
Implementation of Specification Pattern for PHP

dev-main 2021-10-15 13:50 UTC

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Last update: 2024-06-15 19:42:41 UTC


Specification Pattern - PHP

Implementation of Specification Pattern in PHP for general purpose.


  • PHP >= 7.1


composer require brenoroosevelt/php-specifications


Specifications are classes that implements the interface Specification:


namespace BrenoRoosevelt\Specification;

interface Specification
    public function isSatisfiedBy($candidate): bool;


The functions below evaluate a candidate using the following specifications:

Function Specification
isTrue() is true (using === true)
isFalse() is false (using === false)
isNull() is null (using is_null())
isNotNull() is not null !is_null()
isEmpty() is empty (using empty())
isNotEmpty() not empty (using empty())
isInstanceOf($classOrObject) is instance of (using instanceof)
isType($type) is type (using gettype())
equals($value) equals to the given value (using ==)
notEquals($value) not equals to the given value (using !=)
same($value) identical to the given value (using ===)
notSame($value) not identical to the given value (using !==)
greaterThan($value) greater the given value (using >)
greaterThanEqual($value) greater than or equal to the given value (using >=)
lessThan($value) less than to the given value (using <)
lessThanEqual($value) less than or equal to to the given value (using <=)
between($i, $f) >= and <=
startsWith($prefix, bool $case = true) string starts with another given string
endsWith($suffix, bool $case = true) string ends with another given string
contains($value, bool $strict = true) evaluates if the candidate contains a given value (can be used for strings or arrays)
in($values, bool $trict = true) evaluates if the candidate exists in a list
true() Always true
false() Always false
spec(Specification $spec) proxy another specification
rule($rule) callable or specification class name


Logic Operator
class Not(Specification $specification) NOT
class AllOf(Specification ...$specification) AND
class AnyOf(Specification ...$specification) OR
class OneOf(Specification ...$specification) XOR
class NoneOf(Specification ...$specification) check that none of the specifications match

Chaining Specifications

Specifications can be chained using the following function:

Function Operator Example
allOf() AND allOf()->isNull()->isNotEmpty() ...
anyOf() OR anyOf()->isNull()->equals(2) ...
oneOf() XOR oneOf()->greaterThan(1)->isEmpty() ...
noneOf() none of noneOf()->isNotNull()->contains('active') ...

Chained specifications will be evaluated with the corresponding operator.

Transverse Specifications for iterables

Often used with collections, these especial specifications iterate candidates and evaluate their elements.

Function Operator Example
all(Specification $spcification) Check that all of elements match with the specification all(property('age', lessThan(5)))
any(Specification $spcification) Check that any of elements match with the specification any(method('getAge', lessThan(5)))
atLeast(int $count, Specification $spcification) Check that at least the count number of elements match with the specification atLeast(2, lessThan(5))
atMost(int $count, Specification $spcification) Check that at most the count number of elements match with the specification atMost(5, length(equals(10)))
exactly(int $count, Specification $spcification) Check that exactly the count number of elements match with the specification exactly(3, key('age', lessThan(5)))
none(Specification $spcification) Check that none of elements match with the specification none(key('age', between(5, 15)))


These special specifications extract candidate values and then evaluate the specification.

Function Operator Example
key(string $key, Specification $spcification) Extract value using key/index key('age', greaterThan(10)
method(string/array $method, Specification $spcification) Extract value using method method(['getPrice', $tax]', lessThan(200.50)
property(string $property, Specification $spcification) Extract value from property property('name', length(between(2, 10))
count(Specification $spcification) Extract count from countable candidates count(equals(10))
length(Specification $spcification) Extract the length from string candidates length(equals(10))

Creating Specifications

class RecentUser implements Specification
    private $daysAgo;
    public function __construct(int $daysAgo = 15) {
        $this->daysAgo = $daysAgo;
    public function isSatisfiedBy($candidate): bool
        $daysAgo = 
            (new DateTimeImmutable())->modify(sprintf("-%s days", $this->daysAgo));
            $candidate instanceof User && 
            $candidate->createdAt() >= $daysAgo;
$user = new User(/** ... */);

(new RecentUser(30))->isSatisfiedBy($user); // (bool)
rule(RecentUser::class, 30)->isSatisfiedBy($user); // (bool)
anyOf()->rule(RecentUser::class)->method('getCategory', in(['premium']))->isSatisfiedBy($user); // (bool)

Inline Specifications


rule(fn($candidate) => $candidate->isActive());