
Laravel Pennant LaunchDarkly Driver

v1.0.4 2023-10-03 15:33 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-07 17:03:34 UTC


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Laravel Pennant LaunchDarkly simplifies the integration of Laravel Pennant with LaunchDarkly, offering a seamless experience.


composer require bytexr/laravel-pennant-launchdarkly

To make the necessary updates, navigate to config/services.php and add the following code:

return [

    'launch-darkly' => [
        'key'     => env('LAUNCH_DARKLY_KEY'),
        'options' => [],


If already haven't, publish Laravel Pennant config and add store to the config file in config/pennant.php:

    'stores' => [

        'launch-darkly' => [
            'driver' => 'launch-darkly'


Ensure that all required environment variables are set in your .env file, and don't forget to set the PENNANT_STORE value to launch-darkly.

Extends User model and all other scopes used in Pennant with HasLaunchDarklyContext interface and implement methods:

class User extends Authenticatable implements HasLaunchDarklyContext
    public function getLaunchDarklyContext(): LDContext|LDUser
        return (new LDUserBuilder($this->getKey()))
    // OR if you would like to use context instead

    public function getLaunchDarklyContext(): LDContext|LDUser
        return LDContext::builder('user')
                        ->set('email', $this->email)


Laravel Pennant LaunchDarkly is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.