
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

symfony 1.x Embedder Bundle

dev-master / 1.0.x-dev 2014-10-28 19:09 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-02-01 12:21:32 UTC


This bundle embedds symfony applications inside a Symfony2 application. It will allow developers who want to port their legacy projects to Symfony2 in an iterative manner by providing automatic fallback of requests. Take note that there will be some runtime overhead.

This is still beta and currently only tested(manually) on symfony 1.2.

In order for this to work, a symfony plugin must be installed in the legacy app.


  • Supports multiple applications from multiple projects (provided they are all accessible locally on disk).
  • Automatically matches debug and env settings.
  • Auto signin of sfuser and even supports user switching.
  • All symfony exception will be handled by Symfony2.
  • Both symfony and Symfony2 debug toolbar shows!


Add a requirement for butterweed/sf1-embedder-bundle to your composer.json and add the bundle in your AppKernel.php

new Symfony\Cmf\Bundle\RoutingBundle\CmfRoutingBundle(),
new Butterweed\SF1EmbedderBundle\ButterweedSF1EmbedderBundle()


# config.yml
            prefix: /  # uses strpos to match againts pathinfo
            hosts: ["example.com"] # optional host match
            app: frontend
            path: "%kernel.root_dir%/../legacy"

            router.default: 100
            butterweed_sf1_embedder.router: 0

Auto signin of sfGuardUser

Fos user and custom implementations are supported. Automatic signin happens when GuardUserInterface is implemented on the User model. security.context token is required.

interface GuardUserInterface
     * return \sfGuardUser
    public function getGuardUser();

     * return boolean
    public function equalsGuard($user);

Making symfony embed aware

The objective of this bundle is to not touch the legacy app as much as possible given the fact that the main task is porting to the newer version. The embedded app can remain as a separated project. However, there are internal changes that needs to be applied. Luckily, symfony is very pluggable via factories.yml and filters.yml. This bundle provides a symfony plugin that has the custom classes.

To install plugin, copy or better symlink butterweedEmbeddedAwarePlugin located in Resources/extra into the plugins directory the hook up the new classes.

# apps/frontend/config/filters.yml
    class: EmbeddedAwareRenderingFilter

# apps/frontend/config/factories.yml
    class: EmbeddedAwareFrontWebController
    class: EmbedAwareWebRequest

That's it! You may need to ./symfony cc --env=prod.


You will need to symlink the assets using the prefix as subdirectory name.

# Example
cd <project-path>/web
ln -s <project-path>/legacy/web backend

For app mounted in root (/), additional rewrite is required.

# example nginx conf
location ~ ^/(?!legacy).+\.(gif|css|js|png|jpeg|jpg)$ {
    try_files $uri /legacy$uri;