
Package for requesting structured data about business subjects from pages of slovak government without API.

2.0.1 2021-01-30 00:03 UTC


This package provides access to structured data from web pages of various slovak government sites without structured API access. This package is making requests to web servers of listed pages and parsing structured data from returned HTML code (with exception to financial statements register that is providing JSON REST API).

Compatibility warning

This library is directly dependent on structure of HTML code for each data source. Keep in mind that if any of these institutions do change their HTML code structure this library will break! If this happens you are welcome to create an issue or pull request.

Use of library

Register of financial agents

require_once './vendor/autoload.php';

use \ByrokratSk\RegisterFactory;

// Allianz - Slovenská poisťovňa
$allianz = RegisterFactory::financialAgentRegister()->byNumber('195970');

echo($allianz->BusinessName . "\n");
echo($allianz->IdentificationNumber . "\n");
echo($allianz->BusinessAddress->CityName . "\n");
echo($allianz->Registrations[0]->SectorRegistrations[0]->SectorName . "\n");
echo($allianz->Registrations[0]->SectorRegistrations[0]->RegistratedAt->format('Y-m-d') . "\n");

with output:

Allianz - Slovenská poisťovňa, a.s.
Podregister prijímania vkladov

Business register

require_once './vendor/autoload.php';

use \ByrokratSk\RegisterFactory;

$registerQuery = RegisterFactory::businessRegister();

$searchResult = $registerQuery->byName("Tesco");
$searchListing = $searchResult->first()->FullListing;
$company = $registerQuery->byListing($searchListing);

echo($company->BusinessName->getAll()[0]->BusinessName . "\n");
echo($company->BusinessName->getAll()[0]->ValidFrom->format('Y-m-d') . "\n");
echo($company->Capital->getAll()[0]->Total . ' ' . $company->Capital->getAll()[0]->Currency . "\n");

with output:

TESCO computers, s.r.o.
106220.540397 EUR

Trade register

require_once './vendor/autoload.php';

use \ByrokratSk\RegisterFactory;

$company = RegisterFactory::tradeRegister()->byIdentifier('35790563');
echo($company->BusinessName . "\n");
echo($company->BusinessObjects[0]->Name . "\n");

with output:

Lidl Holding Slovenská republika, s.r.o.
Kúpa tovaru za účelom jeho predaja konečnému spotrebiteľovi (maloobchod)

Example: make yours own API end-point


require_once './vendor/autoload.php';

use \ByrokratSk\Exception\EmptySearchResultException;
use \ByrokratSk\BusinessRegister\CompanyIdValidator;
use \ByrokratSk\RegisterFactory;

$cin = $_POST['cin'];

if (empty($cin) || !CompanyIdValidator::isValid($cin)) {
    return \json_encode([
        'message' => 'CIN is not valid',
        'status' => 422,        

try {
    $registerQuery = RegisterFactory::businessRegister();
    $company = $registerQuery->byIdentifier($cin);
    return \json_encode([
        'message' => 'Company found by CIN ' . $cin,
        'company' => $company->toArray(),
        'status' => 200,
} catch (EmptySearchResultException $ex) {
    return \json_encode([
        'message' => 'No records for CIN ' . $cin,
        'status' => 404,
} catch (\Exception $ex) {
    return \json_encode([
        'message' => 'Error occurred during searching for CIN ' . $cin,
        'status' => 505,


Run tests native:

bash ./ 

, or with docker-compose:

docker-compose up

For now tests are just for parsing logic.

Sources of data

Planned/possible future data sources


This library is licensed under MIT license.

Some things to catch search engines attention (is this working?)

EN: PHP, API, REST, financial agent, data, library, composer

SK: orsr, obchodný register, nbs, zrsr, živnostenský register SR, slovenská národná banka, finančný agent, knižnica, registeruz, register účtovných úzávierok, vyhľadávanie podľa IČO