
A PHP interface to send incoming webhooks.

1.1 2016-04-29 07:31 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-11 16:34:42 UTC


This library allows you to easily create Incoming Webhooks in for Rocket.Chat in PHP.


The recommended way to install rocketchat-php is through Composer.

composer require bt/rocketchat-php

You can then use rocketchat-php with Composer's auto-loader.

require 'vendor/autoload.php'

Text Example

A getting started code snippet. This will post a message to the webhook:

$client = new \RocketChatPhp\Client('', 'webhook_token');
    'text' => 'This will be sent to the webhook!'


You can also add attachments to the message like follows:

// Use this to toggle short or long text attachments.
$isShort = true;

$attachment = new \RocketChatPhp\Attachment('The text to be displayed if the client cannot load the attachment.', '#ffffff');
$attachment->addField('Field Title', 'Field Value', $isShort);
$attachment->addField('Field Title2', 'Field Value2', $isShort);

$client = new \RocketChatPhp\Client('', 'webhook_token');
    'text' => 'This is a test message with attachments!',
    'attachments' => [