
There is no license information available for the latest version (0.1) of this package.

FlexcodeSDK for Laravel 4

0.1 2015-01-21 07:49 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-15 19:41:40 UTC


Unmantained. I'm currently have no time to maintain this repo. If you are interested in maintaining this repo, please let me know.


Begin by installing this package via Composer. Edit your project's composer.json file to require buchin/kamfret

"require": {
        "laravel/framework": "4.2.*",
        "zizaco/confide": "~4.0@dev",
        "buchin/kamfret": "0.1"

Next, update Composer through terminal:

composer update

Next, open app/config/app.php, and add a new item to the providers array.


Don't forget to add Kamfret in your Alias list in app/config/app.php

'Kamfret'    => 'Buchin\Kamfret\Facades\Kamfret'

Then publish buchin/kamfret config

php artisan config:publish buchin/kamfret

Edit app/config/packages/buchin/kamfret/config.php register your fingerprint device license like:

'devices' => array(
    // add device here
        'name' => 'device_name_1',
        'sn' => 'Device Serial Number',
        'vc' => 'Device Verification Code',
        'ac' => 'Device Authentication Code',
        'vkey' => 'Device Verification Key',

        'name' => 'device_name_2',
        'sn' => 'Device Serial Number',
        'vc' => 'Device Verification Code',
        'ac' => 'Device Authentication Code',
        'vkey' => 'Device Verification Key',

You may add multiple device using array. If you need device license, please watch this video on how to get those device license: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8a8R4htmkVo

Now run a migration to the users table. We assume you already have users table. We will add fingerprints column to users table.

php artisan migrate --package="buchin/kamfret"



Generate Registration Link Put this code in your View to generate registration link: {{ Kamfret::getRegistrationLink($user->id) }} Example:

<a href="{{ Kamfret::getRegistrationLink($user->id) }}">Register</a>

Use user id as parameter

Listen to Event and do some stuff Registration are handled by FlexcodeSDK, and in the background, it will fire fingerprints.register event. We could subscribe to this event, check registration result and echo an URL to be openen by SDK to the user. Example: (app/filters.php)

Event::listen('fingerprints.register', function($data)
    // Do some stuff before informing URL to user

    // inform SDK to open this URL
    echo url('users?message=' . $data['message']);

$data will contain three information:

$data['verified'] boolean whether fingerprints are successfully registered $data['user'] contains user information from eloquent $data['message'] contains additional message from verification, if registration unsuccessful, it will contains error message.


Generate Verification Link Put this code in your View to generate registration link: {{ Kamfret::getVerificationLink($user->id, $extras) }} Example (Simple):

<a href="{{ Kamfret::getVerificationLink($user->id) }}">Verify</a>

Without second argument, by default will send $extras = array('action' => 'login')

Example (Advanced):

<a href="{{ Kamfret::getVerificationLink($user->id, array('action' => 'transactions.confirm', 'transaction_id' => $transaction->id )) }}">Verify Transaction</a>

Listen to the Event and do some stuff Example (app/filters.php)

Event::listen('fingerprints.verify', function($data){
    $action = $data['extras']['action'];
    switch ($action) {
        case 'login':
            // Log user to database here, i.e: Adding new session etc.
            // Example: 
            // Session::add($data['user']->id);

            // Then tell SDK to open this page
            echo action('UsersController@index', array('message' => $data['message']));
        case 'transactions.confirm':
            // mark transaction as verified, example usage:

            // $transaction = Transaction::find($data['extras']['transaction_id']);
            // $transaction->verified = true;
            // $transaction->save();

            // Then tell SDK to open this page
            echo route('transactions', 
                    'message' => $data['message'], 
                    'id' => $data['extras']['transaction_id'])