
Board to move portlet from column to column

dev-master 2018-04-23 13:28 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-08 08:12:52 UTC


This is widget for display you data into portlet and move it between column.

Each successful move produced request to your backend.


Add to you require section composer.json

"bscheshirwork/yii2-trello-like-jui-sortable": "*",


Example: your have bindStatus junction table. You wish sort lead by status.

Add to index-drag-and-drop view file (views/board/index-drag-and-drop) your columns and your contend.

        'targetAction' => '/board/drop-finish',

    <?php foreach ($columns as $columnModel):?>

    <div class="column" id="column<?= $columnModel->id ?>">
        <div class="column-header"><?= $columnModel->name ?></div>
        <?php foreach (array_key_exists($columnModel->id, $dataProviders) ? $dataProviders[$columnModel->id]->models ?? [] : [] as $model):?>
        <div class="portlet" id="item<?= $model->id ?>">
            <div class="portlet-header"><?=$model->name?></div>
            <div class="portlet-content"><?=$model->description?></div>

        <?php endforeach;?>
    <?php endforeach;?>


Add action index-drag-and-drop for show grid and drop-finish to BoardController.

     * Lists all Lead models.
     * @return mixed
    public function actionIndexDragAndDrop()
        $searchModel = new BoardSearch();
        $dataProvider = $searchModel->search(Yii::$app->request->queryParams);
        $columns = Status::find()->active()->indexBy('id')->all();
        $dataProviders = $searchModel->dataProviderByStatusList($dataProvider, $columns);

        return $this->render('index-drag-and-drop', [
            'searchModel' => $searchModel,
            'dataProviders' => $dataProviders,
            'columns' => $columns,

     * Accept result of drag-and-drop event TrelloLikeSortable
     * @return bool
    public function actionDropFinish() {
        $model = (new \yii\base\DynamicModel(['item' => null, 'column' => null, 'next' => null]))
            ->addRule('item', 'filter', ['filter' => function ($value) { return strtr($value, ['item' => '']); }])
            ->addRule('column', 'filter', ['filter' => function ($value) { return strtr($value, ['column' => '']); }])
            ->addRule('next', 'filter', ['filter' => function ($value) { return strtr($value, ['item' => '']); }])
            ->addRule('item', 'integer')
            ->addRule('column', 'integer')
            ->addRule('next', 'integer');
        $result = $model->load(Yii::$app->request->post(), '');
        $result &= $model->validate();
        /** todo: add buiseness logic here */

        return (bool) $result;

Add to search model BoardSearch

     * Add new $dataProvider list by all active statuses
     * @param ActiveDataProvider $dataProvider
     * @param Status[] $statusList
     * @return ActiveDataProvider[]
    public function dataProviderByStatusList(ActiveDataProvider $dataProvider, array $statusList = []): array
        foreach ($statusList ?? [] as $id => $column) {
            $result[$id] = $this->dataProviderByStatus($dataProvider, $column);

        return $result ?? [];

     * Add new clone of $dataProvider with additional condition: last of binding status for passed status
     * @param ActiveDataProvider $dataProvider
     * @param Status $status
     * @return ActiveDataProvider
    public function dataProviderByStatus(ActiveDataProvider $dataProvider, Status $status): ActiveDataProvider
        $dataProviderItem = clone $dataProvider;
        /** @var ActiveQuery $query */
        $query = $dataProviderItem->query = clone $dataProviderItem->query;
            'bindStatuses' => function (\common\models\BindStatusQuery $query) {
        ])->andWhere([\common\models\BindStatus::tableName() . '.statusId' => $status->id]);

        return $dataProviderItem;

Add to junction table ActiveQuery class / to trait

     * Add to query latest by time
     * SELECT id, createdAt, updatedAt From bind_status where GREATEST(createdAt, updatedAt) =
     * ( select max(GREATEST(createdAt, updatedAt)) from bind_status as i where i.leadId=bind_status.leadId )
     * @param $group string the group field of junction table. Group by relation to main table.
     * @throws \yii\base\InvalidConfigException
    public function lastBy($group) {
        /** @var ActiveQuery $subquery */
        $subquery = \Yii::createObject(static::class, [$this->modelClass]);
        $mainAlias = $this->getPrimaryTableName();
        $alias = strtr($subquery->getPrimaryTableName(), [ '{{%' => '{{%inner_']);
        ->select('max(GREATEST(' . $alias . '.`createdAt`, ' . $alias . '.`updatedAt`))')
        ->andWhere($alias . '.`' . $group . '` = '. $mainAlias . '.`' . $group . '` ');

        $this->andWhere(['=', 'GREATEST('. $mainAlias . '.`createdAt`, '. $mainAlias . '.`updatedAt`)', $subquery]);