bureaublauwgeel / helder-cms
The "Helder Cms" from Bureaublauwgeel
- bureaublauwgeel/generatorbundle: dev-develop
- bureaublauwgeel/kunstmaanadminbundle:
- bureaublauwgeel/routable-entity-bundle: 2.0.4
- bureaublauwgeel/websitesettingsbundle: dev-develop
- doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle: ~1.1.1
- friendsofsymfony/http-cache-bundle: ~1.3.6
- friendsofsymfony/user-bundle: 2.0.*@dev
- kriswallsmith/spork: ~0.3.0
- kunstmaan/bundles-cms: ~3.6.0
Requires (Dev)
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-05 21:39:22 UTC
Welcome to the Helder CMS - a fully-functional CMS (content management system) based on Symfony2 that you can use as the skeleton for your websites.
Build on https://github.com/Kunstmaan/KunstmaanBundlesStandardEdition
To setup a new project you need to do the following
- Install the dependency
- Startup docker
- Setup the site from within docker
Install the dependency
To install the depedency for the helder-cms run
mkdir <KlantNaam>
cd <KlantNaam>
php composer.phar create-project bureaublauwgeel/helder-cms website --no-install
This will download a basic skelleton.
Launch docker
Launch the Docker Quickstart Terminal
and go to the project directory
cd website
Startup the docker environment
docker-compose --project-name <KlantNaam> up -d
This will launch a mysql instance and a PHP/Apache instance
To stop the docker environment run
docker-compose --project-name <KlantNaam> down
Setup the site from within docker
Enter the docker PHP/Apache setup...
docker exec -t -i -u www-data <KlantNaam>_php-apache_1 /bin/bash
... and run the shell script to setup the project
cd /var/www
bash shell-tools/setup_project.sh <KlantNaam> // is CamelCase
By default the site will be available on
This setup required the following component
- PHP version 5.6.x
- MySQL versioen 5.5.x
- NodeJS versie 4
- NPM versie 2.2
- Apache version 2.4 Ubuntu 14.04
- Ruby version 1.9 Ubuntu 14.04
- Elasticsearch version 2.3.x
- Ubuntu 14.04
Please specify the OTAP environment for this project. Include the servers and the URL's
- Ontwikkel
- URL: .dev
- URL admin environment: .dev/...
- Test
- .bbgtest.nl
- URL admin environment: .bbgtest.nl/...
- Client specific credentials
- Server: FQDN
- Basic auth for environment
- Client specific
- Acceptatie
- .bbgaccept.nl
- URL admin environment: .bbgaccept.nl/...
- Client specific credentials
- Server: FQDN
- Basic auth for environment
- Client specific
- Productie
- URL admin environment: /...
- Server: FQDN
Please provide the URL for the Jenkins environment...
Client specific Bundles
This project uses the following client specific Bundles
- please list all client specific bundles
- please list all client specific bundles
- please list all client specific bundles
- ...
Shell tools
Shell tools help to automate certain common actions during development. The available shell tools are:
create_migration.sh // creates doctrine migrations
reload_fixtures.sh // reloads the fixtures
setup_project.sh // default project setup, only run once!
reload_project.sh // reloads the complete project setup!
They are located in the shell-tools
Gulp toolchain
The gulp tool automates the following processes:
- SASS files compilation to css files
- Minify of the CSS files
- JavaScript source files compilation to destination JavaScript file.
- Minifies the JavaScript file
- It copies the default project images needed
- It copies the project icons files needed
- It copies the project fonts files needed
Source files are located in src/<KlantNaam>/WebsiteBundle/Resources/
Destination files are located in web/frontend/
(see .groundcontrolrc
During development you can use node_modules/.bin/gulp watch
compile changes on the fly.
To make a new build, run node_modules/.bin/gulp build
You can run this command both from your client system as from within the docker instance. The preferred solution is to run it on the client system because it uses your Mac notification system.
PHP support in phpStorm
You need PHP support in phpStorm. To enable this, take the following steps
- Open the Preferences dialog box, and click PHP node in Languages and Frameworks.
- Select the PHP interpreter
PHPUnit from phpStorm
With phpStorm PHPUnit is loaded with autoload.php from the Composer dependency manager. PHPunit is inclused in the composer.json
"require-dev": {
"phpunit/phpunit": "5.5.*"
To enable it in your project, take the following steps
- Open the Preferences dialog box, and click PHPUnit under the PHP node in Languages and Frameworks.
- On the PHPUnit page that opens, choose
Use composer autoloader
and specify the location of the autoload.php, located inapp/autoload.php
within your project.
To run the unit test, right click on app/phpunit.xml.dist
and select Run
PHPUnit from docker
You can also run the PHPUnit from within docker. To execute the tests run
cd /var/www
./vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit -c app/phpunit.xml.dist
./var/www/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit -c /var/www/app/phpunit.xml.dist