon, replace its color value with 'currentValue' to make it use the parents color.

See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13000682/how-do-i-have-an-svg-image-inherit-colors-from-the-html-document
