0.2.2 2017-11-16 13:36 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-28 03:03:39 UTC


Fakend provides mock api from json schemas. It has been written in PHP and sits on a couple of great php libs such as thephpleague's fractal[1], fzaninotto's faker[2] and memio's generator lib[3].

  1. https://github.com/thephpleague/fractal
  2. https://github.com/fzaninotto/Faker
  3. https://github.com/memio/memio

It had been designed to provide mock API specifically for ember-data but this update changes model notation from ember-data model to global JSON notation to provide more flexible mock API backend for all frontend apps.

How to get

# Install Fakend
curl -s https://osmanorhan.github.io/fakend/install.php | php
Quick Look:

Fakend Install Gif

How to define models for Fakend

You need to generate model files first. You have to place model files to /api/Models/ directory then you need to add class properties as shown:


    "attrs": [
            "fieldName": "title",
            "attributeType": "title",
            "parameters": {"length":4}
            "fieldName": "body",
            "attributeType": "description",
            "parameters": {"length":200,"html":true}
            "fieldName": "tag",
            "attributeType": "random",
            "parameters": {"values": ["human","robot","android"]}
            "fieldName": "date",
            "attributeType": "date",
            "parameters": {"from":"-4 year","to":"+1 year"}
            "fieldName": "count",
            "attributeType": "numberBetween",
            "parameters": {"min":10,"max":1000}
            "fieldName": "url",
            "attributeType": "url",
            "parameters": "{}"
    "belongsTo": [
            "fieldName": "author",
            "attributeType": "author",
            "parameters": {"required":true}
    "hasMany": [
            "fieldName": "comments",
            "attributeType": "comment",
            "parameters": {"required":false}

To resolve belongsTo:


    "attrs": [
            "fieldName": "firstName",
            "attributeType": "firstName",
            "parameters": {}
            "fieldName": "lastName",
            "attributeType": "lastName",
            "parameters": {}
            "fieldName": "avatar",
            "attributeType": "imageURL",
            "parameters": {"type":"avatar","required":false}

To resolve hasMany:


    "attrs": [
            "fieldName": "comment",
            "attributeType": "description",
            "parameters": {"length":50}
    "belongsTo": [
            "fieldName": "post",
            "attributeType": "post",
            "parameters": {"required":true}


Option Parameters Description
id - return id for record
title length[integer] title formatted string
description length[integer], html[boolean] long text formatted string
numberBetween min[integer], max[integer] provides a number in given range
date from[string], e.g: -4 year, to[string] e.g +1 day returns a iso_8601 date in given range
boolean  - returns boolean value in 50% change
random  vales[array] return selected value from given array
url - returns random rul
json - -
imageUrl required[boolean], type['avatar or default'] returns a random image url from lorempixel.com
mimeType - returns mime type for files
firstname - returns real name
lastName - returns real lastname
html - returns html formatted text

How to generate model class

First, you "parser" executable symbolic link has been generated during install progress in first step. When you navigate to root directory folder then you can execute following command to generate schema files.

php parser generate [modelName]

If you do not provide modelName, fakend will generate php schema classes for all models. modelName is single model name to generate/update single model file.

#Example command
php parser post.js

This will generate /api/Schema/Post.php and will consist of model's attributes.

How to use

Fakend ships with basic silex app at api/ directory and each Fakend provides CRUD metods(GET/POST/PUT/DELETE) endpoint will be generated and placed at this file. New endpoints will be append end of this file.

If you want to optimize or change methods you can use followings. In index.php:

use Fakend\FakendFactory;

This adds fakend base class.

Fakend uses League's Fractal library for serializations. You can use following default fractal serializers or you can use your own custom serializer class to format your response data.

use League\Fractal\Serializer\JsonApiSerializer;
use League\Fractal\Serializer\DataArraySerializer;
use League\Fractal\Serializer\ArraySerializer;

A basic custom .NET web api serializer has been added to project as an example.

use Fakend\Presentation\Serializers\WebApiSerializer;

Then you need to initialize related model class and need to pass serializer.

$post = FakendFactory::create('post');
$post->setSerializer(new JsonApiSerializer());
$return = $post->setMeta(array('totalCount' => 11))->getMany(5);

From $post variable, you can call:

Method Description
setMeta(array) to set metadata.
get(id) to get an record for provided id.
getMany(limit) to get number of records from api.
setBelongsTo(belongsToObject) to set same belongsTo item for all requested records.
setBelongsToByName(name, belongsToObject) to set belongsto property by name.
setParentObject(parent) to set same parent object for all recursive models.


We provide a docker container(PHP & NGINX) at root directory. You just need to build & up.

Silex example

$app->match('/posts', function(Request $request) use ($app) {
    if($request->getMethod() == 'OPTIONS') {
        return new Response('', 200);
    $post = FakendFactory::create('post');
    $post->setSerializer(new JsonApiSerializer());
    $return = $post->setMeta(array('totalCount' => 11))->getMany(5);
    return new Response($return, 200, array(
        'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
$app->match('/posts/{id}', function($id, Request $request) use ($app) {
    if($request->getMethod() == 'OPTIONS') {
        return new Response('', 200);
    $post = FakendFactory::create('post');
    $post->setSerializer(new JsonApiSerializer());
    $return = $post->get($id);
    return new Response($return, 200, array(
        'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
$app->match('/posts/{id}', function($id, Request $request) use ($app) {
    if($request->getMethod() == 'OPTIONS') {
        return new Response('', 200);
    $return = json_encode(array());
    return new Response($return, 200, array(
        'Content-Type' => 'application/json',

You can find sample outputs for this example in samples/ folder.