
All (or at least most) countries and their regions formatted as PHP enums

1.5.0 2023-05-16 12:36 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-16 15:05:14 UTC


Static Analysis Tests

All (or at least most) countries and their regions formatted as PHP enums, framework agnostic (of course).

Includes automatic relationships between Countries and Regions, and comes out of the box with svg & png flags. See Authors section for due credit.

Includes a small handful of Laravel helper methods which are made available if this is installed on a Laravel app.


PHP 8.1+


Install it via composer:

composer require bradietilley/country-enums


Country Enum

All countries are defined by their two-letter codes (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2?).

$country = Country::US;
$country = Country::from('US');
Method/Accessor Description Example Type
$country->value Get the two-letter code "US" string
$country->label() Get the human-readable label "United States" string
$country->code() Get the English snake_case code name "united_states" string
$country->regions() Get all regions in the country [ Region::US_AL, ..., Region::US_WY ] array<Region>
$country->collectRegions() Get all regions in the country as a collection (requires Laravel if used) Collection::make([ Region::US_AL, ..., Region::US_WY ]) \Illuminate\Support\Collection<Region>
$country->regionsValues() Get all region values (e.g. 'AU_NSW') in the country [ 'US_AL', ..., 'US_WY' ] array<string>
$country->collectRegionsValues() Get all region values (e.g. 'AU_NSW') in the country as a collection (requires Laravel if used) Collection:make([ 'US_AL', ..., 'US_WY' ]) \Illuminate\Support\Collection<string>
$country->toArray() Compile the Country enum to array [ 'value' => 'US', 'label' => 'United States', 'code' => 'united_states', 'regions' => [ [...], ... [...] ] ] array
$country->toJson($options = 0) Compile the Country enum to a JSON string json_encode($country->toArray(), $options = 0) string
$country->svgFlag() Get the path to the SVG Flag /var/www/.../country-enums/flags/svg/us.svg string|null
$country->svgFlagContent() Get the content of the SVG Flag (XML) svg string|null
$country->pngFlag(int $size = 100) Get the path to the PNG Flag for the given size (100, 250, 1000) /var/www/.../country-enums/flags/png250px/us.png string|null
$country->pngFlagContent(int $size = 100) Get the content of the PNG Flag for the given size (100, 250, 1000) png string|null
Country::random() Get a random country Country::NZ Country
Country::getValues() Get a list of available "values" [ "AF", ..., "ZW" ] array<string>
Country::collectValues() Get a list of available "values" as a collection (requires Laravel if used) Collection::make([ "AF", ..., "ZW" ]) \Illuminate\Support\Collection<string>
Country::getOptions() Get a list of available options (key val pairs) [ "AF" => "Afghanistan", ..., "ZW" => "Zimbabwe" ] array<string,string>
Country::collectOptions() Get a list of available options (key val pairs) as a collection (requires Laravel if used) Collection::make([ "AF" => "Afghanistan", ..., "ZW" => "Zimbabwe" ]) \Illuminate\Support\Collection<string,string>
Country::cases() Core-PHP function to get all enum cases [ Country::AF, ..., Country::ZW ] array<Country>
Country::collect() Get all Country enums in a Collection class (requires Laravel if used) Collection::make([ Country::AF, ..., Country::ZW ]) \Illuminate\Support\Collection<Country>
Country::from(string $value (e.g. 'NZ')) Core-PHP function to convert value to enum Country::NZ (or throws exception if invalid) Country
Country::tryFrom(string $value (e.g. 'NZ')) Core-PHP function to convert value to enum (/null) Country::NZ (or null if invalid) Country|null
Country::parse(string Country null $country (e.g. 'AU')) Parse the given string, Country or null value to Country enum
Country::tryParse(string Country null $country (e.g. 'AU')) Parse the given string, Country or null value to Country enum
Country::inRule() Get an 'In' ruleset that asserts the validated value is a backing value of Country, e.g. 'AU' (requires Laravel if used) new In([ 'AF', ..., 'ZW' ]) \Illuminate\Validation\Rules\In
Country::enumRule() Get an 'Enum' ruleset that asserts the validated value is a backing value of Country, e.g. 'AU' (requires Laravel if used) new Enum(Country::class) \Illuminate\Validation\Rules\Enum

When a country is compiled to array, all of its regions are casted to array as well and are made available in the 'regions' array.

Region Enum

All regions are defined by their country's two-letter code followed by an underscore then a variable length code for the region itself.

$region = Region::US_CA;
$region = Country::from('US_CA');
Method/Accessor Description Example Type
$region->value Get the code "US_CA" string
$region->label() Get the human-readable label "California" string
$region->code() Get the English snake_case code name "california" string
$region->country() Get the country for this region Country::US Country
$region->countryCode() Get the country code for this region "US" string
$region->regionCode() Get the region code for this region "CA" string
$region->toArray() Compile the Region enum to array [ 'value' => 'US_CA', 'label' => 'California', 'code' => 'california', 'country' => 'US', 'region' => 'CA' ] array
$region->toJson($options = 0) Compile the Region enum to a JSON string json_encode($region->toArray(), $options = 0) string
Region::for(Country|string $country) Get a list of regions (in the given $country if provided) [ Region::US_AL, ..., Region::US_WY ] array<Region>
Region::collectFor(Country|string $country) Get a list of regions (in the given $country if provided) as a collection (requires Laravel if used) Collection::make(Region::for($country)) \Illuminate\Support\Collection<Region>
Region::random(Country|string|null $country) Get a random region (in the given $country if provided) Region::US_TX Region
Region::getValues(Country|string|null $country) Get a list of available "values" [ "AL", ..., "WY" ] array<string>
Region::collectValues(Country|string|null $country) Get a list of available "values" as a collection (requires Laravel if used) Collection::make([ "AL", ..., "WY" ]) \Illuminate\Support\Collection<string>
Region::getOptions(Country|string|null $country) Get a list of available options (key val pairs) [ "AL" => "Alabama", ..., "WY" => "Wyoming" ] array<string,string>
Region::collectOptions(Country|string|null $country) Get a list of available options (key val pairs) as a collection (requires Laravel if used) Collection::make([ "AL" => "Alabama", ..., "WY" => "Wyoming" ]) \Illuminate\Support\Collection<string,string>
Region::cases() Core-PHP function to get all enum cases [ Region::AF_BDS, ..., Region::ZW_MI ] array<Region>
Region::collect() Get all Region enums in a Collection class (requires Laravel if used) Collection::make([ Region::AF_BDS, ..., Region::ZW_MI ]) \Illuminate\Support\Collection<Region>
Region::from(string $val (e.g. 'NZ_AUK')) Core-PHP function to convert value to enum Region::NZ_AUK (or throws exception if invalid) Region
Region::tryFrom(string $val (e.g. 'NZ_AUK')) Core-PHP function to convert value to enum (/null) Region::NZ_AUK (or null if invalid) Region|null
Region::parse(string|Region|null $region (e.g. 'AU_NSW')) Parse the given string, Region or null value to Region enum Region::AU_NSW (or throws exception if invalid) Region
Region::tryParse(string|Region|null $region (e.g. 'AU_NSW')) Parse the given string, Region or null value to Region enum Region::AU_NSW (or null if invalid) Region|null
Region::inRule(string|Country|null $country = null) Get an 'In' ruleset that asserts the validated value is a backing value of Region, e.g. 'AU_NSW', optionally providing a country to limit the scope of valid regions (requires Laravel if used) new In([ 'AF_BDS', ..., 'ZW_MI' ]) \Illuminate\Validation\Rules\In
Region::enumRule() Get an 'Enum' ruleset that asserts the validated value is a backing value of Region, e.g. 'AU_NSW' (requires Laravel if used) new Enum(Region::class) \Illuminate\Validation\Rules\Enum

When a region is compiled to array, its region and country codes are made available as separate key-value pairs alongside the globally-unique "value" (see above).


PHP Enum classes generated by Bradie Tilley.

Specials Thanks

Thanks to all the people who have contributed to the following open source repositories