bud / excel
Excel import and export components adapted to the Hyperf framework
2024-09-07 02:12 UTC
- php: >=8.1
- hyperf/di: ^3.1
- hyperf/http-server: ^3.1
- hyperf/validation: ^3.1
- phpoffice/phpspreadsheet: ^2.0
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2024-10-19 13:03:45 UTC
适配 hyperf 框架的后端Excel导入导出组件,基于 PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet 实现
composer require bud/excel
<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace App\Controller; use App\Service\UserService; use Hyperf\Di\Annotation\Inject; use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface; use Hyperf\HttpServer\Contract\RequestInterface; use Hyperf\HttpServer\Annotation\AutoController; #[AutoController(prefix: "test")] class TestController extends AbstractController { #[Inject] protected UserService $service; #[RequestMapping(path: "export", methods: "post")] public function export(): ResponseInterface { // 模拟数据 $data = [ ['id' => 1, 'account' => 'kabuding', 'phone' => '18888888888', 'email' => 'kabuding@qq.com', 'nickname' => '卡布丁', 'status' => 1, 'created_at' => '2024-03-26 22:39:37'], ['id' => 2, 'account' => 'juyokeji', 'phone' => '15555555555', 'email' => 'nilargs@qq.com', 'nickname' => 'nilargs', 'status' => 1, 'created_at' => '2024-03-27 22:39:37'], ['id' => 3, 'account' => 'zmboy', 'phone' => '13688888888', 'email' => 'zmboy@qq.com', 'nickname' => '追梦男孩', 'status' => 0, 'created_at' => '2024-03-28 22:39:37'], ]; $property = $this->request->post('property',[]); // 前端自定义导出字段配置 $format = $this->request->post('format','Xlsx'); // 前端自定义导出格式,支持:Xlsx|Xls|Csv 默认 Xlsx return $this->service->export('用户列表', $data, $property, $format); } #[RequestMapping(path: "import", methods: "post")] public function import() { return $this->service->import(); } }
<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace App\Service; use Bud\Excel\PHPExcel; class UserService extends PHPExcel { /** * 导入字段验证规则 * @var array|string[] */ protected array $import_roles = [ 'account' => 'required', 'phone' => 'required', 'email' => 'required|email', 'nickname' => 'required' ]; /** * 自定义错误描述 * @var array|string[] */ protected array $import_messages = [ 'account.required' => '账号不可为空', 'phone.required' => '手机号不可为空', 'email.required' => '邮箱不可为空', 'email.email' => '邮箱地址不合法', 'nickname.required' => '昵称不可为空' ]; /** * 导入导出字段属性配置 * title:字段头部标题 * index:列顺序 * align:对齐方式 left|center|right 默认left * headColor:列表头字体颜色 * headBgColor:列表头背景颜色 * color:列表体字体颜色 * bgColor:列表体背景颜色 * width:列宽 * dictData:字典键值数组 * only_export:是否仅导出,默认false。导入时会忽略仅导出的字段 * @var array|string[] */ protected array $property = [ 'account' => ['title' => '账号', 'index' => 0, 'align' => 'center'], 'phone' => ['title' => '手机号', 'index' => 2, 'headBgColor' => 'red'], 'email' => ['title' => '邮箱', 'index' => 3, 'color' => 'green'], 'nickname' => ['title' => '昵称', 'index' => 1, 'headBgColor' => 'yellow'], 'status' => ['title' => '状态', 'index' => 4, 'width' => 15, 'bgColor' => '#1cda45', 'dictData' => [0 => '启用', 1 => '禁用']], 'created_at' => ['title' => '创建时间', 'index' => 5, 'only_export' => true] ]; public function import(): bool { /** * 该方法接收两个可选参数,匿名函数:导入的每一行数据集均会执行一次回调。上传文件检索标识,默认为:'file' * 不传参时,方法返回一个导入的所有数据的二维数组列表。导入数据量比较大时会产生较大的内存开销,建议匿名函数逐条处理返回bool */ return $this->parseImport(function ($item) { // 保存数据 var_dump($item); }, 'file'); } }